RJ74 Member


  • Hi! Welcome to MFP. :) I am also an "older mom". I am 39 and have two boys (13 and 10) and an awesome hubby. I totally understand the not wanting to work out thing. Currently, I work as a paralegal and am in school for nursing (midlife career change). My kids are both in sports and that is a giant time-suck (but fun!).…
  • bump. Dinner tonight!
  • You all are amazing women (and men). What an eye-opening thread. I always thought it was just ME who had all these terrible thoughts about myself. Anyways, I sent my mom the following note after a telephone conversation with her about how horrible I thought I looked in something. (She kept trying to reassure m that I…
  • Wow, thank you guys for the encouragement! I really appreciate the thought and effort that went into all your replies. I am looking into getting the BF% testing done at least, possibly the RMR. I just started back to school to get my nursing degree, so money is a little tight these days. But, I think it would be really…
  • Thanks for letting me whine. Greenrun99- after I read your response I realized it probably did sound like I had "commitment" issues regarding calorie levels. I should clarify by saying that after I did my "reset" in September, I cut down to 1900. I ate that consistently for about 5 weeks and gained weight. So I figured my…
  • I did Insanity but have never done Combat (looks fun though!). To be honest, Insanity kicked my butt (even though I had just finished P90X) and I didn't lose any inches/pounds at all. No visible results for me. If you are looking for something low impact, Insanity is not it. It wrecked my knees, a ton of jumping, etc. I…
  • Nice! How'd ya know I needed a pep talk today? :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the reassurance! I am not expecting another loss like that this week, but it was kind of a nice surprise! :)
  • Hi Ladies (waves)- I just wanted to ask a quick question of those of you who have been at your cut for a while. I did a 6 week reset, gained 5 lbs. in the first 3 weeks and then leveled off. Decided to do a 10% cut last Thursday. I weighed myself this morning (scale=evil, I know). Anyways, I lost 1.5 lbs. this week. Is…
  • I wish I had some fabulous words of wisdom for you, but I don't. My heart hurts for you, though.:frown: I am up 5 lbs. and am just starting my 6th week. My clothes, that were just starting to get loose, are tight again. It sucks. So, I do know how you feel. HOWEVER, I have to keep reminding myself that this is a learning…
  • I had the same question when I started. It does seem like an overwhelming number. :ohwell: I use protein shakes (but I can only handle one a day and even then they sometimes make my stomach hurt), greek yogurt is delicious and high in protein, cottage cheese, regular cheese, chicken, eggs, tuna/any fish. I don't always hit…
  • I feel ya about the "what did I do wrong" feeling. I swear I was SO careful about my diet and was religious about exercising. I have no idea why it didn't work for me (or you, sounds like). Of course, my endurance was up, but my body was also BEAT UP! My knees, feet, everything was screaming at me! I know that I am better…
  • As you know, I just finished Insanity about a month ago, also. I didn't have very good results at all. No noticeable changes, as a matter of fact! :) I decided that was WAY too much work to not have any results. I am about two weeks into New Rules of Lifting For Women. I really like the "heavy" lifting aspect of it and it…
  • Funny, I was just telling my hubby how squishy I feel now. He reminded me that it was just my body freaking out because I am finally feeding it something other than lettuce and water (an exaggeration, but still, my eating was pretty sad before reset). As far as something positive coming out of reset, here's mine: I have…
  • Wow. I can't believe you don't think that's much of a difference. 2 MONTHS??? Really??? Amazing and inspirational to those of us that are still beginning. I just started weights a couple weeks ago (NROLFW) and love it. Coming from doing Insanity and love the controlled pace of lifting. Thanks for giving me something to…
  • For me, it was eating at 1400 cals a day, running and doing everything "right' and still not having any movement on the scale. Realized thee was no way I could eat anything less, so I found EMTLW and went up double my cals for maintenance and have been working on it ever since. [/quote] This^^^ I got tired of busting my…
  • Awesome!
  • Ok, not to get all "deep" or anything, but I was actually thinking about this on my way into work this morning. I definitely tend to obsess about each new thing I try, then get frusturated and give up. My tendency is to aim for "perfect" because then if it doesn't work it couldn't possibly be my fault (wink, wink).…
  • Thanks for the input. I decided to reduce my calories a little and eat the same amount each day. I plan on doing some cardio two days a week along with the NROL4W, so I will be burning some calories on those days also. I feel like I may be too focused on the numbers and need to relax a little, but I so want this to work!…
  • That was kind of my thinking, too. Just wanted to double check my reasoning. Thanks! :)
  • Interesting. I'll have to look for that... Thanks again for the suggestion!
  • Brewer's Yeast?? What is that and where do you find it? Does it have a taste to it? Thanks for the suggestion! I have given up on protein powder. It's just not worth it to me!
  • Ok, Day 3 of my reset and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale. 3 days in and up 3 pounds. The same 3 pounds it's taken me 6 months to lose. I took a deep breath and told my husband to hide the scale for 4 weeks. I expected this, but actually seeing the number on the scale is so scary! I am hitting my TDEE of 2230…
  • Thanks, ladies. You all rock! Yesterday I tried to eat my TDEE just to see how much food it was. I have it figured for 2230, does that sound right? Also, I DON'T eat back exercise calories because they are already figured in there, correct? So, anyways, it was not so difficult to eat all those calories (YAY Peanut…
  • Thanks for the encouragment and advice! I'm curious, since you both did WW, have you been able to "throw out" the scale number and not let it bother you? If so, how long did it take you to get to that point? My husband hid the scale during P90X because I would get so frusturated. Maybe that would be a good thing to do…
  • I started month 2 today also. Shaun T is crazy. I was in the basement doing my workout and my husband was upstairs making his breakfast. Kept hearing him laugh at me when I was talking to the tv telling Shaun T he was nuts. He yelled down "YOU'RE the one talking to the television. Who's the crazy one???" Anyways, Month 2…
  • Ok, so I'm in the "recovery week" of my first round of Insanity. So far, I have lost NO weight. Thought I lost 2 lbs., but they missed me and came back. Kind of frusturated. I finished P90X just prior to starting Insanity and lost no weight there, either. I really need to lose 15 lbs. or so (heck, at this point I would be…
  • Started week 2 today. I think I might need new carpet when I'm through with Insanity because the stuff I have now is gonna be nasty from all this sweating. :) I was doing the moving push ups this morning and the sweat was dripping off me. Gross. Anyways, probably more than anyone needed to know, but it made me laugh! Loved…
  • Day 2 today. Cardio Plyo Circuit = sweating puddle of goo on floor. Crazy! LOVE having to drag myself up the stairs to take a shower. Bring it!