Cross Fit



  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I;m sure there must be some reasonable Crossfit gyms, but the vast majority are either extreme to start with, or attract an extreme fitness crowd. Which leads many people to push harder than they should to keep up, and greatly increases the risk of injury.

    While some Crossfit gyms might be reasonable, that organization is known for pushing to the extreme. And no one wants to be the one that can't keep up, so people stop listening to their bodies, and that's when many Crossfit injuries happen. It makes me very sad to see major athletic wear companies teaming up with Crossfit, because it will just attract more people to join before they realize the kind of organization they are supporting with their money.

    It would be nice if my YMCA classes had more variety, but I am not needing variety enough to pay the outrageous prices for Crossfit, or to want to deal with the elitist attitude of some people I know that belong to the Crossfit gym. So I take a variety of classes at the YMCA, and if I get bored with that, I will check out other non-Crossfit gyms in the area.

    Actually, I could probably be a member of 4 or 5 gyms for what people have to pay to join Crossfit.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Look to see if you can find a course that is for kind of "trying out" I did a 6 week Crossfit program that cost me about $185 and I loved it cuz it was full of not so in shape people and he gave you two types of work outs one for the beginners and ones that wanted a more intense work out...he pushed you but not to the point of injury...I never got hurt and was never forced to lift more weight than necessary...if you can find that its a great experience I absolutely loved it...but I cant afford to join a gym lol but it did at least get me started on the right track and now I 'm in the middle of INSANITY which is the same idea but wayyy cheaper
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    The beginner Crossfit classes are just a new marketing scheme to get people to join.

    Don't fall for it, because the regular Crossfit workouts they graduate you into are WAY more extreme and very likely to cause unnecessary injuries.

    If you have that kind of money to spend, you would be much better off hiring a non-Crossfit personal trainer.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    The beginner Crossfit classes are just a new marketing scheme to get people to join.

    Don't fall for it, because the regular Crossfit workouts they graduate you into are WAY more extreme and very likely to cause unnecessary injuries.

    If you have that kind of money to spend, you would be much better off hiring a non-Crossfit personal trainer.

    Why don't you go create an " I hate Crossfit" page and post all the stuff you want about how much you hate an activity you have never tried yourself and post all your useless articles on there and leave these threads open to experienced crossfit athletes are at least people who have tried it???
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member

    Why don't you go create an " I hate Crossfit" page and post all the stuff you want about how much you hate an activity you have never tried yourself and post all your useless articles on there and leave these threads open to experienced crossfit athletes are at least people who have tried it???

    Because the original poster, as well as some others, wanted to know more about Crossfit. And they deserve to hear views other than the opinions of die hard Crossfit extremists like you!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    The beginner Crossfit classes are just a new marketing scheme to get people to join.

    Don't fall for it, because the regular Crossfit workouts they graduate you into are WAY more extreme and very likely to cause unnecessary injuries.

    If you have that kind of money to spend, you would be much better off hiring a non-Crossfit personal trainer.

    Ok I am not a Crossfit extremist - I do question how long you did crossfit for...and at what Gym...cause for you to be spouting that it is bad and people will get hurt you must either have been doing Crossfit for quite awhile - and please tell us you own PERSONAL experience with it, went to a crappy gym or just read things and regurgitate stuff...

    Here is the thing - pretty much every crossfit gym...the ones that use the crossfit name is an affiliate - a PRIVATELY owned affliate - these are their lively hoods - this allows them to do what they love and put food on the table and a roof over their heads...they are not going to push people to the point where they would injure themselves because that is bad for business...someone gets hurt = they don't come back or they tell people it is horrible - they don't want that...

    as with ANY exercise/strength training program you can have good instructors and bad instructors...I happened to find a gym with WONDERFUL instructors...

    Like a previous person said - some gyms have levels - my gym has 3 classes someone can take -

    Level 1 - basic moves...fairly simple to attain WOD's - it teaches you proper form and function - like a pp stated you aren't competeing against anyone but yourself. My coach suggests weights based on previous things I have done - if someone is new he starts them out slowly...he doesn't force anyone to lift more than he thinks they can - and on occassion I have heard him tell people to go down in weights because THEY think they can pull more than what he knows thier body can do. I know our coaches are more concerned about your form than the amount of weight you lift - so if that means doing all your reps with an empty bar so you can get the form correct...then that is what happens

    Level 2 - more intense WODs - designed for a higher level athelete or those who have been doing it for a while who hve the basic moves down - in our gym they have to go through a testing to even be able to register for those if you can't push a certain weight or you can't do unassisted pull-ups or handstands you aren't going to the higher level classes - some people have been doing it for 2 years and still take Level 1 classes

    Barbell class - no WOD - just a series of various lifts...designed for someone who at least knows the basics of each lift type and knows their max reps. The coach doesn't want people signing up for this class until they have a number on the board (we have big boards where people can put thier numbers) for each type of lift

    The classes are small (ours only allow for 6 people at any one time) - and the people I have done classes with are very genuine and they cheer you on...

    Crossfit people come in all shapes and sizes - I am an overweight 38 year old mother of tweens...I have taken classes with a woman who is 8 months pregnant, with a 60 year old grandma, with young 20 something physical therapy students.

    You do work with heavy weights on occassion and your form is very, very important...hence why you can't really do "crossfit" at maximaze what it is you need a good gym with good coaches...

    As far as hurting yourself..heck I misstepped at a stupid aerobics class one day and sprained my ankle and was out for 2 months...and well damn - I pulled a groin muscle doing Wii Fit Hula Hoops and my daughter mananged to bust her lip open when she was doing Wii bowling (smashed the controller right into her lip) by your reasoning that crossfit is bad and can injure you - well heck then I guess I need to go on all the Wii question topics and spout how Wii is evil and causes people to get injured
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    There are plenty of other gyms that have exercise programs with less extreme (yet challenging) workout routines than Crossfit. Most non-Crossfit gyms have routines with exercises that you can actually do without having to hire someone to show you how to "scale" it down to a safe level.

    Most other gyms are much less expensive than Crossfit too!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Start with 30 day shred (jillian michaels). You can do this at home. If you can handle the shred, you can handle cross fit
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    There are plenty of other gyms that have exercise programs with less extreme (yet challenging) workout routines than Crossfit. Most non-Crossfit gyms have routines with exercises that you can actually do without having to hire someone to show you how to "scale" it down to a safe level.

    Most other gyms are much less expensive than Crossfit too!

    Yep done those...didn't like them...did a 30 day bootcamp and it kicked my butt

    and if you actually did Crossfit you would know things aren't "scaled" down - you start low and work your way up - just as in any exercise program...

    as for the cost - depends on where you live and what your gym is like...I pay a decent amount - but I have friends that do it in other parts of the country where it is far less each their own...a person has to decide what is important to them and what they can me the price I pay for my crossfit classes I see as an investment into my body - to get leaner and stronger - to work my muscles so I can be healthy and hopefully live longer with out the use of isn't for everyone and I know that...and if the gym is a good gym they will know that as well...I had a friend go in for a free trial and just about kneeled over (it wasn't hard it was rounds of running 400 meters, 25 Kettlebell thrusts, 12 pullups) - but she wasn't in good condition at all...she was told that crossfit may not be the best place for har at this point and maybe she start with something else first and come back once again - DEPENDS on where you go...not all are out to just get your money - the good ones want to make sure the people who sign up to do it are in a decent shape before they begin and are willing to work while they are there...

    If you have the equipment you can do it on your own - BUT I did say for most people this is not really going to be an option if you don't know the proper form...some of the WOD's can be done at home if you have minimal equipment and know the basics - things like what I described above all you would need would be a kettlebell and a place to do a could go to your local school as many have pull up bars and a track - run a lap on the track - do the kettlebell swings, do some pull-ups - get back ont he track and do that for 3 wouldn't be able to do some of the WODs that require barbell weights or rowing - unless you happen to have those laying around...I know a few guys at my Golds that do Crossfit WOD's - now they have been lifting for quite awhile and KNOW proper form when it comes to the for them it is just a matter of choosing a WOD to do - an there is usually 3-4 of them so they act as their own encouragement group, support and spotters...
  • Lauraph
    Lauraph Posts: 79 Member
    I am new here, but I would just like to comment. Just like with any workout you have to do what you enjoy and build your fitness. My personal path was Jillian Michael's DVDs (yes, Shred is amazing and will whip you into shape!), graduated to P90X... it was my gateway to more intense fitness and gave me the confidence to step foot into a Crossfit gym.

    Crossfit is very intense and the key, like others have mentioned, is learning how to do the moves correctly so you do not hurt yourself. Due to the recent partnership with Reebok Crossfit has more visibility, but most of the gyms I have around me have been around awhile. You want to check out your local "box" to see if they have a version of a beginner class, often called "on ramp". Where, over the course of several weeks they teach the moves and modifications. The coaches should be available. If there is no class and not a lot of guidance then it is probably not a gym for a beginner.

    That being said, I prefer to workout on my own at home. Crossfit is an intense and often competitive environment... if that is your thing then go for it. I found a lot of websites (including that offer a lot of "body weight" WOD's that do not need special equipement and allow you to do a very intense workout on your own. Best of all... tons of free info on the internet if you take the time to look. There are a lot of great ways to get in a good workout on your own.

    Good luck!
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    Thank you so much everyone I really appreciate the information, this sounds like it could be a lot of fun
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Crossfit is only fun if you like to be in pain, make numerous trips to the emergency room, and walk on crutches.

    Otherwise, I would not recommend it.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Crossfit is only fun if you like to be in pain, make numerous trips to the emergency room, and walk on crutches.

    Otherwise, I would not recommend it. I said before you must really have taken a lot of Crossfit class...maybe you can tell us your PERSONAL experiences with it...because if it caused YOU pain, YOU numerous trips to the ER and YOU to walk on crutches you must of had a horrible coach or chose to disregard what they tell you to do

    I have more pain from my hour long kick boxing class then I do a session of Crossfit...
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Crossfit is only fun if you like to be in pain, make numerous trips to the emergency room, and walk on crutches.

    Otherwise, I would not recommend it. I said before you must really have taken a lot of Crossfit class...maybe you can tell us your PERSONAL experiences with it...because if it caused YOU pain, YOU numerous trips to the ER and YOU to walk on crutches you must of had a horrible coach or chose to disregard what they tell you to do

    I have more pain from my hour long kick boxing class then I do a session of Crossfit...

    This girl has never done a Crossfit class in her life and is basing it on other peoples bad experience because they were too dumb and inexperienced to know their limits....
    Plus I think shes just afraid of a challenge....and to face her fears