

  • snacks: baby carrots. Apple slices with a little bit of peanut butter on them. A handful of peanuts with some raisins or dried fruit (i like dried cranberries). cheese crackers with p.b. in them (I have to watch these & limit myself - only one package of 4 goes in my bag for work). half an orange. A scoop of flavored…
  • Oh, and if you're a TV watcher... You could even do the arm lifts/ arm curls only durring commercials. before you know it in an hour or two you've done about 15-30 mins of excersizing!. Motivation,.. that's a hard one for me. If I keep telling myself I'm gonna be there to see my kid grow up.. or I've gotta be there to see…
  • You can do it hun!!!.. First suggestion - really try to watch the salt intake?? Are you on any blood pressure meds?? A doc switched me from Lisinopril 10 mg to one with HCTZ. (still 10 mgs of lisinopril, but with a slight diuretic. ) It did make a difference on how my feet felt. Second - that guy was a total jerk. If he…
  • Stick with it!!... the pound loss will come!!. Have faith in yourself. Just remind yourself that your body is getting "ready " for the change. You are slowy gaining needed muscle strength that is needed to burn more calories while at rest!.. You WILL lose the weight when you keep it up. Give yourself a date... say "I will…
  • Oh, and thanks for the reminder!!!! I'm supposed to make lasagna so hubby can bring some to his friend recovering from surgery.... I need to go to store to make sure I have all ingredients! Thanks so much! you're a life saver.
  • I often use cottage cheese in lasagna. I'd suggest mixing low fat cottage cheese (slightly drained) with a low fat cream cheese.. But, Yes, you can substitute it without any taste/quality lowering effects on your end result lasagna!! Edit: but, I do not have fine "italian born" taste buds to know there is supposed to be a…
  • Why would it be bad? I think it would have higher fat content, similar to peanut butter... but I don't think peanut butter is "bad" if you do proper portion control. To just eat it out of the jar for snack/ hunger cravings??? then, yes it "could" be bad. (But ANY snack/quick food that is just munched on as a hunger…
  • Ha ha ha.. .I like your logic!! (so true).. But yes, If you compare expensive unhealthy foods to healthy foods that you buy on sale/discount/clearence... or at the local foodshare group.. then yes it "COULD" be less expensive. But, in general, If picking the Quick lower cost (ie - dollar menu at fast food, Off brand fast…
  • I think I have to agree. Many women would want to take before, during and after photos ... to record a visual tracker of what their bellies, body fat, etc, looked like & if they are having success. With some body image morphic disorder (not sure if i'm saying that right), Looking at a photo of the body, can me less self…
  • Trying to cut & paste it (the pumpkin & peanut butter brownie recipe) Pumpkin Brownies Added to Recipes on Thu 11/17/2011 Ingredients 1 (15 oz) can puréed pumpkin 2 tsp lemon zest 1 box of brownie mix 3 tbsp peanut butter, softened in microwave Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8x8 baking pan. In a…
  • I also saw that on Dr Oz yesterdays' show. I could not find the recipe on his site. I think he just talked about it. I DID however find this one. Very similar, but peanut butter instead of the strawberries. No oil or eggs, just the can of pumpkin & the brownie mix. I'm gonna…
  • I've heard it explained that when we start getting attracted to other people based on their personality traits over their physcial traits... that that is a sign of maturity. I've found that while looks are usually a factor in first impressions,,... if their personality sucks/ or doesn't jive with yours, they aren't going…
  • Um, I finally told him this week, that "I" wasn't going to buy any easter candy this year. (At 18 years old) LOL... He was very supportive of that. Seriously... I think he was in 2nd Grade. Came home pissed as heck at me. Because some stupid kid decided to ask who believed in Stanta Clause, Easter Bunny & Tooth Fairy. He…
  • I need to lose at least 65 lbs. Would rather total weight loss be 90 lbs. My first goal is 20 lbs & maintain that for a little bit. That would put me just at the 200 lb marker.... I haven't been under 200 lbs for over 15 years. High time I acted my age & accepted medical responsibility.
  • Before my surgery, that was me too!- well, I don't run. But when doing aerobics, or my brisk walking, I always had to put on at least 2 bras. I'd have a "tight" regular bra on , under the sports bra. After reduction surgery, I still pick a tight/ slightly too small regular bra over a sports bra. I just find that it…
  • A thought for encouragement--- I've heard of studies, that if you walk briskly 5 mins 3 times a day, you get the exact same benefits as one 15 min walk/workout. So... Keep it up!.. Even doing the 5 mins 3 or 4 times a day is going to get yourself some really great benefits!
  • I'm pretty new also. At least someone "gets" my humor! :)
  • Oh Yyyeeesss... I LOVE being 215lbs. That's exactly why I joined. So I could make sure I stay over 200. I'm in real danger of falling below 200. I've been 205-215 for about 15 years now. I figure my luck is running out. By default its probably just a matter of time that I accidently fall below 200. I have to try…
  • I'm one that has people ask me when I'm "due". (Yes, quite a large belly, for my body proportions) If I'm in a good mood, I'll laugh & say 18 years ago. (My only child is almost 19... yikes, where has the time gone?!) Sometimes I just ignore the question, or shake my head no & comment about the weather.(change topics). If…
  • micedout - 26? Rbannister... Ditto.. can't see your face either. - 20? Openskybeach - 27?
  • 127 to 117 is a good % change.. I just wonder, if on your small body frame, that muscle has replaced fat, as far as inches. ie: your thigh might be the same circumfrence from 60 days ago, but its mostly muscle now & not fatty tissue? Sounds like a very intense work out schedule. Do you do any stretching/ palates type…
    in Confused Comment by ChelleDT March 2012
  • how much does a stone weigh? 15lbs? (sorry, I'm from the land of excesses & we're still in english scales here.) I'm new here too, just trying to get the hang of the forum & the site. I need to start excersizing regularily. I do okay for a few days.. then .. bam back to old habbits for a month. Roller coaster for a while…