sutehi Member


  • You are so awesome. Nicely done =D
  • I try to stick to good quality dark chocolate, which is more satisfying in small quantities than milk chocolate. Also, cocoa nibs are your friend! They bitter on their own so you'll probably want to mix them with something, but if you use them in place of chocolate chips, you get the chocolatey taste with significantly…
  • Look at you! Fantastic job; you should be proud =D
  • One thing I try to do is enter in my meals *before* I eat them. That way, if there are any surprises, I can adjust what I actually eat. Or if I do go over, it becomes a conscious decision, and not an accident.
  • I especially love the Orange-O-Lantern idea! Thanks for sharing these =D
  • Life without bread simply isn't worth living! My "diet" strategy for most things is to that I can only have it if I make it myself. This usually results in healthy options and moderation. But where bread is concerned, homemade results in me eating a whole loaf in one sitting >_<
  • For weight loss, the only special thing I'm doing is counting my calories and drinking crazy amounts of water. Really, the water is the biggest, and most effective, change I've made. For overall health and feeling good, I try to eat mostly whole foods, which I make from scratch myself, and which are more plant-based than…
  • Excess calories, regardless of where they come from (fat or carbs), get converted into and stored as fat in our bodies. As long as you are burning more calories than you are consuming, you will lose weight -- no excess calories means no new fat stores. The only trick to weight loss is being able to accurately count and…
  • Our Thanksgiving celebrations are usually pretty small. Most of my family lives in the states, and most of my husband's family lives on the West Coast, so there will only be 8 of us this weekend. Small enough that we can have a composed, multi-course meal, rather than a free-for-all buffet! That makes it much easier to…
  • Hi LindaSueHall, Quinoa, lentils and chickpeas are my top choices for low-fat veggie protein. They are still carbs, but have a low glycemic index rating, and are nutrient-rich.
  • I do much better when I don't make this about losing weight. Long term goals are hard to hold on to, when you're in a funk. Too intangible, and easy to give up on. Instead, I remind myself that healthy eating, daily exercise, and drinking enough water make me feel so much better *right now*. This is about taking care of…
  • I've never thought of putting tuna salad on avocado before; what a delicious idea =D Thanks for sharing this!
  • If you have room in the freezer, you can freeze roasted peppers. Or, make (and freeze) tomato sauce. Add in any combination of onion, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, olives, or other peppers, olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice and you're most of the way to: * greek salad * gazpacho * fresh salsa * ratatouille * tomato…
  • Thanks for sharing this! My Boy-o practically lives on Crystal Light =D
  • Looking at your food diary, it looks like your fat intake is pretty low. Instead of adding more food into your diet, how about switching out some of the lower fat items for higher fat ones. The "advantage" for you is that fat is energy dense -- more calories without having to eat more food. Those nuts are a great…
  • Everybody who's checked in so far has done amazing! I've just finished an hour bike ride (my first in a few months, so yay me!!) It killed me, but feels so good *now*. I'm going to get in some yoga later this evening, and we'll see what else =D Water, water, water -- thou art my downfall. I've had oodles of green tea…
  • Hi Siouxsieq! Welcome to MFP ^_^ You've made a really strong first step in signing up here. The community really is fantastic, and you'll find lots of friends to give you lots of support. I'm also trying to lose about 100lb, so feel free to add me as a friend if you like. (My tracker says less, because I'm chunking it up…
  • Me me me = IN! We'll be picking my bike up from the shop (now with RSI-sympatheitc grips & shifters), so I think I see a long ride in my future! Pompoms are out for everybody participating =D
  • @katschy I was going to, but then I thought of how *thrilled* he's going to be one day, when I'm just dying for a Cherry Coke, and he gets to surprise me with it. See, that's MY gift to HIM :p
  • That's actually a trick question, because "Android" is just the operating system; many different phone models can run it. Some Android-based phones are better than the iPhone, some are worse. The MFP app *should* be pretty much the same, regardless of what phone you get. I'd recommend going to the store, and trying out…
  • Look at you glowing! Congratulations =D
  • Ooh, I'm right there with you. I cannot be trusted with chocolate, AND I refuse to live without it. I've made my guy the Guardian of the Chocolate. He hides it well (believe me, I look!), and doles a square when *he* thinks I've earned it. And you know, the scarcer the chocolate becomes, the harder it is to get, the…
  • The thing with stress is that if you can figure out *how* to fit exercise in with everything else, it really helps. You won't have more time (alas!), but you will have more energy, and be able to just *deal* with stuff better. If you can't find time for a solid block of exercise, remember that you can break cardio up into…
  • When I'm on the pill, I have no symptoms during my TOM, including no fluid retention. When I'm off, it varies widely from month to month, and I can gain up to 5 pound in water weight.
  • Well, I failed at Skinny Wednesday this week -- work had me chained to the keyboard for a solid 14 hours. ::zonk:: BUT, I managed to kick myself through a regular workout before bed, which still counts as WIN for me. =D Congratulations to every who tried this week. See y'all next =D
  • First week on the website; first challenge. I am in =D
  • The (oh-so) beautiful BC counts, most definitely! We Canadians gotta stick together :)
  • Its never too early for nog! The short answer is you can get salmonella from egg nog made with raw eggs. Here's what the USDA has to say about it: "No one should eat foods containing raw eggs. This includes "health food" milk shakes made with raw eggs,…
  • While I strongly believe that any diet that's based on depriving ourselves of something we love is a diet doomed to fail, losing weight does depend on reducing the number of calories you take in. 1360 calories is a lot to compensate for elsewhere in your week. I agree with everyone who suggested moderation. Dividing the…