
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Sweat is just tears from my fat begging for mercy!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!! :bigsmile:
  • momof4ts
    momof4ts Posts: 118
    Love it!!!
  • dawson55510
    dawson55510 Posts: 197 Member
    I used to right ''fat'' on the inside of my hand to motivate me

    I use to do that running, little things make a difference

    Yea mate it worked for me alot
  • Murf1968
    Murf1968 Posts: 315 Member
    "Do or do not. There is no try" - Yoda.

    And he was nearly 900, so there speaks a shedload of experience. :drinker:
  • Chrysopteron
    Chrysopteron Posts: 57 Member

    " No matter how far down the WRONG ROAD you've gone....STOP!!!! Its STILL the WRONG ROAD"!!!

    "Whether you think you can........or think you're probably right:"

    "EVERYBODY is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid"

    Love them! Though it is sometimes hard to tell if 1 or 3 applies to your current situation.
    I used to believe I was a chubby fish and not meant to be a slim monkey and was sort of okay with that. My BMI crossing over from the upper end of "normal" to the lower region of "overweight" shook me awake to number 1.
    In a few months I hope to see that 2 is as true as 1 and 3! ; )
  • Tracey1147
    Tracey1147 Posts: 951 Member
    If you like to learn from your mistakes I strongly suggest you don’t take up parachuting.
    - Anon.

    Love this one
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I have my own one, for when you have that one last mile to run, last set of sit ups etc. I always shout to myself in my head

    Come on you fat f**k

    If you're competitive, try this:
    I'm rather competitive and when I work out with others around me (preferably strangers, since about 2/3 of my friends are fitter than me... grrrrrrrr), I always cheer myself on:

    "Look, they are way skinnier and can't go as fast/long/hard as you! Give them something to be jealous of!" ; )

    Works a treat especially when swimming! Nothing beats that feeling of giving everyone a run for their money for 30-60 minutes and then leave the pool exhausted but proudly with all the little bumps and dimples on show. Feel the slimmer, trimmer people taking it in and being taken aback, because they've just been beaten to it multiple times by a big girl! ; )

    Actually a fantastic way to every once in a while enjoy a body you are trying to get rid of - does wonders for self-esteem and mental health (as in psychological well-being - not keeping out of the funny-house...) I imagine!

    Good luck with your workouts!

    P.S. Will definitely try the shouting abuse at myself when doing things on my own like skating! So far I've always skated to somewhere else while I was still having fun and motivated, that way I HAVE to skate all the way back in order to get home. We have a nice circuit in a nature reserve very close by but its only around 3 miles, so I don't dare use it for fear of quitting after two laps when usually I do twice that... With your technique I might get away with using the convenient route, so thanks!

    I do that when I am running. Ran 8miles away from my house a few weeks back, was shattered, then said too myself

    "Now you can walk back and look like a FAT DUDE out walking in running gear, or you can run back and like a FAT DUDE trying in running gear"

    You have to hate yourself to do it I find
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    And anyone on the threadmill, cross trainer, rower etc beside me

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    And anyone on the threadmill, cross trainer, rower etc beside me


    Glad I'm not the only one who does this! When I'm out cycling and see see another cyclist in the distance..... I will hunt you down.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member

    "EVERYBODY is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid"

    This has to be the best one ever!! I love it!!
  • Chrysopteron
    Chrysopteron Posts: 57 Member
    And anyone on the threadmill, cross trainer, rower etc beside me


    Glad I'm not the only one who does this! When I'm out cycling and see see another cyclist in the distance..... I will hunt you down.

    This is why I like working out with guys - they are competitive and admit to it! As a girl I often feel I'm the only one... ; )
  • Every woman deserves a man who ruins her lipstick not her mascara.
  • Chrysopteron
    Chrysopteron Posts: 57 Member
    Beautiful!!! Have to remember that one!!!
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 650 Member
    Bumping so I can copy and paste and PRINT for later! Thanks all!
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    When you feel like you can't, that's when you have to.

    A lifestyle change is a journey not a day trip.

    I also wrote 'DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, FATTY' in magic marker on my fridge....

    Magic marker on your fridge? Jeez :huh:
  • kimg68
    kimg68 Posts: 64
    And anyone on the threadmill, cross trainer, rower etc beside me


    I was running on the treadmill last night at the gym and this young girl, probably in her 20's was walking on the one beside me. She kept looking over at my screen, and eventually she says "omg you just ran 4.5 miles, you are awesome!" I just smiled at her and said thank you, but in my head i was saying "yeah I am awesome, I just whipped your *kitten* and I have at least 20 years on you"
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    And anyone on the threadmill, cross trainer, rower etc beside me


    I was running on the treadmill last night at the gym and this young girl, probably in her 20's was walking on the one beside me. She kept looking over at my screen, and eventually she says "omg you just ran 4.5 miles, you are awesome!" I just smiled at her and said thank you, but in my head i was saying "yeah I am awesome, I just whipped your *kitten* and I have at least 20 years on you"

  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    A year from now you will wish you had started today. (and as fast as my babies are growing, a year is NOTHING anymore! :noway: )
  • Its what you're eating, not what is eating you.
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Weight gain doesn't happen overnight-neither does weight loss.

    If you are tired of starting over-stop giving up.