30 day knee shred - very quick question!

I've read loads of forum posts about level 1 of the 30 day shred being tough on knees.

If you persevered with it and worked through the discomfort, did you find that your knee strength improved?

Essentially, I'm trying to work out what's normal. I'm on day 7 and a bit sore (nothing too crazy), as is always the case with impact based exercise, but if I can work through it and come out stronger on the other side and better able to manage impact based exercise, it would be amazing! :smile:



  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm not faithful with doing it every night but I know how painful it is on knees. I've started to keep my knees slightly bent when I do her exercises (even with jumping jacks) and it's seemed to have helped.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    I have arthritis (at 23...I know) in my feet and knees and it's really not so bad. I keep my knees bent through most of everything (especially the jump rope...it's too hard on my knees so I do very teeny jumps with lots of calf raise in there).
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    My knees took a MASSIVE pounding doing C25K, so while I've been busy with schoolwork I've laid off the running and started doing 30DS.
    I'm on day 9 of level 1 and the thing I've found is that with the squats and lunges it is important to listen to Jillian and stick your butt WAY OUT BACK. I make the movement about sticking my butt out and down rather than bending my knees. This takes a lot of weight off my knees and makes my butt ACHE! :blushing:
    I hated doing the squats and lunges at first too, but I agree, I got stronger too!
  • amandal15
    amandal15 Posts: 108 Member
    My knees took a MASSIVE pounding doing C25K, so while I've been busy with schoolwork I've laid off the running and started doing 30DS.
    I'm on day 9 of level 1 and the thing I've found is that with the squats and lunges it is important to listen to Jillian and stick your butt WAY OUT BACK. I make the movement about sticking my butt out and down rather than bending my knees. This takes a lot of weight off my knees and makes my butt ACHE! :blushing:
    I hated doing the squats and lunges at first too, but I agree, I got stronger too!

    I focus on putting my butt out too! I guess I should do it a little more so my butt will ache. ;)
  • pipistrellus
    Thanks, all.

    Yes, I'm keeping my knees soft as much as possible - it's always good practice not to lock your joints.
    I'm more curious as to whether there are any potential benefits to working through the discomfort, or is knee discomfort always a bad sign? It feels as if it should be, but then I wonder whether this is due to my knee muscles being weak?

    Thanks for the advice re: sticking my butt out. I'll give it a go and thank goodness no one will be watching me! Hahaa! :)
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I did day 6 yesterday and my joints are achey today. My left knee is kind of ouchy. Today is a walk-only day (I take one day off a week from the 30DS) so I'm hoping that may help. I hope this knee pain doesn't get worse. I'll have to focus on sticking my butt out and back like you guys said.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I suggest not doing the 30ds everyday. Yes it is notorious for being hard on knees and it is recommended that you do it every other day or 3x a week combined with other exercise such as walking. You will still see the results but preserve your body as well!
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    BUMP - will be watching this, I am working my way through the 30DS with sore knees. My knee pain comes from a lack of alighnment in the pelvis and abs since pregnancy (2 years ago!) Going gently and practicing sticking that but out. Seeing Dr soon.
    This isnt a recommendation but I am finding that switching my core on (whihc this is doing) should/is? taking some of the pressure off my knees....but too early to tell
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    i do all the jumping stuff on my exercise matt (that i use for the abs bit) - i find it helps
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    It did bother my knee. My right one. I was just really careful and started doing it about 3x a week. Mine actually did get stronger and now it doesn't bother me at all! Everyone is different!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Note to all: if your knees hurt while doing 30DS then either your form is wrong, or you shouldn't be doing some of the leg/plyo work.
    Understand that a program on a DVD isn't possible the right program for you. There isn't any reason people should go through acute pain, especially in the knees, trying to complete daily exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I made it through most of the 30 days but it hurt my knees so bad, I don't plan to do it again for awhile.
    SKINNYMESOON2B Posts: 112 Member
    I have been doing 30ds i have one bad knee and i feel it it ok om my knee. they only problem i have been having is the cardio part jumping jacks, i need to learn to control my breathing because i get out of breath during those parts.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    It did bother my knee. My right one. I was just really careful and started doing it about 3x a week. Mine actually did get stronger and now it doesn't bother me at all! Everyone is different!!

    I had no knee problems before 30DS and I realized that the side lunges were hurting me knees because I wasn't sticking my butt out enough. I iced them and compressed them after my workout for a week or so, then I improved my form and I have had no problems since.
  • manyhats
    manyhats Posts: 13
    Today is my 30th day, I did feel some pain in my knees but I kept going just making sure that I was not crushing down on my knees. It did get better. I think that level one was harder on my knees then level 2 or 3. Just listen to your body if it is pain ease up!
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    I have bad knees, and found that wrapping my knee (or a knee brace) helped tremendously!
  • pjsmom2010
    pjsmom2010 Posts: 79 Member
    I had the same issue while doing it about 2 months ago and I stopped. I found that I was doing the side lunges wrong because my knew pain didn't start until I started doing 30 day shred. I started it again this morning and instead of doing the side lunges, I'm doing squats. I think as long as you do something instead of nothing, you should be good.
  • ann162
    ann162 Posts: 15 Member
    I have been doing 30DS for over 2 months and my knees were really touchy at first but did get stronger. I do keep my knees bent on most of the moves. I am doing level 3 and love it! I found myself working out with 30 DS everyday, I walk 3 or 4 times a week and also do other other cardio work outs 2 times a week. Zumba I will start as soon as I learn the moves :happy:
  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
    My knees took a MASSIVE pounding doing C25K, so while I've been busy with schoolwork I've laid off the running and started doing 30DS.
    I'm on day 9 of level 1 and the thing I've found is that with the squats and lunges it is important to listen to Jillian and stick your butt WAY OUT BACK. I make the movement about sticking my butt out and down rather than bending my knees. This takes a lot of weight off my knees and makes my butt ACHE! :blushing:
    I hated doing the squats and lunges at first too, but I agree, I got stronger too!

    I focus on putting my butt out too! I guess I should do it a little more so my butt will ache. ;)

    ^^^^this i to did the shred a few weeks back and if you make sure ur bum is sticking well out you shouldnt have any pain......i personally didnt get any knee pain at all....she does say tho if your not doing it right it hurts ur knees.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    you really aren't supposed to do it for 30 days withut a break - you need to rest once or twice a week.