I am stuck ....

I am down to 211lbs from 232lbs BUT now im stuck... I cannot seem to loose. Its been 2 weeks & I either stay the same weight or go up to 213lbs.

I was told that I could be gaining muscle because im at the gym 6 days a week sometimes twice a day on weekends. I am drinking nothing but water & sticking to my calories. I dont know what the problem could be. :sad:

I am doing the tredmill, elliptical, bike & strength training every other day. Ive had people tell me to just focus on the tredmill, elliptical & bike until I loose more to concentrate on fat burning instead of trying to tone.

And no I am not loosing inches as far as I can see. My clothes still fit the same. But my fiance says he can see a difference in my butt, hips & face, even though I cant!

Ive heard of people who have been stuck for weeks even months then all of a sudden they drop! I would love if this happened to me! LOL


  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I don't really know what advice to give you. I can totally emphatize though. I'm stuck too.
  • billylindsay
    billylindsay Posts: 102 Member
    I have been stuck for about 10 days now but am not stressing just keep working away at the pounds. Don't worry it will all come good. Keep up the good work.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Have you been measuring yourself? It is possible to see the scale stay the same but your waist melt away. Or you could be in a plateau and need a push. If that's the case, try upping your calories a lil' bit.
  • doramouse
    You are probably building muscle which we all know weighs more than fat. Keep up the good work and give it a couple weeks. Have you measured yourself? I went about 3 weeks with no weight loss but lost a couple inches. That made me really happy :smile:
  • doramouse
    A quick question - at the gym are you doing both cardio and strength training?
  • faithNlove212
    faithNlove212 Posts: 203 Member
    A quick question - at the gym are you doing both cardio and strength training?

    I am doing tredmill, elliptical, bike & strength training every other day
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Time to shake things up! Eat more calories, change your workout routine. Try swimming instead of elliptical and bike, keep running.
  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    Without seeing your diary, it's hard to say, but maybe you need to vary your eating a bit? You probably are losing inches though! Honestly, sometimes my biggest weight loss gains have come on days that I've sat around eating, drinking and doing nothing. The body is very strange indeed.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I am "stuck" too. Happens after about 4 to 5 pounds loss. Then for about 2 weeks......nada. Then one morning I'll get up and bam, 1.5 is gone or maybe a pound. I know I am losing inches. Put on a pair of 14's by mistake one morning. I thought they were 16's and they fit..snug..but on. I thought Oh Lord NO, I gained!!!??? Took the pants off and then saw the tag. What a Relief that was. But wait.....the scales say the same....got out the tape measure and sure enough lost a couple more inches. Cool!

    So don't sweat it....it will start again. Maybe change things up a bit?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Also, you may not be losing inches in obvious places if you check waist, hips, etc & they don't seem to be budging. Just last week I finally lost another inch off of my waist after 6 months of NOTHING. However, at church yesterday, I was staring at my feet in awe that I could kinda see tendons and stuff for the first time. I am losing fat in really weird places. So don't get discouraged if similar happens to you.
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    Sounds like you're doing good things. the only thing I could suggest is to

    1) change up what you're eating, if you eat a lot of the same foods often

    2) Change your workouts. if you have the same routine often your body stops responding to it as much eventually. Try doing high intensity interval training on the treadmill (go at an easy pace for 2 minutes, then switch to a pace that REALLY kills you for 1 minute and go back and forth between then for your workout.) Or just try doing something new like jumping jacks, burpees or skipping. Something yo get your body moving differently than its used to.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You may need more calories. I know that sounds totally backward. But a lot of times, if you have quite a bit that you want to lose, you need to gradually work your calorie goal down. You don't want to start at the lowest possible setting. That is something to work toward. So if that is the case, I would add some calories and see if that helps. It helped me and a friend of mine, and I have seen several people on here that it has helped as well. Also, keeping sugar in check has really helped me get out of plateaus. :) Good luck!
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Stick at it! give it a few (maybe weeks yet) you will see a change!
    When Im stuck on a plateau I feel like my body is getting used to the weight Im at before it can lose more.
    In this plateau Im feeling my body changing more than losing weight.
    Stick with it! Dont be discouraged!
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    when I have this problem, I increase my calories for a few days. change it up. you body gets used to the same work out every day and same food.
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    One time this happened to me a friend took me out "power walking". I had been walking for exercise, but this was a workout! I was to the point that I could talk but it wasn't easy. After 2-3 days of this I started losing again. And I went back to my usual exercise routine. Another time this happened I ate more calories and it actually helped - I lost weight the next day. Eating more calories was really hard for me to do, but it does work.

    Like DrBorkBork said, shake things up.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Try measuring yourself to see if you're losing inches. Keep up with the strength training so that you keep your muscle mass. Too mant people think that they should just do cardio, not realizing that they're losing muscle along with the flab, which makes it harder to lose weight. You might even be overdoing it with the exercise. Six days a week, with two daily sessions on weekends is quite a bit.
  • faithNlove212
    faithNlove212 Posts: 203 Member
    Try measuring yourself to see if you're losing inches. Keep up with the strength training so that you keep your muscle mass. Too mant people think that they should just do cardio, not realizing that they're losing muscle along with the flab, which makes it harder to lose weight. You might even be overdoing it with the exercise. Six days a week, with two daily sessions on weekends is quite a bit.

    Ive never heard of overdoing it. Should I just stick to 5 days a week (mon-fri) & rest on the weekends??"
  • ToadallyHIS
    I'm stuck too, i'm trying to to let it get to me, but i have not lost anything in almost three weeks now. My focus right now, is to NOT gain anything during the rest of this "holiday" season. I am at 16 lbs lost and while i understand the frustration, this time feels different for me. I feel like i'm making the changes that will last a lifetime and realizing that *I* am so much more than the number on the scale.

    hang in there, don't get frustrated and maybe change up your exercise routine, increase the intensity, or do something completely different. I've heard that our bodies adjust and if we don't make changes, it gets used to the "norm" and nothing changes.