

  • Wow! You ladies look amazing...thanks for posting!!! I also gained close to 70-80lbs pregnant and was around 155lb to start with. I am 5'9". She is now 1 1/2 years and I still need to lose about 30lbs but hoping with exercise to have my tummy back!! I have a few stretch marks but they are more around those wonderful love…
  • I'm just starting it today but I plan on wearing my HRM and just logging it under cardio. Good luck!
  • MFP has my goal at 45 and I typically consume between 60-70. I do the ellipitcal right now for about 40 minutes, but this will be my first attempt incorporating weights and toning. Thanks for all your input :)
  • good for you!!! You are exactly what I need as inspiration....Your story is my story! Looking to lose 50lbs. Any tips/suggestions would be appreciated. It seems like sucha long road! You look fantastic, thanks for sharing!
  • 5x/ a week for exercise! I am not exercising 5x/day lol
  • Me too! I have stayed at the 11lb weight loss for about two weeks. It is frustrating. MFP changed my calories for me, and now my goal is even less...they have me at 1240! It doesn't seem like much, I usually go over but have my exercise calories that push me under. I am just trying to work out harder at least 5x a day and…
  • I love my HRM. It is Polar brand. It does calculate the calories burned. You program your information ie height, weight, it is pretty accurate. I would reccomend the investment!
  • If you are really serious about your exercising and counting calories, I would invest in a heart rate monitor. I bought a Polar brand one, which went for about $70. I like knowing it is accurate and taking all of my information in to detail. In answer to your question though, the monitor told me I was burning approx 150…
  • congratulations!!!!!! Your words are a true inspiration...I have about 45lbs more to go to reach my ultimate goal!!
  • Pediaric RN working nights.....gained 15lbs within the first year and then 70lbs with my daughter...looking to loose 50lbs....feel free to add me!!
  • It can be so frustrating! I was in the same boat..over the last two months have lost 7lbs but expected more of a change. My husband was able to lose 30lb in 2.5months...not fair! I workout from home and I do have some hand weights I use, but I love the exercise ball. I have used that to do the Denise Austin dvds or…
  • What kind of strength exercising would you suggest?? I am in the same boat...want to lose 50lbs from pregnancy. I assume crunches and curls. I love previous posters message...I gained a lot with my daughter but wouldn't change anything!
  • Taco Bell!!! I now its awful food but I crave it all the time....yum :) It takes phycial effort to not turn the wheel lol
  • Thanks! I love it too! It doesn't come with much though, very simple instructions!
  • thank you!
  • Hey...I am 5'8.5". I know it is hard but try not to think about sizes. When I was at my thinnest before babies, I was 128lbs. Try not to hate me but at the time I thought I was big! I look back now and think if only! haha But anyway even then I was a size 9/10 in most brands just because of body shape! My goal is to get to…