Gym or no gym??????



  • click
    click Posts: 36 Member
    Hey Melli, you don't need to pay for a gym membership. What you're doing at home is 1) working for you and 2) convenient.

    The most important thing in an excercise routine is your ability to be consistent and set the time aside. When you waste half of your work out time getting to and getting focused at the gym, you waste time with your family and in the end you won't keep up with it.

    I have a gym membership and my gym is 1.5 blocks from my house. it's a great one--it's part of the UCSF hospital staff/student stuff, they have a pool, it's very clean, and no creepy muscle men checking everybody out (I typically feel uncomfortable in a gym since I physically APPEAR out of shape--strange, huh? since i'm t here to fix it..).. I have found I prefer doing sit ups, stretching, yoga at home, taking brief runs to train my muscles, etc. I haven't used it. The only time it's useful is if you can't effectively work out inside, at home, and it's bad weather part of the year where you live (I'm in California, so this is limited).

    That's my 2 cents. Just stick with what's convenient and already working. If it becomes not challenging enough, you can revisit the idea.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I prefer running, walking, and biking outside. Kettlebell and aerobic videos on indoor days. Gym machines make me feel uncomfortably close to a hamster in a wheel.
  • melli244
    melli244 Posts: 63
    Ya i dont like working out on the machines they are to close and its just overwhelming for me when i walk in and everyone is looking at me or atleast thats how it seems.
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