Water Weight Gain??? Help

Can drinking too much water make you actually gain weight? I've gone from drinking 8 mt dew a day to one and then I've substituted the other 7 cans with bottles of water but I feel so bloated? I thought water was a good thing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Splashlove
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    Come on, it's water! You know what water is, right? It's hydrogen and oxygen. There's NOTHING in those two simple ingredients that can make you gain permanent weight.

    Our bodies, as humans, are roughly 60-70% water. It needs it to live. If you don't drink, you die.

    You CAN drink too much water, but you would need to literally drink gallons of it a day. The 8 cups is accurate for a basically active person - as you perspire, and like.. live, in general, you need to replace what you lose.

    So drink water. And put up with the "bloated" feeling. Eventually you'll realise that bloated feeling is actually just normal.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Experiencing the same issue myself from drinking more water on top of my fruit teas and decaff coffees. I feel very bloated, quite uncomfortable.
  • Splashlove
    It is very uncomfortable, even though I've lost 6 lbs I feel heavier than before. Will the bloating subside or will I always feel like this?
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    Are you menstruating? Are you working out a lot more often? You will retain water if any of these will happen. Drink lots of it because if you don't, then your body will store more water and make you feel bloated! Don't worry, you'll pee it out soon if you drink lots :)
  • Splashlove
    Nope don't suffer from that kind of bloating anymore thankfully. I have been doing some more strenuous exercising with weights and things. I'll keep the water up and just pray that this uncomfortable feeling goes away.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Caffeine is a diuretic and is sounds like you were drinking a lot of it for a long time. Its possible your body was used to being fairly dehydrated. It sounds like you've made a drastic change, it might take a while to get used to this new "normal." Just because it doesn't feel comfortable at first, doesn't necessarily mean the extra water weight is unhealthy. I would encourage you to keep drinking water and give your body a chance to adjust.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    The body can be real strange when it comes to water or fluid retention sometimes as I drink less my body keeps more and I gain weight (breifly) then as I drink more I feel bloated and then my body will start to release fluids and I seem to be continually going ( this usually on a day I need to be in the car all the time) and I can drop 2 or 3 pounds and feel fine so keep drinking your 8 to 10 glasses a day and your body will get to not feel in danger of being dehydrated and regulate itself and all will be fine
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Just don't drink so much there is no need, you will know if your hydrated by the colour of your urine. Clear to pale straw color is fine, any darker than that then drink an extra glass or two.
  • angelashay42
    Caffeine is a diuretic and is sounds like you were drinking a lot of it for a long time. Its possible your body was used to being fairly dehydrated. It sounds like you've made a drastic change, it might take a while to get used to this new "normal." Just because it doesn't feel comfortable at first, doesn't necessarily mean the extra water weight is unhealthy. I would encourage you to keep drinking water and give your body a chance to adjust.

    ^^This exactly.
  • harriet_tubman
    the best way that i've found to get rid of water retention is by SWEATING if out. or by drinking a lot of water...
    it usually takes about 2-3 days before i feel back to normal.
  • Splashlove
    That actually makes a lot of sense about the soda/caffeine. Thanks for you help and input.
  • skyocom
    skyocom Posts: 41 Member
    Natural diuretics (watermelon, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, green tea) might help and cutting back on back on sodium. Also try to balance high sodium days by joint your potassium intake. These things have helped me.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Caffeine is a diuretic and is sounds like you were drinking a lot of it for a long time. Its possible your body was used to being fairly dehydrated. It sounds like you've made a drastic change, it might take a while to get used to this new "normal." Just because it doesn't feel comfortable at first, doesn't necessarily mean the extra water weight is unhealthy. I would encourage you to keep drinking water and give your body a chance to adjust.

    Actually caffeine has been found to have a minimal diuretic effect especially for those who are used to it. One needs to drink approximately 8 glasses of fluid a day which can include pop, coffee, tea, juice etc. If the OP was drinking 8 cans of soda a day it's highly unlikely that she was dehydrated. Please note that I'm not suggesting that pop is better than water, but from a hydration point of view one is not better than the other.