Cross Fit

Good Morning! I just heard about Cross Fit and I wanted to know more about it, is this the type of working out that will be hard on my body? What type of workout schedules are involved with Cross Fit? What is good about it and what are the problems with it? I'm seriously considering starting it and just wanted to know what everyone thinks....


  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    I would like to know as well. Does it require equipment? Is it something you can do at home?
  • mirandamatte
    mirandamatte Posts: 130 Member
    It is like a is not something you do at home. It is with a group of people and it is VERY intense workouts.
  • cburn_317
    cburn_317 Posts: 40 Member
    IMO...P90X is a much better program, and A LOT less expensive to get started.
  • KellyRichwine
    From what I've read on Cross Fit it can be very intense. Very easy to injure yourself if you don't do the weights/moves correctly and if you try to push yourself to hard to fast. It is timed so it's not something you start out slow and easy.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
  • treeboots
    You can join a gym or get workouts from I go to a gym (crossfit lingo refers to each gym as a box) and really like it. I actually just got back from my workout. It can be as intense as you want it to be. Don't get scared by some of the crazy videos on You Tube, the workouts can be scaled for any fitness level and other exercises can be substituted for ability and injuries. If you try a box and don't like it, try another one, they all have a different vibe and each coach programs a little bit differently. I'm 41 and I've been a life long runner, but crossfit has definitely increased my strength and fitness.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    so there is less risk in P90x?
  • cburn_317
    cburn_317 Posts: 40 Member
    Don't get me wrong, the workouts are intense, but you control the movements and the weight. Each routine has something for everyone! Extreme, Modified and something in between.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    Don't get me wrong, the workouts are intense, but you control the movements and the weight. Each routine has something for everyone! Extreme, Modified and something in between.

    That sounds pretty sweet, what would a workout week be with Cross Fit?
  • cburn_317
    cburn_317 Posts: 40 Member
    I was actually referring to P90X...the crossfit schedule, as I understand it can be different based on your fitness level and the exercises performed vary, but it is basically a 5-6 day/week program, which is about the same as P90X.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    WoD (workouts of the day) vary daily and often won't look too similar (similar movements but different arrangements, reps, scoring) it can seem unplanned, but it is all part of an over design (in other words there is a long term over arching plan). CrossFit is meant to provide general fitness and the capability to go out and try what ever (I used CrossFit as my main training for doing a Marathon...finished in 4:20:36 or so for a 9:56 pace)...
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Unless you have been taught the proper lifting moves I would not reccomend doing Crossfit on your really do need a coach to make sure you ARE using proper form and pushing yourself but not to the point where it will be a burden on your system. Furthermore unless you have barbells at home...along with a spotter for some moves you may not want to try it at home...People who get hurt doing crossfit are probably the ones who try it on their own and use the wrong form or they attempt to go higher weights than what they should...

    It is in it's basic sense strength training - with some strength gymnastics moves (rings, handstands) maybe a little cardio thrown in here and there in the form of running and rowing...

    I attempt to make it to 2-3 classes a week...every day there is a different Workout Of the Day (WOD)

    for example my Monday workout was

    Deadlifts 3 3 3 3 (four rounds of 3 reps of deadlifts...)
    work on handstands - so we worked on getting into tripod form and working on summersaults to get out of handstands

    There are a variety of different workouts - I also do kickboxing 2x's per week and make it to my Golds Gym a handful of times during the month.

    I had a few friends who did Crossfit in other states - my local gym had a Groupon ($30 for 15 classes) so I decided to give it a whirl - and I really liked it - I just signed up for 3 months - it isn't inexpensive (I am paying about $130/month for 9 classes) but I don't pay anything for kickboxing and $10 for Golds...I figure my body is important to me so I rearranged my budget to be able to afford it...
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I read a blog where the author does a lot of crossfit. Sounds interesting, but expensive.
  • revadiana
    revadiana Posts: 97 Member
    I definitely recommend not only someone train you for Crossfit, but work out in the group environment. It's a very intense workout and you can injure yourself very easily with the moves if someone isn't watching to make sure you're in the right form. I find I tend to cheat - so having a trainer barking out that I gotta get lower in my squats, or hold the barbell just so helps keep me honest.

    For me, it's highly addictive mentally. Each class I'm nervous and anxious and almost talk myself out of going. Warmup, then tech work, and then the WOD (workout of the day) begins and it's just getting through the current exercise. Can't think about the next one - or how many reps of the entire WOD I'm supposed to do. Just get through the one and then move on.

    By the end, I'm physically exhausted but mentally exhilarated. I survived. I did it. I did something that scared me, and I overcame.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member

    is a good place to start.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    To me, Crossfit is something that would appeal mostly to people that like to do everything to the extreme.

    Personally, I have never even considered joining. I know so many people that got injured doing their intense workouts, and when they could not exercise for weeks on account of the injury, they regained a bunch of weight and got out of shape. Eventually, they all decided that Crossfit just wasn't worth the pain or expense.

    Before you join, you might want to check out these articles about Crossfit:

    Getting Fit, Even if It Kills You

    Lawsuit alleges CrossFit workout damaging
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    To me, Crossfit is something that would appeal mostly to people that like to do everything to the extreme.

    Personally, I have never even considered joining. I know so many people that got injured doing their intense workouts, and when they could not exercise for weeks on account of the injury, they regained a bunch of weight and got out of shape. Eventually, they all decided that Crossfit just wasn't worth the pain or expense.

    Before you join, you might want to check out these articles about Crossfit:

    Getting Fit, Even if It Kills You

    Lawsuit alleges CrossFit workout damaging

    Here we go. I get it. Crossfit can be dangerous. You can also get hurt walking, running, swimming, driving, eating, smiling, peeing, the list goes on. Shall we stop doing EVERYTHING just in case we might get hurt?

    Edited to add. I SO want to try Crossfit, but I just can't afford it right now.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    To me, Crossfit is something that would appeal mostly to people that like to do everything to the extreme.

    Personally, I have never even considered joining. I know so many people that got injured doing their intense workouts, and when they could not exercise for weeks on account of the injury, they regained a bunch of weight and got out of shape. Eventually, they all decided that Crossfit just wasn't worth the pain or expense.

    Before you join, you might want to check out these articles about Crossfit:

    Getting Fit, Even if It Kills You

    Lawsuit alleges CrossFit workout damaging

    Hi Rachel :laugh:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    To me, Crossfit is something that would appeal mostly to people that like to do everything to the extreme.

    Personally, I have never even considered joining. I know so many people that got injured doing their intense workouts, and when they could not exercise for weeks on account of the injury, they regained a bunch of weight and got out of shape. Eventually, they all decided that Crossfit just wasn't worth the pain or expense.

    Before you join, you might want to check out these articles about Crossfit:

    Getting Fit, Even if It Kills You

    Lawsuit alleges CrossFit workout damaging

    Hi Rachel :laugh:

    Seriously same girl? The Crossfit basher?
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I started CrossFit in September, and I'm so glad I did.

    I've never been into fitness, and I've never had success sticking to a workout regime until I started CrossFit. It's all instructor-led classes, which I love. It's way more interactive than going to a gym and working out by yourself to an iPod - you make new friends and that keeps you motivated to keep going back. Everybody I've met has been super nice and encouraging, which totally helps you finish your hard workout when you're the last one doing squats and everyone is standing around cheering you on! There are also team workouts or partner workouts, where everybody in a team or pair contributes to an average score to try and win, which is a lot of fun. :)

    I also like the variety - I hated going to the gym and doing the same basic thing every day, even if I had 4 or 5 different workouts for a week. I'm the kind of person who always needs a change. :) At CrossFit, every day is different, although the basic building blocks of the workout stay the same. You're running around pushing weight sleds, carrying sandbags, jumping on boxes, doing gymnastics, walking on your hands, climbing ropes, etc. There's no way to get bored!

    CrossFit is as intense or extreme as you want it to be. Common WODs will have stuff like "do as many rounds of x pull-ups, x box jumps, and x push ups as you can in 10 minutes." So you can always scale the workouts to your personal pace, and take breaks if you need them. It's all about beating your prior times, not anyone else's. And every exercise is scaleable - I can't do handstand pushups, so I do pushups kneeling over on a box. There's a way to scale everything to your ability. And the instructors at our gym are great - they really take time to teach you how to do each lift properly, so there's really no reason why you should be injured unless you aren't listening to your own body.

    It IS a bit pricey - but for me, I'd rather pay $90 a month for CrossFIt when I KNOW I'll go regularly than $40 a month for a gym membership that I'll probably ignore because I can't motivate myself. :)

    Anyway, I think whether or not you love CrossFIt depends on what you're looking for out of fitness. I personally need the motivation from other people, someone watching my every move, and the variety, so CrossFit is perfect for me, but I totally understand why it would not be for everybody!!