

  • I only document once a week as well, but I get on two or three times a week. For me it keeps me accountable and lets me know if i need to be more closely examining what I'm doing. I don't let it drive me anymore and i do NOT get on every day anymore. I had to get to the place that it was about accountabliltity and not…
  • I didn't want to be too quick to judge, but wow, +9 lbs, BOTH of them, just seems like something was going on. I always want to believe the best in people and i want to trust when they say they didn't do something, but that just seemed too off to me. On another note, i LOVE Courtney's mind set and attitude!!!!
  • I'm stuck too, i'm trying to to let it get to me, but i have not lost anything in almost three weeks now. My focus right now, is to NOT gain anything during the rest of this "holiday" season. I am at 16 lbs lost and while i understand the frustration, this time feels different for me. I feel like i'm making the changes…
  • Sounds like you are in a great place. That is where I was 14 weeks ago. I was tired of not living my life and always finding a reason to never put myself first and make the choices that needed to be made to get healthy. I'm down 16 lbs, some days I start to get frustrated that it's not more than that, but then i remember…
  • Welcome, i start this journey (again), August 30th of this year and my "title" is Fabulous by 40. I was two days away from my 39th birthday when i got back on track. Welcome to the site. I look forward to the journey with you!!!!!
  • One thing that I have learned through this whole journey is that I cannot let the number on the scale be my driving factor. I have allowed too many failures in this area because of this. As of right now, i've been at this for almost 90 days, only blown it once in that time, I'm only down 16 pounds but i'm almost two full…
    in :*( Comment by ToadallyHIS November 2010
  • back before i had my hysterectomy (and even sometimes still as i still have my ovaries), i would crave protein the week of my cycle, like i couldn't get enough and i ALWAYS gained during that week. usually because i probably not making healthy protein choices and it would add more fat, but i always had swelling issues…
  • don't get discouraged. It is likely sodium, water retention, you may have lost inches but gained muscle mass. Remember that working out can cause a gain, but its a good gain. I bet if you weighed half way through the week those extra pounds will be gone. It can be discouraging when you know you've done EVERYTHING right,…
  • One thing that I noticed when i was trying to work out EVERY day, my weight loss slowed down significantly. Most places/people recommend 30 minutes 3 times a week. If you are going to work out every day, you need to alternate, if you are doing the same exercise every day, your body is "used" to it and it's not trying to…
  • i LOVE doing this, i learned it in WW, my favorite is a white cake mix with diet root beer and light whipped topping (my kids call it my root beer float cake), we keep it in the freezer so it's frozen when we eat it. it's fantastic.
  • OH MY GOSH, you look amazing, how inspiring. That is fantastic!!! I am so excited for you. What a difference. Good job, keep it up and thanks for the reminder that this can be done with diligence, determination and dedication!!!
  • This is awesome!!! Love it.
  • oh my gosh, i'm trying NOT to do this, every time i've tried to lose weight i've OBSESSED over the scale, i started fresh monday, weighed myself Monday, tuesday and Wednesday. So as you can see I'm NOT trying very hard. I wish i could make myself not do it, because i fluctuate so much that it frustrates me on my "weigh in"…
  • Thanks for the welcome Ladies, I'm really excited. I'm hoping I can maintain this journey. I've lost and gained probably 200 plus lbs since I started struggling with my weight. I get rid of a nice chunk of it and then i get lazy and return back to my old eating habits and before i know i'm larger than i was when i started.…