ponderosakaren Member


  • lol! Me too!! Not used to the mobile app but once I get my head round it I think it'll be great....
  • Oh hi already! Thanks heaps.....feel motivated already
  • I can see that I am not alone in having started-suceeded-stopped...and then undid all the great work!! But I sense I might be the oldest? Notwithstanding that I'd love to hear how your journey goes, and that of the other people in this post. How do we do that?!
  • Well this looks delightful but I sense that I won't be able to buy half the ingredients here in little 'ol New Zealand! Will do research.....thanks for sharing anyway!
  • Hi Diane! You still on here? I'm Karen, live in Auckland, been on here since last September I think and still plugging along! Hope to see you online...Karen:smile:
  • I took it for about six weeks recently (advice from personal trainer) but I really didn't like it...liked it less and less each day as I took it after exercising.....then it did start to affect my stomach, and I have an acidic stomach issue anyway so figured it was just not something I could keep up long term. I now have…
  • I don't as I know myself too well and would see that as an open door back to my lifetime of bad eating habits! On the other hand my daughter (she's not on here) started a get fit/lose weight 18 months ago and has lost 25 kgs (about 55 lbs) since then through 6 days low carbs and one cheat day a week. (she also took up…
  • Hi! I'm on 1200 a day and have lost about 17lbs in the past 9 weeks or so...not struggling with that calorie limit too much so far! I've also had an accident that made full mobility tricky by as I've lost weight these past few weeks I"m able to do more and am now working with a personal trainer who's helping me rehab the…
  • That's a fantastic recipe and as it happens I have all those ingredients in the house so gonna give it a go! Just a question...what does 'TSO' stand for? Or is related to the General? I wonder if its the name of a restaurant chain maybe? I live in New Zealand so excuse my ignorance! Thanks for the recipe....
  • Hi Kay and everybody!! I've not checked that out yet as I've tried to not get so pernickety (is that a word?) over each and every calorie...but maybe I'm cheating?! I do what you do....try to find the nearest item in the database and work from that. Does make it a bit inaccurate I guess. I adjust the quantities but realise…
  • Fantastic story of your weight and fitness journey...and having seen my daughter today run the Auckland half marathon (her husband did the full marathon) having lost 22kgs I am super impressed!!! It's no mean feat to run that distance, and you need stamina, determination and really good levels of aerobic fitness to suceed.…
  • Well that's an interesting perspective on things and I think I'm going to have to think through my Diet Coke consumption for sure.... What to replace it with? Or maybe I don't need to replace it?! I don't drink tea or coffee so DC was my caffeine infusion! I'll think it through. Certainly makes you think…
  • Lots of carrots, caulifower and houmus ingredients (canned chick peas and skinny cottage cheese, garlic), tuna in water,m low fat mayo, weight watchers jellies, almonds and a truck load of skinless chicken. ...I live in New Zealand where we don't have the range of low-fat/diet products that you might have access to..if we…
  • Absolutely inspiring!! Congratulations on your fantastic achievement...you must feel great!! And thanks for sharing....:smile:
  • You are soooooo kind!! :bigsmile:
  • Hi Kat....now I realise what this is I can see its what I've been doing at my Wowfit sessions....and I have really enjoyed them as in I like the bits where I can rest, even for 30 seconds!! My high intensity might not be as high as some people but its high for me...James says he wants me to work till exhaustion....and…
  • Hi Kat! Oh dear....is sweetener bad for us?! I use it sprinkled on cereal sometimes and also in cooking....tastes the same as sugar but a fraction of the calories....I am also somewhat of a Diet Coke addict I'm afraid to say!! I dont drink hot drinks at all...no tea, coffee etc...and started on Diet Cokes a few years ago…
  • You crack me up Kay!! I've started checking out the weather map every map to see how your day is going to pan out and I could see it didn't look flash for the weekend, but then nowhere looked particularly good!! To be honest its been a bit average here considering we're meant to be in 'summer' now.....we've had the odd day…
  • Hi Sophie! Welcome to Kiwis Keeping Fit...hope this is the start of a great journey for you....and I think you'll find with some good online support from other 'MFP' mates it'll make it easier....or more accurately harder to fall off the 'wagon'! I see you're in Christchurch......such a beautiful city and our hearts have…
  • Hi Jen! Another ex pat/new kiwi!! I'm a Geordie originally...from Newcastle....but been here 19 years now and like you wouldn't live anywhere else...apart from the Caribbean maybe?! Welcome to the Kiwis Keeping Fit group.....this site is great but has huge membership and good to form a little 'local' group to offer support…
  • Hi Kat!! I downloaded a gizmo to work mine out last week and it said I need 2,200 calories just to lie around all day, so thats a lot less than the 1200 calories mfp has calculated I should be working to, so I'm expecting a massive weight loss some time soon!! I think I'd stick with what you're doing as better to be under…
  • Outstanding!!! Super motivating and a great start to a holiday weekend here in New Zealand - LOVE the pics!!!
  • Hi Kay! Not sure I can add more than we've already exchanged in other emails...but I agree with Kat that protein will be the way forward I think, although carbs will certainly boost the cals consumed....be interesting to hear what better informed people think about that!! Kat's breakfast sounds nicely filling and could be…
  • Hi! Thanks for posting your workout...I"ll have to try and print it out as it looks a really good variety, not sure I could achieve it all (!), particularly the walking lunges as my knee and lunging still aren't co-ordinating....oh, I just say the six times in total.......!!! Wow, that would be mega!! I might give this a…
  • Hi there to you in Nelson! Hope you got a sunny day there today....super stormy here south of Auckland and relentless rain....hope we don't get a tree down overnight and get trapped in the house! Great to hear of somebody who doesn't have too much weight to shift....you're good to get onto it while its just muffin top and…
  • Aw come on girls and gals.....kiwis and Ozzies really need to hang together!! We all know of course its a different country....but we're pretty close across the ditch aren't we?!
  • Incredibly impressive Well done to you and your mom...what a great achievement already! (mind you, you ladies looked good even at the beginning..!)
  • Oh, and I forgot to add....if you'd like another friend and want to share with somebody half a world away then I can be that person! I live in Auckland, New Zealand...not too many of us kiwis on here but we're happy to hang with anybody as we're all in the same boat! cheers, Karen
  • Came across your post by accident and found it pretty inspiring! Love the snack drawer tale....I sense most of us have one of those and it seems to open and close and get empty all by itself! I'm sure you'll meet your health goals if you keep up the way you've been doing....you clearly have an iron will that you've been…
  • I can't wait to get up each morning to check if I've suddenly become a light weight over night! So I pee...rip of the pyjama bottoms (they must weigh heaps), drag the scales out from under the cabinet, position them nicely for optimum results, then check out the numbers....if they're more than yesterday I am gutted but in…