

  • This could do with some context. That dress is part of a Mad Men 60s inspired collection and in the 60s, the Twiggy bodytype was high fashion. This campaign is in keeping and some people *are* just that thin. I agree that there should be a broad range of shapes advertising fashion, but that shouldn't exclude the skinnies.
  • I have been doing Pilates once a week for the last year and it has changed my life! It stops my back from seizing up after being stuck behind a desk all day when previously, I was spending hundreds of £s on osteopathic treatment. It's also improved my core strength and balance. I'd recommend it to anyone, provided that you…
  • I love it. It's great for maintaining/increasing your flexibility.
  • Don't expect miracles! I own a machine. They have benefits for improving circulation and helping with lymphatic drainage, but the lymphatic drainage is the only real weight loss benefit that I find. They're great for stretching/massage after a workout and for working out on, but they're not the magic cure for being…
  • Cauliflower is amazing. Really low in calories, tasty and filling. I blitz it up in the food processor and use it instead of rice. It's great with chilli and curries. Just take the food processed 'rice' stick it in a dish, cover and microwave for 4 mins. It has enough water in it that you don't need to add any extra or…
  • The Fuller Longer range is okay, but more of a marketing gimmick than anything particularly special... I seem to recall that some of the calorie contents are on the high side. I'm generally not a big fan of pre-packaged foods, but if you're after nutritional balance and convenience, the Innocent Veg pots are absolutely…
  • I use a Powerplate for stretching after a workout. They're GREAT for that and have really improved my hamstring flexibility and tight calves. It also helps with knee pain. I'm also not adverse to sitting on one... I hadn't realised that people were so judgemental about it! I can assure everyone that the only joy I get from…
  • I have a knee injury and do 2 classes per week and because it's so gentle on my joints. How worthwhile you'll find Aqua really depends on the instructor/intensity and how hard you push yourself. Personally, I love it - I push really hard, every time and my arms have never looked better. One of my instructors really…
  • Thanks for all the responses. I'm not doing the workout every day (taking weekends off) and I'm switching it up with other kinds of non-impact exercise too, so that there's a decent mix happening. The comments about form are interesting. There's a good chance that the speed of the workout means that I haven't been as…
  • Thanks, all. Yes, I'm keeping my knees soft as much as possible - it's always good practice not to lock your joints. I'm more curious as to whether there are any potential benefits to working through the discomfort, or is knee discomfort always a bad sign? It feels as if it should be, but then I wonder whether this is due…
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