You ever get to the point where you've had it? That enough is enough?

I joined this site months ago, I think back in July but never got serious about it until a few weeks ago. I was one of those people who kept making excuses. Who kept putting it all off until the next day, then the next day would come & I'd put it off for the next day etc etc. until finally November came & I'd had enough!

I had goals to be thinner by the holidays. Holidays are here & im not thinner. Thats my own fault! So now I have new goals, to be thinner by summer. And im sticking to those goals.

I am now at the point where I am logging into this site everyday! I am logging in my food, my exercise, reading tips & blogs for motivation. I also joined the gym on Sunday! I went to the gym yesterday for 2hrs & plan on going back today for 2hrs. I am making a comittment to go everyday but Sundays using Sundays as my day off to rest. I have even begone to exercise twice a day (afternoon at the gym & night at home to DVDs) I also do 100 crunches a night & boy do I feel it! My abs are sore!! :sad:

I have to say that all the success stories have been my biggest motivation on this site right next to everyones inspiring words of encouragement. And of course my son & fiance are my biggest motivation outside of this site. :bigsmile:

I really started this journey a few weeks ago at 232lbs & I am happy to say I am down to 214lbs. My goal is back to 140lbs which is what I used to be before I had my son. Hoping to get there by June.

Thanks to everyone for the motivation & kind words. Its time to take my life back!!! NO MORE EXCUSES!!! :happy:


  • ToadallyHIS
    Sounds like you are in a great place. That is where I was 14 weeks ago. I was tired of not living my life and always finding a reason to never put myself first and make the choices that needed to be made to get healthy. I'm down 16 lbs, some days I start to get frustrated that it's not more than that, but then i remember that this is a life long journey not a short vacation. I feel better than i have in years and i'm excited about making positive changes now before it was too late.

    Congrats on the 214!!! We are pretty close, i started at 233 i'm currently at 214. We can do this!!!!
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I have been trying to drop this weight since October 2007. Lost 50 pounds. gained some of it back and now I'm trying again. I'm FINALLY in the no excuses phase. Nothing stops me. sore knee? do something else. Time of month? push through it. Holiday eating (because it's the holidays)? no excuses. none. I have to ask myself EVERY single day, what do I choose today? progress? or excuses? it's my body, my choice.

    good luck to you!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I read your post and it was like I typed it myself, literally. I know exactly how you feel as I am the exact same way and do the exact same thing. I am going to friend you and together we conquer this. Step 1 is always admitting and we have done that.