cburn_317 Member


  • Thanks for all of the compliments, very much appreciated!
  • Yep, sorry, I should have linked directly to it.
  • I had to come up with my own hybrid schedule for this one. You can view it from my site here: http://www.yourfitnesspath.com/programs/workout-sheets
  • I wanted to challenge myself. I had already completed 90 days of P90X2 and so this was up next for me. While Asylum does have a lot more cardio, there are a number of exercises that test your strength. I think that I may move onto Body Beast next and see if I can add a bit more mass, but not yet decided. Does that help?
  • Thanks!!!
  • Thanks for the compliments! I have not gone through an entire 60 days of Insanity before. I've done some of the routines in a group setting....KILLER! Let me know how it goes or if you have any other questions.
  • Bump for those who might not have seen it.
  • BOILER UP!!!!
  • Thanks everyone for the awesome feedback! I really appreciate the support.
  • Everyone has a their own starting point. It doesn't matter where you start your journey, it's just important that you have an end goal in mind and focus everyday on working towards that goal.
  • Sorry...happily married for over 10 years! 4 beautiful kiddos as well.
  • The Vibrams are AWESOME!! I just ordered another paid actually. The paid that I have now are Bikila LS and the paid I just ordered is the Komosport LS. Well worth the price.
  • No offense taken! I really appreciate the feedback! Hit me up if you have any questions about P90X, you'll do awesome.
  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I am committed to health and fitness, perhaps more than others. I'm not saying I will look like this in 15 years, but I would like to. And why not? Once you have been bitten by the fitness bug, it's hard to stop. I'll post my results for my next round towards the end of the summer!
  • Thanks everyone! With respect to the pull up bar. Google "makeapullupbar" and top 1 or 2 sites should be what you need.
  • Don't know that you can post photos here, but here is a link to my YouTube transformation video. http://youtu.be/9jfiabz7ijk Started P90X2 in mid-January, another awesome program! Bring IT!
  • For those who are ready to commit! Send me an email; http://www.yourfitnesspath.com/index.php/contact/ or find me on facebook; http://www.facebook.com/coachcoburn Let's get ready for summer, it will be here before you know it!
  • Attention — everyone who says they don’t have the time, need a workout partner, needs a push, wants to change their lifestyle back to healthy, this is the challenge for you: I’m here to motivate! Are you satisfied with the effort you’ve made toward your health and fitness? I’m grabbing you by the scruff of your neck, and…
  • Hey everyone! For those who want to participate, send me a friend request on MFP and/or Facebook. You can find more information about the challenge on my site: http://www.yourfitnesspath.com Looking forward to see what everyone can do!
  • P90X is where I got my start! Love the program. Send me a FR!
  • My wife is currently doing the ChaLean Extreme program and loves it. A good mix of resistance along with cardio! Very little equipment needed to get started.
  • Yeah, just be sure you are taking in enough calories...good calories so that you don't bonk out! Lots of people I know have done doubles, meaning they do the regular P90X routine in the AM and then another cardio program the in PM. I have done P90X several times already and have moved onto P90X2! Good luck!
  • It depends on your goals and preference to a particular type of workout. Insanity is lots of cardio and body weight resistance. P90X is lots of weight/band/body resistance training with cardio, yoga and kempo TurboFire is, as someone else already suggested, a HIT program. I have been a huge fan of P90X myself, dabbled in…
  • The only thing holding you back is you. Stop telling yourself you cant, that's too hard, I guess I'll do it later, when you CAN, it's hard, but put the work in, and do it now!
  • Obviously not a woman, but I have done P90X several times and gotten awesome results. I know several women including my 50 year old mother who are still using P90X as their primary program. Every resistance routine has a modified movement to allow you to gradually build up strength. Nutrition is KEY, nail the nutrition and…
    in P90X Comment by cburn_317 February 2012
  • I was actually referring to P90X...the crossfit schedule, as I understand it can be different based on your fitness level and the exercises performed vary, but it is basically a 5-6 day/week program, which is about the same as P90X.
  • Insanity is going to be A LOT more cardio than P90X for sure. But P90X is going to give you more strength training. So it sort of depends on your goals and your preference to either. Insanity does have less equipment than P90X. Though you can certainly start P90X with just a set of resistance bands. The routines in P90X…
  • Don't get me wrong, the workouts are intense, but you control the movements and the weight. Each routine has something for everyone! Extreme, Modified and something in between.
  • IMO...P90X is a much better program, and A LOT less expensive to get started.