

  • Weighing yourself is definitely appealing and it's hard not to but an accurate way to determine if you are losing weight is to measure yourself. Muscle weighs more than fat so you may see some increases or be disappointed because you didn't lose as many pounds that you thought you had. For me the scales say I've lost…
  • Are beets a seasonal vegetable? I don't recall seeing them in the produce dept at my Walmart
  • When I'm running around my house like a mad woman cleaning and I'm dancing while I do it, yeah I consider it cardio. I'm breaking a sweat and feel the pressure so why should anyone judge me because I log it as such.
  • I don't know but I'm getting ready to try something new. At the salon I go to they are raving about this wrap called "It Works" or "ItWorks". Every woman I spoke to had nothing but praises to say about it. One woman said she lost 10" around her waist and her stretch marks had began to fade. It's $35 for each wrap but if…
  • Good ole 30 5'4" SW 165 CW 158 GW 130 Would love some new friends
  • Sorry forgot to add height 5'4"
  • 30 years young/female sw 165 cw 159 gw 130
  • I don't for certain but from what I've been reading on here a lot of people have taken their MFP calorie intake up to the BMR. I'm going to try it because the 1200 MFP recommends just doesn't seem to be enough especially with the exercising I've been trying to do. I'd keep reading other posts too.
  • I'm done with the scale for now, I'm only going to go visit her once a week for now on because this up and down everyday is depressing. I did start taking measurements too, every week or so (just started) but I think that will hopefully show some more improvement vs the actual lbs.
  • That actually makes a lot of sense about the soda/caffeine. Thanks for you help and input.
  • Nope don't suffer from that kind of bloating anymore thankfully. I have been doing some more strenuous exercising with weights and things. I'll keep the water up and just pray that this uncomfortable feeling goes away.
  • It is very uncomfortable, even though I've lost 6 lbs I feel heavier than before. Will the bloating subside or will I always feel like this?
  • Even if we're doing it differently, which I'd say most of us are because our bodies are so different from each other doesn't mean that we have to do this alone. We can all be encouraging to each other regardless of what kind of diet and exercise we are doing. I just tell you what works for me and you shares yours with me.…
  • Well I've been sticking to the diet and the exercise and I'll weigh myself one day and be like yeahhh cause I lost weight. I'll weight a couple of days to weigh myself again and I've gained over half of it back. I'm not splurging on food or beverage but it's just not staying off. As far as family and friends, thankfully my…
  • I'm a mom with 2 kids, a full time job, and sometimes not a supportive husband. He thinks I'm doing this for him, WHATEVER this is about me now. I've got 30lbs to go but would love some friends, add if you like.
  • Hi everyone, my name is Leslie and I have been using my fitness pal for 10 days now and boy can I feel it. Gave up 8 Mt Dew a day as that would have been all of my calories for a day. :laugh: Would love to have some new friends on here to chat and encourage each other because I know these lbs are going to take some work to…