I am a dialysis nurse looking for other nurses to chat with. I was hoping we could motivate each other and offer support.
Most of us work crazy hours and, lets be honest, our patients, as wonderful as they are, bring in far too many sweets and treats!
Many of the nurses I work with are overweight. And I am slowly joining them. I'd like to make the changes I need to make now before I have 130 lbs to lose not just 30!
Feel free to friend me. Lets support each other!!!


  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm a cardiac nurse (step down unit) also worked at a MD office currently staying home w/ the kids tho! Add me if you want
  • punkinrn
    punkinrn Posts: 32 Member
    er nurse! i'm on board!
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    I work in the NICU as the Clinical Educator. Feel free to add me. :)
  • lplautz
    lplautz Posts: 19
    Pediaric RN working nights.....gained 15lbs within the first year and then 70lbs with my daughter...looking to loose 50lbs....feel free to add me!!
  • Hi! I am a nurse and am currently working in a medical office pt/ft. I was a pediatric icu nurse in Chicago for 13 yrs and took a break for nearly 10 yrs before starting at the office. I also need to lose 30 pounds!
  • NurseHthr
    NurseHthr Posts: 43 Member
    Argh! My point was proven as i cam into work tonight. A delicious looking blueberry loaf/cake thingy was sitting in the staff room. I longed for a slice but alas, I stayed strong and resisted! If I let myself have a treat everytime someone brought one in I'd be wasting my time altogether!
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I am a RN / Nurse Practitioner. My full time job is hospice & palliative care. My side job is as an adult/adolescent & pediatric sexual assault nurse examiner. I work bizarre hours & am on call 24/7. I am much better at taking care of other people than myself. I would love to talk with other nurses to give & receive support, motivation & inspiration. I look forward to it!
  • jimswife1
    jimswife1 Posts: 42 Member
    Critical Care/Day 2-5 open heart recovery/relief charge nurse. I work weekend option. My co-workers are the culprits. They use any excuse to have a pitch in. They are a great bunch, but love to eat. I usually bring the healthy dish, so that I know I have something healthy to eat. I am on board. It is easy to educate patients on the importance of following their diets, especially after a cardiac event, I gotta follow my own advice!
  • NurseHthr
    NurseHthr Posts: 43 Member
    So glad to see everyone here! I am fairly new to the site, is there a way to make a group or is this the only way? We can keep in touch here and share the trials and tribulations.
    Glad to meet everyone
  • Count me in! I am an ER nurse and on-call sexual assault nurse examiner. On top of the crazy 12 hours shifts, going to school for my Masters, teaching clinicals as a second job and taking care of the family I'm never short excuses to put off working out. Look forward to reading your ideas!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I'm a currently injured RN. Critical Care, OHS recovery and ED. Good luck and try to have some fun!!
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    Geriatric Nurse here! I'm so happy to see so many nurses on MFP!
  • Pediatric night nurse here. My weakness is in the weeeee hours of the morning I find whatever I can to snack on. Now I am paking snacks so that I am not tempted to snack on teddy grahams and ice cream!! Looking to lose another 40ish lbs to my first goal weight and then reevaluate. Best of luck to everyone and feel free to add me. Just place Nurse in the messge field. :)
  • bperry83
    bperry83 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm a medical floor night nurse. Put on a little weight when started working nights about a year ago. But since then my cholesterol has gone up. Has that happened to anyone else? Trying to use diet and exercise to get it down...
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    I'm a nightshift psychiatric nurse in a prison in NV. I work at the local hospital psych unit per diem nights and when I'm on my days off, I work as a daytime massage therapist. Crazy hours and crazy busy is my middle name! Any support and suggestions I can get is always always appreciated! Especially from folks with altruistic hearts and intelligent minds!
  • nic81081
    nic81081 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey feel free to add me too guys. I'm a palliative care nurse who works crazy shifts in a hospice in Scotland. I totally get what you mean about the sweets and snacks. My weakness is usually around 3pm when i'm beginning to get tired after lunch. I lost 22lbs for my wedding in June. I only put 4lbs on on our honeymoon but would still love to lose around 1 1/2 to 2 stone more to be at a healthy weight. I've been bad for the past week but i'm back on it from today. Would be great to chat with other nurses who are trying to loose weight and get the craziness of shift work.
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    I am a LAST SEMESTER student RN. In between lecture/clinicals/family, I work as a Deputy Coroner. I will be pursuing my forensic nursing certifications as a death investigator and I really love L & D (who wouldn't love fresh babies). I have also spent the last three years working in a Health Clinic where someday's finding the time to go to the bathroom, much less eat a decent lunch, is the obstacle of the day. Oh, and the daily sweet breads, donuts, cakes, and chocolate that the office manager would bring in to "share". I did gain 20lbs recently and am looking to get rid of it. I am also trying to make it through this last piece of didactic and pass boards without having a nervous breakdown and eating everything in site (I'm a stress eater). Glad to meet everyone!!!
  • laurenclarkrn
    laurenclarkrn Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I am an oncology nurse in Kentucky. Today is my first day on this site and I hope I am successful and that this is the start of a new life. I've been inspired by my aching joints. Up until I turned 30, I never noticed my weight holding me back. I can barely move after a 12 hour shift. When I wake up in the mornings, I am so sore that I can hardly move. I constantly have a pulled muscle somewhere in my aching back. It has to be the weight. It has finally caught up with me. I'm ready to feel better. I'm divorced and have a boyfriend and I'm tired of feeling self concious when I see his 6 pack abs. I need support and inspiration. At this point, I'm feeling a bit alone in this journey.
  • laurenclarkrn
    laurenclarkrn Posts: 3 Member
  • kteeter
    kteeter Posts: 6 Member
    Kansas Med Surg/ER RN, I graduated in May 11' and have been working for 2 whole months! From finals, studying for boards, waiting for my results, and starting the night shift I've gained about 12lbs. If another patient asks me if I'm expecting (which I'm not, nor have never had any children) I think I might scream! :) I do love being a nurse but I'm either eating to stay awake during the night shift or stuffing my face when I get off from days! Here's to a happy weight loss journey for all!