dolldreams Member


  • I am always saving for dolls, dolls and more dolls.
  • Well, since I'm an un-intelligent, uneducated, snaky, childish, rude conspiracy theorist...I'll let you scientists form a consensus without me. :laugh: No seriously, it was fun but it's dinner time! I don't really care what you guys are drinking with yours but mine will be sans Aspartame. :drinker:
  • Ahahaha! I was raging a path of destruction all through the Aspartame thread today so when I read the thread title, I really was going to post "Diet Coke, j/k!" Then I read your post lol! Hey, enjoy it while you can, I guess. There's worse things out there. My real new obsession is pistachios. Love those things and I swear…
  • 1600 is incredibly low for a man but maybe they are really big and depending mostly on fat stores? I was eating really low calories at first even though I'm taller and larger than most men but since I've gotten close to normal weight range, I just can't eat like that any more. I need food!
  • Surely you don't believe that the FDA is somehow made up of super humans that are incapable of being corrupted.
  • I wasn't talking about the science in that particular comment so what is your point with the insults on my knowledge "how science works"? I was addressing the issue of Rumsfeld's motivation for seeing that Aspartame was approved. He himself has little if anything to do with the scientific process. He is not a scientist,…
  • "FDA does not approve something just because a powerful man wants it to be approved. They just don't." You know that because? All we're doing at this point is throwing around opinions.
  • This is so me. I am needing so much water these days. I think I spend more on water than food.
  • I find monetary gain to be a valid possible motive of the approval of Aspartame. It's a valid argument in a court of
  • He was the CEO, President and then Chairman of Searle. The approval of Aspartame basically saved Searle as a company and facilitated its sale to Monsanto. It is estimated that Rumsfeld profited to the tune of 12 million USD from this sale. He had at least 12 million reasons to see to it that Aspartame was approved.
  • I love it! I hate when women (or men for that matter) are mistreated. It hurts the same whether thin or thick.
  • Wow! Kids these days. It makes me wonder if they are hearing their parents talk that way about other adults.
  • This- "It was written to clarify a very common misunderstanding. There isn't much money in sciences. The people who make the big bucks are the business guys who become CEOs of pharmaceutical industries, or the guys good at politics and administration who become department chairs, deans, etc..." -is exactly the problem with…
  • I'm still not seeing an argument for use of Aspartame in particular. That other products have harmful effects does not somehow make Aspartame okay. Not sure where you're going on this one... Thanks for remaining civil though. I have quite a sarcastic streak but I think you and the other guy get it.
  • You just characterized me as "snaky, rude and childish" and then said you didn't intend to insult me. :yawn: I now know why most forums have an ignore user feature.
  • I never said it will kill you. I do believe it has very negative side effects. Can some of those side effects lead to death? Maybe. Hard to prove when there's not a med examiner in the world that will investigate Aspartame poisoning as a cause of death.
  • Yeah and the end of the world seems more likely at this point then getting an argument from this thread FOR Apartame other than "it taste like crap but it has 0 calories." Cardboard has zero calories too but you don't eat that...well, then again weren't there some burgers in China being infused with cardboard a while back.
  • Your first sentence was a personal insult against someone you know nothing about. Not a great start to your argument. The rest of your post...cry me a river.
  • I distrust corporate sponsored science motivated by greed. "Log off the internet"'re in need of some new material, my friend.
  • The back and forth is exactly what is wrong with (largely corporate sponsored) science. One minute it's good...the next it's bad. Their motivations are highly suspect when there's money to be made for them either way. Condemn one product and roll out the next. When the newest one is condemmed, revise the science on the old…
  • A. I forget that this forum is stone age B. Is that your best attempt at humor? History is usually a good place to look for indicators of future outcomes.
  • 20 years from now, an advert espousing the benefits of drinking Diet Coke will seem as ridiculous.
  • Yes, really. Some people care to follow her fitness and health advice. Maybe they care what she has to say.
  • For those of you that are influenced by what celebs have to say on things, here's what Jillian Michaels thinks about Aspartame: "Don't touch that! Don't inhale within a foot of it! Grabbing a sugar packet she says "that's 14 calories! That won't kill you! Pointing to the artificial sweetener she says, "that will kill you."…
  • Two words compelled me to look into the history of Aspartame...Donald Rumsfeld. Dude is responsible for more death and destruction than the plague. One day, it will be common knowledge that it's harmful...just like BPA, DDT, Agent Orange, PCBs, etc etc.
  • So spot on for me. This week was "fast food week" because I wasn't able to go grocery shopping until the weekend. I did keep the calories within reason and made sure I exercised enough to stay on target. That is a HUGE improvement over the way things used to be. I'm also continuing to lose weight so I don't worry too much…
  • I kept one pair of jeans from when I was my largest just so I can put them on when I'm at goal and LMAO. Even though I fell off the wagon, I got back on before I got that fat again. I buy clothes a size smaller than I am now all the time so that when I lose more I'll have a wardrobe ready.
  • Dolls...really expensive $600+ each.
  • Was at 182 (from 243) and then fell off the wagon by not tracking or working out. Went back up to 201 before I realized I needed to buckle back down. I'm at 185 right now and the pounds from 201 to here have been the hardest I've ever had to lose. I am NEVER falling off the wagon again.
  • When I was a kid, my mom used to save the bacon grease in a can on the stove. One morning, I looked in there and a mouse had fallen in, drowned and was suspended in the solidified grease. I haven't really liked bacon grease since then.