

  • I snack on veggies (cucumber, jicama, carrots, broccoli), string cheese, blueberries, bananas...generally try to keep my snacks under 100 calories, but if I go over, I adjust for the rest of the day
  • I don't really follow an exact all depends on what I feel like doing. The only thing that is consistent is the aqua aerobics/jogging class I take twice a week, which if you've never tried it, I recommend it. It's low impact, but it works your body without the sweat! I'd take it easy if you're starting to injure…
  • Skotidakis Jalepeno (greek) Yogurt Dip (from Costco)...Mmmmm, it's my favorite for dipping veggies or putting on my sandwiches. No sugar, low fat and did I mention it's addictive!?
  • You look amazing! Way to go!
  • Hahaha, I agree!! :laugh:
  • Cheap protein...I've haven't come across one that tasted good. How cheap are you talking? I use is MRM 100% Whey protein (Dutch Chocolate) and I really enjoy the taste. For 2 lbs it ranges from $25-40 depending on where you buy it from (plus tax and/or shipping)
  • I suggest MRM 100% Whey protein, no iron in it and the Dutch Chocolate is tasty :smile: As far as vitamins go...there are multi vitamins that don't contain any iron in them. I take Source of Life with Iron, but I know they make a multi without Iron as well. Hope this helps!
  • Pretty much what everyone else has said: "Everything in moderation!" I was challenged to only eat 15g of processed sugar a day (really hard on some days :grumble: ), with the exception that I can eat unlimited fruit and vegetables...but I still like to keep my fruit levels low, generally 1-2 pieces of fruit a day and…
  • I weigh in/take measurements once a week (Thurs to be specific), that way I don't have to worry about the weekends, in case I decide to have a cheat day :smile:
  • The trainers at the gym I go to have a device which tells me, but I found this calculator, which seemed pretty accurate to what the gym's scale told me :)
  • I find it a little odd too...the goal is to burn the calories consumed. I usually don't replenish what I burn and stay within my caloric intake regardless of what's burned. Cause you're technically supposed to burn 3500 calories/1 pound of fat. So if you're replenishing're being counterproductive what you just…
  • Hi! Welcome! I'm new here too! You seem to have the support, which is super helpful and the drive to accomplish it :) Feel free to add/message me. A fresh start is a good way to get things going again :)
  • I hope you're able to keep up with the kickboxing! I love that kind of "me" time :) You can do it!!