wolt98 Member


  • Would love new friends to help motivate each other, just starting up again after taking six months off.
  • Nice job! My nsv today I ran 4 miles non stop on the treadmill and then ate a healthy salad for lunch made by me!
  • very informative, going to bump up my calories!
  • I went to the site and set up a swim plan for myself. The one it gave me was way too easy for my ability though I set my levels high enough I thought. You should have no problem with 750 meters over 45 minutes. Good luck to you! I love swimming its my favorite type of exercise!
  • As a hair stylist I don't advise giving a perm to help your hair hold a curl when you curl it. Perms are very damaging to the hair and people with very long hair usually get very little or too much curl never seems to be quite right. I do think you should try Redken Hot Sets to hold the curl in, spray strand of hair before…
  • I think it depends on your fitness level. I had a hard time making it through the whole workout the first time it got easier each day, though I was very sore from it. My best friend found it way to easy, she is though in much better shape than me and runs about 4-5 miles daily.
  • As a hairdresser I will say that it is not good to wash your hair too often. You should just rinse it and run a light conditioner just through your ends. Washing too much can dry out your scalp and strip color. Washing it every two to three days is best. I shower twice a day but wash my hair only once a day.
  • What an awesome post, THANKS so much to everybody with your tips I am learning so much here! SHBoss1673 you and many others here have so much insight that I knew but didn't follow, thanks for the reminders on this lifestyle change!
  • I am from western Michigan also, though only thing I like about living here is the beautiful beaches in the summer. Welcome and best of luck to you on your new journey!
  • what about the walk away the pounds dvds. Not as intense as the biggest loser dvds but it is a workout. Some of them even include jogging in place.
  • The boost your metabolism you don't need weights,has a lot of the same exercises as 30 day shred just mixed up and longer. It took me doing this dvd three times before I made it through the whole thing. The no more trouble zones you do need weights for. Both are a lot of circuit training which keeps it interesting just as…
  • I Love the 30 day shred, no more trouble zones, and boost your metabolism. Thirty day shred is great for a short on time workout. The other two are longer and are killers!
  • thanks for putting these together! Tag so I can find it again!
  • I quit nursing and had the depo shotat about the same time and gained 28lbs. in a month! Part I figured was still eating like I was nursing but the doctor was alarmed and figured the depo was not the best choice for me. He then put me on the Nuvaring and I had no more rapid weight gain issues, was a great form of birth…
  • I would love to join also I started about a month ago but am now getting serious about tracking!
  • I had caffeine withdrawl headaches when I gave up soda about a month ago. I asked a doctor about it and he suggested when I get those headcahes to take over thecounter migraine medicine. It contains a little caffeine and will take your bodys edge off the craving for it! I have not had a headcahe in about five days now so I…
  • I don't always eat my exercise calories it depends on how hungry I am. I have exercised more in a day knowind we were going out at night and I would be eating extra calories. I think you have to find what works for you! Good luck!
  • welcome to MFP I am just getting serious with my new healthy lifestyle like you! I also am the same weight I was when I had my second child though that was two years ago! My biggest motivation has been to try and get my migraines under conrtol! I need to loose at least 65lbs. but am taking it one pound at a time. My first…