MadelineGraceG Member


  • I would ditch the SlimFast and go for a protein shake. SlimFast has quite a bit of sugar. And although I'm not a huge fan of meals that are drank, (I prefer to munch) ;) I've had: milk, chocolate protein powder, and a frozen banana blended together for a small meal. I also suggest wraps. You can make a bunch of chicken on…
  • It's a Avent manual pump. I have an electric one, but it hurts like crazy!
  • I just started making smoothies, my recipe is rather simple but very vague, sorry. I have a nutriblend blender. I fill it halfway with fresh spinach, then add one banana and 4 strawberries that I've pre-frozen. Add water or green tea to the "water fill line" and blend. Whala!
  • I've read that breastfeeding one child can be anywhere between 400-700 calories in a 24 hour time frame, depending on the age of the child. If you have a newborn who only gets about 2 oz each time, then it would be less than say a 8 month old who could be getting 6 oz or more. I'm currently pumping milk for my 6 month old…
  • So happy for you and your wife! The couple that loses together stays together! ;) I make a killer chocolate cake from scratch as well! (And my husband loves it as well!) I used to make it for him all the time, and we'd pretty much split it between us. In the 7 years we've been married, we've gain about 60-70 pounds! Darn…
  • I'm Madeline. I'm 25, I've been married for almost 7 years, (yep, married at 18,) and we have three little munchkins. Deborah, 5, Obadiah, 3, and Rebekah, 5 months. I'm a stay-at-home mom and we homeschool. I'm trying to lose about 60 lbs. It's a crazy life, but we love it!
  • I was hit on last week and it REALLY threw me off! I was hit on in my high school-ish age. But I didn't know that an overweight, married, mother of three, would get hit on. But apparently yes, they do... Made me feel weird....
  • I've done the same with cans of unsalted veggies..... Gross! And you can't just add salt to make them better, they're still gross!
  • That I'll lose all the weight and still be ugly... Lol! I try to make light of it, but it's still a legitimate fear. That I'll never actually be happy with myself.
  • When I was 17, I was going to an interview to work for a man who owned his own printing press. (I didn't know it would be just me and him working there till the interview was over, so I declined the job offer after that.) But when he answered the door, his dog was with him. (a Weimaraner) He said "Hello, I'm Steve. This is…
  • I know how you feel! I've had 15 teeth pulled. (Yes, 15 apparently I have a very small mouth and lots of teeth!) I know all about the wonderful diet it produces. Too bad it all happened when I was 17 or younger and didn't need to lose weight! Lol!
  • My husband snores terribly and he didn't when we were first married when he was about 70 lbs lighter. I'm glad for you that you've lost enough to stop snoring, your significant other will be very happy! ;) Good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • Thanks! It wasn't easy, but it did get a little easier as I kept going :)
  • This = Awesome! Teaching girls how to respect themselves (and others) is SO much more imortant than teaching them that they're prettier than everybody else. (Or that they're not as pretty as everyone else!)
  • Yes, twice. First time was for my 2-year old daughter who stopped breathing and then started have a seizure. (VERY scary!) Second was for my son, two years later when he was 2, who had a febrile seizure. (Not nearly as scary as not breathing!) Both times the 911 operator was very kind and helpful. Both times we needed an…
  • Hello! I'm 24 weeks pregnant with my third child. I'm trying to lose a tiny bit of weight and then just maintain my weight till Dec 8th. (DUE DATE!) I'm about 65 lbs overweight and I had PreEclampsia with my last child are the reasons for the weight loss. (Do NOT want to do that again!) Feel free to add me! I log every…
  • My Mom adds a couple big handfuls of it to her homemade chicken and noodle soup. It is fantastic! I could eat it every day!
  • Be grateful for what you have! (I'm still working on that advice, but hey, I can still tell you, right?) ;) When I was skinny, I was a 36DD. (Now I'm a 38DD - DDD.) Do you have ANY idea what I would give to be able to buy bras anywhere I wanted?! Lol! I went bra shopping with a friend years ago, I thought it would be an…
  • When I first read this, I thought it said "Looking for more attractive friends." Lol! You'd have to count me out! I'm not really active, being 4 months preggo, but I log in every day. :)
  • I'm 4 months along now, and overweight. I've heard lots of good things about swimming to lose or maintain weight while preggo. I've lost 10-ish lbs during these 4 months just trying to be more active, but not strain. (And the hubby is putting up a pool this week!) I also hear that you need more nutrients, but not…
  • I've got one to add! Once your bum gets good and firm, your hubby will be grabbing it all the time. It's so hard to get any housework done when he's all over you! ;)
  • I know several people have already posted on this, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents. I used to work at a movie theater, and if someone asked if they could bring food/drink into the movie, we were told to tell them, "Sure! That's fine!" And therefore making a happy customer. BUT we were NOT allowed to shout it to the…