Crazyartgrrl Member


  • Taxes were not designed to manipulate behavior. Their purpose is to create revenue for government functions (roads, defense, etc) Creating an additional tax for "junk" food seems illegal or at least, contrary to the original "spirit" of taxes.
  • A rusty Explorer that's been paid for over 10 years and runs like a dream. THIS allergic to car payments.
  • Exactly! I think I don't trust myself to do the right things. I've been doing the wrong things for so long and the right things not long enough during that time. I cling to the numbers so I feel like I've got a beacon in the storm, you know? My body may be a bit mysterious but number never lie, kind of thing..... So it…
  • I read back my post and I'm too tired to do the math too! LOL Thanks everybody, I think you're right. Inaccuracies can account for a sway here or there. I guess I was just broadsided by a TDEE that I wasn't expecting. I'll keep on keeping on and trust I'm heading where I want to be. Thanks again!
  • For my entire adult life, (and a little before) I've been of the mentality that I have to "get thinner". As I got older, my motivations for change turned more health conscious. But no matter what the motivation was, it was always a matter of "I've got to make this change"...I've got to start today, tomorrow, next week. It…
  • Okay, so everyone else had some GREAT advice, but we can't see your diary so now we need to ask....what KINDS of foods are you eating? You mentioned you are worried about going over carbs, but what kind of carbs? Vegetables? Fruits? or Breads and grains? And IF breads and grains, then white? Wheat? Maybe too much sugar in…
  • 224 days without a drink! ...but pregnancy will do that to a girl. ;-) No but seriously once you get away from the stuff, the cravings diminish greatly. I don't desire it anymore. You can do this, and it WILL get better. My absolute best drink of choice is the most expensive sparkling water I can find (I deserve it for not…
  • C- sections, especially 3 of them in such a short time can be very difficult. I bet you'd get some good advice in the pregnancy message board, or even on Babycenter. But here's some other women's experiences:…
  • I totally agree. When you're actively working towards a physical goal where it is imperative that you eat the macros at a ratio that will bring you the results you are specifically working for, then it makes sense, long after you've mastered simply "eating healthy" The author didn't acknowledge that. On a side note: My MIL…
  • I actually sort of agree. For the last 20 years I've dieted, restricted, tried this, that and the other thing. I don't even know how to eat anymore. MFP helps me "relearn" to keep me in focus. There's fine lines and gray areas all over everything in our lives. I think we all know where our personal ones exist. To go so far…
  • I don't usually delete. I "hide" from my feed. But I usually only "hide" the know, the ones who constantly want to know why this or that isn't working, and then you tell them the God's honest truth and they don't want THAT answer....they want the one that fits into their mindset.
  • Should overweight people go naked? C'mon. And I haven't met one clinically fat person who has complained because exercise equipment is not built for their weight. I guess maybe you have, but I haven't. What a silly statement!
  • When did people stop eating fruits and vegetables and instead just take multivitamins and supplements and GNC this and that? This may not be her problem at all, but I HAVE noticed that among those friends of mine who are "stuck" they all eat crap, albeit 1200 or less calories of it, work out for 600+ calories a day…
  • That's irony isn't it? =)
  • That's too funny! But mine's better than yours. ;-)
  • My BMR is about 1800 and my TDEE is around 2300 (lots of muscle and oh yeah, 6 months pregnant) but I'm most interested in eating my calories and making them HEALTHY. I know it's a bit intimidating to wrap your head around the proper calories but I have more than enough friends who eat 1200 or less a day, work out for an…
  • I totally agree. I'm probably taking my life in my hands right now responding to this thread, but I can't help it. The internet is an anonymous and sometimes nasty place. There's snark, and then there's people who ask a question but really don't want to hear the answer. Like they're looking for what they want to hear. I've…
  • HAHAHA I just asked my husband if he would be willing to help me trim "down there"......his face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree! I had no idea he was willing and he said "well DUH!". Poor guy, I've been on pelvic rest since week 20. ;-)
  • I can absolutely relate to what you're saying. I lost 82 lbs once, even did a commercial for eDiets for it, and had the body I always wanted. Unfortunately, like people who win a lot of money and never learn, I gained back much (but no where near all) of it and much of that occurred during my first pregnancy. I gained 44…
  • Thank goodness. Now I can go back to never posting in a thread on MFP again. I had a momentary lapse and actually cared for 10 minutes. Glad that's over.
  • You're missing the point. I realize that cooking vs not cooking can mean a large gap in money spent, because obviously if we eat out for every meal it's going to cost us more. And I'm not saying eating healthy can't be done cheaper than people generally think it does (although that' can be an entirely different discussion,…
  • Because unhealthy foods are highly subsidized by the government. A family of four who is struggling gets far more calories from cheap processed foods from McDonalds or even the aisles of Walmart compared to the organic produce section of any food store for the same limited $ they have to spend weekly. Want more information…
  • I'm 19 weeks and I've gained 3.2 lbs. doctor isn't concerned (I was 25 lbs overweight to begin with). Eating very healthy, getting the calories in and exercising regularly. This has been SUCH a healthy pregnancy, better so far than the 44 lbs I gained with my last baby!
  • In the summer I'd take the toddler for so many walks she probably knows this area by heart. I'd recommend a wagon or a buddy for three kids. Take advantage of the time before the kiddos are awake to get a quick workout in. You could even try "10 Minute Solution" DVDs that can be done all 50 min at once or 10 min intervals.…
  • No epidural as I was in the hospital for preterm labor at 32 weeks, and you should SEE the size of the needle they stuck me with that time. That scared the pants off me and I was able to labor without epidural 5 weeks later. I agree, the pain of labor isn't a "something is wrong, or scary or broken" kind of pain. It's more…
  • Due August 10th but if this one is anything like my last he/she will be here late July.
  • I agree, even at 14 weeks I've had to cut back a bit during my kickboxing class. I feel like I get out of breath faster. As far as lifting, I have no plans on slowing down. I'm following the advice I did on my last pregnancy, which is no walking lunges when you're really far along, stay off your back when you're getting…
  • Oh I so know what you mean. I just had to quit my kickboxing class as my Dr. said at 14 weeks I'll start feeling discomfort. She's right, I can't keep up just because I get tired quicker, but it's like all the routines for pregnant women are so incredibly easy it's like "am I doing anything?" So it's as if I work out for…
  • With my last pregnancy, I worked in an office building with this one really creepy guy that was "that guy". I remember I was about 7 and a half months pregnant, and I pretty much though everyone knew. I mean, come on, was this a tumor? Anyway, he was chatting with me in the breakroom the one day and said to me "so you're…
  • Any boobs without cancer are 100% awesome.