click Member


  • The one you provided was very inaccurate. I went for a professional hand held one about two weeks ago and got 40%. This one is telling me 25.3%. The one Samantharae referred to I also tried, it said 41%, but I have actually lost a few pounds since my original 40% professionally done one, so I'd say it's a percent or two…
  • I have serious sugar problems and it is the source of all the extra calories I eat (I otherwise am eating pretty damn healthy). I recently started seeing a nutritionist and am spending a little over $1K to try and get this weight off, since I haven't been able to on my own, mainly because of the sugar. Here's what I've…
  • that's great! if you want a better value for the same price and like something pretty i'd figure out what deparment store in your area has a good lingerie section and go... check out felina (inexpensive, about $30 per bra, but only so because the material is lesser to something like chantelle but the construction is…
  • I don't mean to be crass but I recommend just not watching TV. I never made a conscious effort to not watch TV but for many reasons it just fell out of my life. I don't have cable, I can't really get a public signal, I watch netflix occasionally on instant play but for the most part my life is rich with outdoor activities,…
  • I'd take it, you seem to have a good grasp on the pros and cons and on the fact that he probably won't have income enough to cover much more than that otherwise; if you think he's hiding cash that's another story but even still if he owes you back $, even if you sign the paperwork and take the $, ifyou had need to go after…
  • Hey, re: Stir fry Stir fry does not have to equal teriyaki. At all. I hate that stuff. Here's how I do my stir fry: Beef - Vegetable stir-fry for 2-3 people: For the beef: 1/4 lb flank steak, cut into strips Marinate it in 1 garlic clove, minced, 2-3 T soy sauce, 1 T brown rice vinegar, 1 tsp toasted sesame oil, at least…
  • In my opinion the sugar level suggested on this site isn't realistic. If you eat a normal set of servings of fruits & veg with no processed foods (including foods with corn syrup or granulated sugar etc), you'll go over. Just give yourself a gauge of if you're eating purely sugary foods or not and if you're reducing teh…
    in Damn sugar! Comment by click April 2010
  • Two suggestions: 1) Hide the veggies as another commenter suggested by working them into sauces, layered terrines, etc 2) Plan your meals the day before, so that you just go execute them, with very little wiggle room. Put vegetables on the plan. You'll get use to them and taste their natural sweetness when your body stops…
  • A pound a week is great, you have to remind yourself every morning why you are doing this and what the end result will be. You need to remind yourself that the weight loss will even out throughout those weeks, some weeks giving more than others. Also keep in mind what waste you're giving out. Starting an exercise program…
  • one more thing for those of you who like to cook and are lucky enough to live somewhere with a CSA / community supported agriculture / farm delivery, GET ONE. I hardly ever have to buy vegetables at the grocery, I have htem in my fridge all the time and feel compelled to find a way to use them up. I attribute at least 50%…
  • awesome ideas esp love the one about putting more veggies in canned soup i really like kale chips too, and if you don't overcook them they are tasty and just provide the crispy texture of a potato chip and the saltiness you'er looking for. You can also start cooking stir fry, which gives you a huge variety of vegetables…
  • You're doing great. Like other commenters, let me try to put this in perspective. 1 pound/week and 1 inch every 3 weeks means in 6 months, you'll be down 24 pounds, and 7 inches. 6 months might seem like a long time, but think about how long you've been overweight, or not at the weight you want to be. This is a small…
  • Just looked at your food diary I"d also try to increase your fiber intake. Women should have about 25 grams of fiber per day. You can do this by adding in an apple or two, leafy greens either fresh or cooked (spinach, kale, swiss chard, salad), or using a cereal that is higher in fiber in the morning.. If you increase your…
  • You just need to be really strict on your diet and make sure not to go over your target calories w/o the exercise, and do some upper body weight training. I wouldn't worry about cardio this week.
  • you're gonna have to use some oil, but you can prob cut the amount you're using. re: in the oven I like to use romanesco, broccoli (including the stalk which is high in fiber, i peel it and cube it), carrots (super yummy when roasted), kaboucha squash or other winter squashes, tomatoes with onions (and then you can put it…
  • running works your core like nothing else and doing sit ups gives the muscular support to at least lift the belly and make it appear firmer, even though youc an't target fat in a specific area--it does help to do them. building muscle in general will allow you to shed fat mor quickly because it lets your body have…
  • I thought I had all the muscle I could ever need and didn't even do weight training, but when I started working out regularly I definately gained weight and I definately admit my hunger increased too. keep at it, the storm gets worse before the calm. I'm 8 weeks in and have lost 15 lbs--most of that came off in the more…
  • take how exerted you actually feel during the class, and relate that to another exercise you've done. underestimate the calories burnt, it's hard to tell on this kind of thing. i guess what i'm aiming at is: mark in something in which your heart rate reaches and maintains the same levels.
  • lots of fiber (25 grams/day make sure you're getting it!) will help clear out anything you're retaining in your system without taking things you shouldn't. TONS of water take your normal excerscise time, split it in two and excerscise twice daily, adding 10 minutes to each session don't cheat on your diet (avoid sugar,…
  • if you aren't hungry, there is no need to eat. take it as a bonus day. some days you'll be hungrier and you'll go over, just make sure it isn't happening a lot and you aren't forcing yourself to leave a deficit. make sure you drink enough water on those days, too, when you don't eat all your calories.
  • Yeah, re: burning more, I'd recommend biking (HILLS), spinning, and running. Running burns like crazy especially if you give yourself some rolling hills which basically result in intervals. if you're pressed for time like me, it's really the fastest/most efficient way to burn--and it's HARD and you can change your route…
  • just curious, do you buy a lot of spices that you didn't already have, and do you buy much that is prepackaged or is half cooked etc (not produce or straight up grains)? I never use coupons but have some good ideas for you if some of those items that are racking up bills are the $5-6 spice jars you need for a single…
  • i am probably an outlier here, but i cook most of our meals for two of us (you can see some examples of what i cook/recipes at ), and I buy mostly organic foods, high end meats (just like, free range, hormone free, from good retailers)... I spend ridiculous amount of my income on food,…
  • also, while its not good to starve yourself when you need fuel and need to feed your muscles, if you didnt' work out today it's probably ok to feel a little hungry. drink some water if you can't exercise, just get yourself filled up a bit on something else and occupy yourself by reading or something. i really hated it for…
  • This happened to me this evening, even after attempting to run and taking a walk, because I wore my muscles out running yesterday. I can't live on 1300 calories so I just have to excerscise every day, sometimes I get fatigued. You know what I did? I hurried and rode my bike to the beach and back (7 miles) before the sun…
  • my food log shows entries on breakfast, lunch, dinner, and usually 2-3 snacks. I try not to eat more than 500 calories in one go, and even try to spread out my lunch in two chunks over an hour if I can. I used to have a pre-diabetic condition so I'm pretty good about timing my food. Even still, I'm feeling like this.. I…
  • Hey Melli, you don't need to pay for a gym membership. What you're doing at home is 1) working for you and 2) convenient. The most important thing in an excercise routine is your ability to be consistent and set the time aside. When you waste half of your work out time getting to and getting focused at the gym, you waste…
  • thanks for the post purrr... Yeah, I guess 6 lbs is some water weight, though. I tend to fluctuate a lot though during the day it's been a lot less from morning to night than it used to be. Less sodium than before, I guess I don't really touch processed food and didn't even before starting the diet. i haven't had changes…
  • I'm going to throw this out there, it needs medical evaluation, but have you been tested for insulin resistance? Did you have trouble getting pregnant back in the day or have irregular/infrequent periods? Any unusual hair growth or loss? Dark skin around the back/sides of the base of your neck, under arms, or groin? Weight…
  • Ever since starting my diet/excercise, which I feel is well balanced, my brain hasn't been as sharp and I feel more fatigued. Has anybody else experienced this? Does it subside after a period of time? How long? I suspect the big changes in how much I eat (and how much effort I'm expending to ignore my protesting…