POLL for the LADIES!!

Do you gain weight during the TOM? Or do you have trouble the week before or after? I haven't ever noticed it, but last week I had a HELL of a time with the scale & now it's my TOM so I thought maybe those two things were related?? Also, what happens the week after? Extra weight loss usually? :) THanks for the help.


  • Yarnpiggie
    i have been on a hella huge plateau lately, BUT when I am losing, I do gain the week before and then usually lose it all again the next week. (as long as i don't go on a girly binge of chocolate and salt...lol)
  • ToadallyHIS
    back before i had my hysterectomy (and even sometimes still as i still have my ovaries), i would crave protein the week of my cycle, like i couldn't get enough and i ALWAYS gained during that week. usually because i probably not making healthy protein choices and it would add more fat, but i always had swelling issues during that week too.

    It hasn't been as bad since i had my surgery, but i notice that i still occasionally get that protein craving, i'm just now trying to make it healthier protien choices. I think a lot of women struggle with TOM and weight issues.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    i have been on a hella huge plateau lately, BUT when I am losing, I do gain the week before and then usually lose it all again the next week. (as long as i don't go on a girly binge of chocolate and salt...lol)

    Do you usually lose more or just the same amount you gained? I'm afraid being a woman is going to mess up my progress. LOL
  • happy115
    I gain the week before. It's probably water weight though (I suspect).
  • nellajane24
    nellajane24 Posts: 108 Member
    I think its pretty normal for us to all retain some water weight. Don't let it get you down!! :)
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I used to have the WORST TOM's :sick: But since I've been keeping up with my exercise, lost some weight and built up muscle, I barely notice much change anymore. I know this sounds cheezy - but it's true. I'll get a little of a lower tummy bloat (I have it now since I'm due to start next week) but that's it: I just work out a little xtra, add in my yoga or do xtra T'ai Chi at nite when I get home and it seems to help a lot :flowerforyou:
    I do have a tendency to drink a little xtra water during that time since it combats that bloat, and I'll also drink Rooibos Tea (African Red Tea) which helps with water retention, add a little honey & lemon & it helps with cramps & over-all yucky feelings!).

    I don't dread TOM as much as I used to a year ago. It just means I won't wear lite coloured pants (just in case :tongue: ), but doesn't stop me from doing anything else (xcept for the rock wall climb at Universal Studios - my fiance always wants to do that when it's that time for me.. GRRR!!! I want to do it, too but that's the only thing that is uncomfortable to do - something with the harness cutting into certain areas...!)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yeah, I up my water, really stick to logging and exercise to help the scale stay balanced.

    But if it's a bad BAD PMDD week, I'll just stay away from the scale all together. Nothing I can do about it, the weight gain is apart of the pre and TOM week.

    I try hard not to let it get me down because I know it's not really weight or fat. It's just numbers.

  • amberchristi
    I watch my sodium the week before to limit the water retention, but I still tend to *not* loose any weight the week before my TOM.
  • lisafrancis629
    I weigh in on Mondays. The Monday before my TOM, I have terrible weigh-in. Might lose .2 or .4. But then Monday after I start, the scales show anywhere from 1.8 to 2.4 loss. So I really don't fret the weigh in before because I know things will get back on track by the next weigh in.
  • Yarnpiggie
    i have been on a hella huge plateau lately, BUT when I am losing, I do gain the week before and then usually lose it all again the next week. (as long as i don't go on a girly binge of chocolate and salt...lol)

    Do you usually lose more or just the same amount you gained? I'm afraid being a woman is going to mess up my progress. LOL

    It kind of varies but usually it is a little more than I gained, and then the next week i may have a bigger loss. Hard to say these days due to stupid plateau i can't get off.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    i have been on a hella huge plateau lately, BUT when I am losing, I do gain the week before and then usually lose it all again the next week. (as long as i don't go on a girly binge of chocolate and salt...lol)

    That's my issue. I stuff my mouth with junk food and salty foods and then feel gross and up pops the TOM. It does make me feel a little better knowing that was the cause of it. But once it starts I lose all interest in food. So it does even out.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I definately gain weight. I gained two pounds this month throughout TOM. I usually don't see it, unless weigh myself though. It doesn't effect the fit of my pants or anything. When it's over, I lose the extra water weight and weigh what I did before I got it.

    Do you gain weight during the TOM? Or do you have trouble the week before or after? I haven't ever noticed it, but last week I had a HELL of a time with the scale & now it's my TOM so I thought maybe those two things were related?? Also, what happens the week after? Extra weight loss usually? :) THanks for the help.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I gain anywhere between 6 to10lbs...that's why i'm not hoping on the scale until monday...but when it's all over and i'm feeling beautiful again, that's when i noticed that i've lost more weight...the bloating and water retention before and during my TOM is the absolute worst...especially for my self esteem and motivation...so i learned the hard way to not log in anything during that one week time frame....i've also noticed that my TOM is all messed up...i am on BC so that means i shouldn't get my period until my pills are done, but lately i've been getting it 4 days before my pills are over...so i'm getting it for 11 days instead of the customary 4 days...I was told that estrogen is stored in fat...and when the fat starts to burn away you release the estrogen, so your period is unstable...i'm just hoping that my uterus gets it's crap together soon, or else i'm going to end up at the doctor next month...i'm almost out of pills anyways lol