Chrysopteron Member


  • As long as you remember, have a water after every two regular drinks, then eat an apple before going to bed and down that with a last pint of water. Next morning you have three choices: 1. It worked - fantastic, happens to me sometimes, too. Congratulate yourself on feeling lovely and me on my sound advice! 2. It worked…
  • And how did you come by the spelling from her calling? Sounds like plain old "Jessica" to me... maybe with a bit of a funny accent, but still...
  • No way - that's phantastic! (it is a plastic bag, I assume? Paper WOULD be a bummer...) Just ask them nicely to form an orderly queue and then you stuff their heads into your sandwich bag and smother them one by one - it's brill! I'll trade you my bloody toaster any time... ; )
  • I guess I could also keep some tea ready and invite them for some nice hot toast - maybe they'll be so thrilled they keep me aliveas a sort of teahouse-keeper?!
  • A toaster!!! (And one that only works when it feels like it to boot...) I already see myself flying at them and forcing their dead hands down the holes and THEN holding the thingy down (the switch-type thing is wilful and mostly comes straight back up again, so if we want toast, we have to stand there and hold it down...)…
  • @ Sammy: Beautiful! (And I love the glasses. You look a bit like Charlotte from Sex & the City become younger and really pretty!)
  • I am A GIRL!!! I ALWAYS have a lack of tops... ; ) Though I usually can find one to wear when pictures are being taken - at least when in the U.S. (profile pic's from Death Valley), 'cause they're constantly on our poor European girls' tails to put more clothes on... ; )
  • @ Gorilla: "Wordy" as in "Girl, you talk too much, shut the hell up!" or as in " able to string them together and build proper sentences..." ??? On second thought: Proofeading that question and remembering I'm putting it to a gorilla, I guess I have my answer... ; )))
  • eeehhhhmmmm, obviously I was writing about "Too Tall" while you got in there first... So, to not-skip you, Mavrick: I'd say you spend a LOT of time at the gym and are (justly) proud of what you have to show for it!
  • Wondering that your nick is "Too tall". For some reason I wouldn't have said you were... So now I'm debating with myself whether maybe you and I have different notions of "tall"... Wouldn't put you at any more than 6'2. Must be your face - you sort of remind me of a mate of mine and he was hardly any taller than me (so…
  • That is so misleading! Now everyone thinks I am the witch! Ha, and they say backstabbing is a girly business... ; ) For the record: at the time I posted this, he actually had changed his picture to one of a cartoon dog - only to change it back to go all hurt innocence on me. So, I have to say: nope, wouldn't date you in…
  • I don't date dogs... ; )
  • Hey, we are somewhat similar, you are just a few months ahead of me: Age: 29 Height: 5'9 SW: 170.5 CW: 167 GW: 145 Anybody else? (Potential) Twins, add me! ; )
  • 6.5 Sorry for that, but I can't stand plucked eyebrows...
  • Mmmmmmmmhhh, let's see. I'm not saying there are no cases like you point out where women expect an awful lot for basically nothing in return BUT usually we are a little more in touch with our emotional side and more ready to express our feelings. I would love for my boyfriend to have asked this question and read some of…
  • Just for posing with a fluffy monkey at the mature age of 45 - yessss! And even more for not wanting to date the girl above you on grounds of being taken! There is few things as appealing as loyalty even when joking. Having said that, and meant it, I'll have to qualify my statement in order to satisfy my own standards: If…
  • @ Kathy: Geht mir ganz genauso mit Diäten - früher war ich Leistungsturnerin und dementsprechend "knackig", auch wenn mein Hintern immer etwas runder und meine Beine etwas kräftiger waren als die der anderen Mädels - aber eben alle muskulös. Dann haben die Damen angefangen, Kohlsuppen zu löffeln, Cola light zu trinken, ins…
  • Wow, look at you! Judging from your face, I would never put you anywhere near 280 lbs!!! You're very pretty and I'm so glad for you that it's in the most important place (in my opinion) that you can see the reward for your hard work first! Just to make sure, though: The 140 lbs you want to lose are counting down from your…
  • See her. As you would a new painting, not a piece of furniture...
  • Case in point. Compare prices of both eating styles at the same amount of effort put in, so: GO - BUY - EAT. I'm not saying you can't live healthy on a budget. I would just think it nice for living healthy to be as easy and cost-effective as living unhealthy... You talk about it requiring your "full-on effort" - and that's…
  • Beautiful!!! Have to remember that one!!!
  • This is why I like working out with guys - they are competitive and admit to it! As a girl I often feel I'm the only one... ; )
  • Not banning - what is a world without doughnuts? I don't agree with the extreme ban on smoking either, I'm totally with you on overregulation. Point is just, we do have taxes on food. The way taxation works at the moment, processed food is cheaper - because machines make it in factories, you don't have to pay a lot of…
  • Oh, I didn't mean "good" vs. "bad". Didn't even think of the points you raised, but I guess you're right. I came from thinking you should get fed nicely for an affordable amount. To reach the number of calories you need, you obviously have to eat more of a food if it is low in calories - therefore it would be fair if it…
  • Love them! Though it is sometimes hard to tell if 1 or 3 applies to your current situation. I used to believe I was a chubby fish and not meant to be a slim monkey and was sort of okay with that. My BMI crossing over from the upper end of "normal" to the lower region of "overweight" shook me awake to number 1. In a few…
  • If you're competitive, try this: I'm rather competitive and when I work out with others around me (preferably strangers, since about 2/3 of my friends are fitter than me... grrrrrrrr), I always cheer myself on: "Look, they are way skinnier and can't go as fast/long/hard as you! Give them something to be jealous of!" ; )…
  • stil interested... ...hmmmm... should've titled it something potentially misleading like "nudity"... ; ) EDITED: Sorry, was correcting math homework in between, so couldn't see the answers before posting! Thanks guys!
  • My 2 cents: Two completely different cases! The gym lady? Keep your mouth shut, her own decision entirely. She probably gets enough looks in that working position if she's fat. How depressing in that environment, I can see how that could sort of send you into hibernation mode... Your colleague? Yeah, very carefully, but…
  • No, it's not and no one said that. This is what keeps me banging my head against the wall when people gush with admiration: Apparently the wish to look "anorexic skinny" was a joke. Fine. What remains fairly obvious is that here we have a girl who states herself that she is NOT…
  • Can't say - profile won't let me see a head... Although I have to say: very impressive sixpack - can't quite believe it would be comfy to sleep on, which is a major criterion. Would put up with it, though, if I like the face and the attitude! ; )