Hybrice Member


  • Thanks a lot guys! :D And Deepu91 my calorie deficit for this week as -8193kcal
  • WOW! Amazing work, and at your age even more impressive - well done you!
  • You look like a whole new man, very well done.
  • It's also a flask with a lid so you can take coffee's out in it etc, which I drink a lot of. And to be honest $99 is a fair price for a good thermal flask anyway, let alone one with biometrics.
  • I'll be ordering one for sure, very interesting! I'll likely place my order in December before prices go up. I need a good flask anyway so this is perfect. Let's hope MFP allows sync!
  • MFP has really screwed you on this one, visit this site please and get your daily intake from that. http://www.calorieking.com/interactive-tools/how-many-calories-should-you-eat/?ref=nav Then adjust your MFP accordingly, without knowing your exact weight it's hard to tell but it appears MFP has put you something close to a…
  • And here's a peer review slating that paper for using minute test samples and inconsistent trial methods. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23540474 Jus' sayin'.
  • To be honest the cocoa butter was working fine, I just couldn't stand the smell a moment longer lol! My misses swore by it though.
  • Hmmm no, you either burn fat on a deficit or gain muscle on a surplus. Building muscle and losing fat are contraindicated and you can't do both at the same time. The chances are that you have in fact lost body fat and therefore inches off your waist but your muscles are retaining water as they recover from your cardio. If…
  • Fruit and low-fat yogurt do it for me, strawberries, raspberries and low-fat strawberry onken, only about 200kcal for a huge bowl and fills you like a full meal.
  • Hi Mate, As a man that has the same issues I can comment on this. During my teens I put on a lot of bulk (both fat and muscle, rapidly) and I got stretch marks under my arms and on my stomach, also I've been through this with my misses during pregnancy (and after), you can either use coco butter or the one that worked a…
  • You went a long way about telling me I'm right, but thanks for that lol. Reckless eh? Never heard of a guy using scales to count his food intake described as reckless before, badass over here.
  • I have epic manhandles, when I lose weight it drops off my face, hands, arms and legs very fast but the handles never go, or at least never went before, I'm going to do my best to shift them this time lol!
  • I do it because I need to in order to lose weight. Although I may enjoy the feeling of finishing the workouts (Insanity), I do not "enjoy" the work it. After all it's physically exhausting. I enjoy it the way I'd enjoy winning at a video game, a sense of achievement, progression, but by no an enjoyable sensation.
  • This is nonsense, it has been proven that it's calorific content that matters, not nutritional value, case in-point - a professor lost 27 pounds eating nothing but sweets at a calorie deficit in order to prove that it's calories that dictate weight loss, not nutrition. Source:…
  • No, no you won't. Weight loss isn't a daily thing, if you eat well for 5 days then pig-out on the weekend your nett calories for the week may well be above maintenance - ergo you'll put on weight. I'm not saying you can't treat yourself, have "cheat days" or eat at maintenance instead of deficit for a few days. But while…
  • You're always better setting it to sedentary as Fitbit will offset the difference if you exercise more. Otherwise on days where you do little/nothing MFP will be telling you that you have 2000+ cals to eat, when you don't.
  • I'm trying to inflect a lifestyle change so I'm hoping I won't need a break, but I may take a break from Insanity, I plan on doing it 2-3 times but will definitely want some recovery time after the 1st, it's killing me!
  • As soon as your done, head over to "Diary" - add exercise then search for what you did, Run, Walk, Football, Cricket etc it's all there, add it, the amount of time you did it for (it will calculate the calories automatically) and you're done. Also you SHOULD be eating back those calories.
  • Ok so: How fitbit works: It tracks your activity over the day and estimates (based on what you've done) your daily calorie burn. Then syncs with MFP and "adjusts" your daily calories accordingly. So the issue you may have are: 1. Go for a massive run in the morning, burn tons of calories Fitbit would assume your daily…
  • That's ridiculous :/ Not sure if this is troll or not but 3 hours a day is MASSIVE overkill. 30-60mins per day is fine when at a deficit. You'll run yourself ragged and likely yo-yo.
  • I'm currently in day 4 of the program, it's very VERY hard for me as I'm in no way in shape, but I keep going and going with it. I can't keep up with them but I do my best and I sweat buckets for it, so it's working. The way I see it, it's hard, it's supposed to be, but as I go it should get easier. I'm following the…
  • Don't worry about it pal, I'm exactly the same - a week into it and feeling so much better, losing belly flab, clothes fitting better. But scales say I've gained weight :/ I just put it down to water retention during muscle recovery, apparently once you've completed 60 days and your muscles fully recover/drop their…
  • Also, and I speak from experience, having lost 5Kgs before starting Insanity then actually gained while doing it despite eating at a huge deficit. While doing Insanity your muscles will be recovering pretty much 6 days a week, this means they will retain water and you'll weigh more. Finish your insanity then weigh yourself…
  • A few things affected my hunger when I started MFP, I think the first was my realization that I wasn't eating because I was hungry but just because it was there/it was time to eat. I now find myself turning down food, which I never used to do. Also, I currently take T5 fat burners in a morning, these contain an ECA stack…
  • Pretty common, bananas especially are full of sugars so you will always go over if you eat a lot of these. Move on to fruit that's low in sugar, strawberries, rasperries etc. all good.
    in SUGAR. Comment by Hybrice July 2014
  • This is really interesting thanks for that! I do think I may need to up the calories however the metabolism boosters I'm taking (T5's) contain an ECA stack (Ephedrine, Caffeine and Asperin) that suppresses my hunger very heavily. I literally have no hunger throughout the day so I find it difficult to eat more than I…
  • I started dieting 11 days ago, I'm only on day 4 of insanity. I currently weigh 115kgs down from 120kgs.
  • bump :P