30 day knee shred - very quick question!



  • bangersnmash90
    Yeah, if you listen to JM, she says to focus on sticking your butt out to the wall behind you. 'If you've got it flaunt it ladies', she says so I focus on doing that so that my knees won't hurt.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Also, I'm still pretty heavy (206lb at last weigh in) so I find using my ASICS to work out in helps a ton! The gel sole distributes the impact from jumps and buttkicks etc far more evenly.
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    A little soreness is normal especially if you were not as active before. No pain no gain. I did not hurt as much in 30D shred, but P90x kept me very sore. My recommendations to stay on track:

    -focus on form. Pay attention all the instructions on particular moves to be sure your form is correct. I would even suggest googling some of the moves on your non-workout time and read/practice doing it the right way.
    -stretch, stretch, stretch! I love me some JD but her cool down and warm-up times are really short to fit the entire workout in 30minutes. Continue stretching afterwards or throughout the day. You know those knee circles? Yeah, keep that up all day long.
    -eat the right foods to repair muscle and tissue. I’m no dietitian so you may consult one to confirm, however a balanced intake of protein and fiber, along with maybe some calcium supplements if you don’t have enough in your diet.

    Best of luck.
  • 9tattoos
    9tattoos Posts: 46 Member
    You can always modify the exercise that Jillian is doing. For example, jumping jacks - you don't have to jump, you can always step out with one leg at a time, til you get stronger. As for lunges and squats, don't go so far down, til you're ready. Jillian has the other girl who actually does the modified exercises. I hope this helps.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    It really did hurt my knees but it got load better when I started doing it bare foot
  • tiffanyw5
    tiffanyw5 Posts: 152 Member
    i got the dvd a few months ago but i never opened it im glad you mad this post it gave me good advice for when i do open it but i have issues with jumping jax so not sure ill be doing them i have a very week blater from having the kids and ill be peeing myself if i jump so maybe the dvd isnt gana be for me
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I never did 30DS, but doing a similar workout, my knees hurt when I was doing squats wrong. Make sure your weight is back on your heels instead of your toes.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I had to give up 30DS as my knees were bad, even after checking my form was right and trying not to put as much strain onto them. Went to see my Dr. and they suggested not doing this particular type of exercise as it was not good for my knees.

    Sometimes it's not good for everyone, if it is bad or you are unsure before you start then check with your Dr.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    you really aren't supposed to do it for 30 days withut a break - you need to rest once or twice a week.

    This! I did it 3x a week and walked for 30 mins on days I didn't do 30ds and saw great results..
  • pipistrellus
    Thanks for all the responses. I'm not doing the workout every day (taking weekends off) and I'm switching it up with other kinds of non-impact exercise too, so that there's a decent mix happening.

    The comments about form are interesting. There's a good chance that the speed of the workout means that I haven't been as disciplined with posture etc as I would be with something slower paced, like Pilates, for example.

    I might have a chat with my osteopath and get him to check knee alignment etc. I've been skirting around hurting my knees for so long now that I've forgotten what's normal!
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    30ds caused my left knee to pop 5 times (crunchy) everytime I go down steps. It didn't happen before. It doesn't hurt but I'm afraid there are future problems in there waiting to happen.