newbie to myfitness pal!

Hello everyone!
Looking to get down to around 9.6stone, currently weighing approximately 10stone. I really hope this works!
How have you all stuck to it? Any good tips that might help me?
I do quite a lot of exercise so its more the food side of things I need to sort out.
Please feel free to add me, support helps us all : )


  • ChelleDT
    ChelleDT Posts: 23
    how much does a stone weigh? 15lbs? (sorry, I'm from the land of excesses & we're still in english scales here.)

    I'm new here too, just trying to get the hang of the forum & the site.

    I need to start excersizing regularily. I do okay for a few days.. then .. bam back to old habbits for a month. Roller coaster for a while now.
  • horsesandhipbones
    I added you :) Always good to have supportive friends with similar goals! x