Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend - Planning

So fellow Canadian this weekend is the big Turkey feast! How are you planning for it or going to deal with it.

We are hosting my family and my boyfriend's family on Sunday for a traditional meal, turkey, stuffing, cranberries, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie with real whip cream and apple crisp and a few other delights. All homemade.

I know moderation is the key.

I am planning on enjoying the day, the family and the food. There are some things that I won't have like gravy and buns with butter so that I can enjoy desert.

I will do my workout first thing Sunday morning and allow myself the bounty of the season.

What will you do, eat and enjoy the holiday or stay on track and not indulge?



  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Well, I'm not Canadian, I'm from the US... but we have the same feast at the end of November. I'm already thinking/worrying about what I will do. My daughter is hosting it at her home this year, so I won't be in control of what goes into the food, which is making me really nervous! At the moment, my plan is to go over early and help cook, because cooking is exercise! Then, instead of worrying, I plan to just enjoy myself at dinner and have a bit of everything (except the yams--YUCK). Later in the day, I'll do some aerobics and just PRAY I didn't go too far Hope this helps!
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    There are so few holidays that my family gets together - Thanksgiving and Christmas are really the only times we're together so I'm going to enjoy it. I'm cooking so I have the menu planned and I know I'll be making good, healthy food. My sister's making dessert and she usually keeps it low cal/low fat too. I'm making a low carb/low fat cheesecake too.

    I'm likely not going to stray from low-carbing anyway. The meal is low carb except the potatoes and stuffing but I can do without those anyway. And if I do decide to eat's only 1 day out of my life. No big deal.

    I'd hate to feel like I CAN'T enjoy the food I want - the difference now is I don't/won't gorge myself.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    I plan to track everything, I think it helps to be aware. It doesn't matter if you are over or not, it is what it is. I was thinking of using my phone and taking a picture of my plate of food to be able to log it in later. I measure and weigh everything, but I have to eyeball it when I am out. Have small amounts of whatever you desire, and if you don't love something just don't eat it. If you eat heavy one day, then the next day eat only soup and salad and balance out the week.
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    I do feel a little anxious about this weekend because we are going out of town to visit my parents. I really give in when I"m around others who are indulging. So I"m trying to be proactive and I have already logged my food for the weekend on MFP.
    I'm going to do my best to eat healthy throughout the days but I am going to let myself indulge in wine and treats in the evening.

    I am bringing home some of my own foods so that I can eat what I normally eat during the day. And I'm brining home my workout dvds and I"m planning on going for a walk each day too.

    And , I'm going to do a 3 day Shakeology Cleanse starting next Tuesday, cause I know the scale will probably go up a couple of pounds so hopefully that will help me get back on track!

    It is hard when these things come up. And my parents like to make lots of stuff when we come home, so I know its' going to be tough..but I"m going to try my best!

    Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
  • sutehi
    sutehi Posts: 36 Member
    Our Thanksgiving celebrations are usually pretty small. Most of my family lives in the states, and most of my husband's family lives on the West Coast, so there will only be 8 of us this weekend. Small enough that we can have a composed, multi-course meal, rather than a free-for-all buffet! That makes it much easier to keep things under control :) And since I'll be driving home, there's no risk of blowing my calorie budget on wine!
  • katschy
    katschy Posts: 67
    And since I'll be driving home, there's no risk of blowing my calorie budget on wine!

    Ha! Lucky. My family don't drink, so wine's not an issue (we have an alcoholic in the family, so it's a no-no, and I don't mind!).

    We will be having a turkey; I will simply avoid the stuffing and gravy. I may treat myself to a small potato, but there will be salad and other veggies, as well as all the good crudites. We don't do buffet either - there are only five adults and my niece (who's 3), so it's a very cosy meal in the farmhouse kitchen. My dad and brother are insane for sweets but my sister-in-law and I can resist easily; I have solidarity and an very understanding family on my side ^___^
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am Canadian too :) So we will be celebrating thanksgiving at my moms house on Sunday - I will remember moderation!! lil bit of turkey, mashed potatoes some carrots - and 1/4 of the gravy that I used to use!! Every occasion I am teased about gravy - they always give it to me last because they dont want me to take it all lol or say that I drink the gravy. But NOT this year!!!! I will be a good girl!!

    Only hard thing is my bday is the monday so it means we will be ordering chinese food on the monday to celebrate.. I will try my very best to get in a couple workouts this weekend!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Have a Happy and safe Thanksgiving!

