rrrainiii Member


  • Egg drop soup Chicken broccoli (or any unfried meat with veggies, really) White rice Try to stay away from fried stuff, obviously. :) OR...eat a small portion of whatever you'd like. I dunno about you, but that certainly is a big improvement for me vs. my old diet. I used to eat a heaping plate of deep fried orange chicken…
  • I eat peanut butter on whole grain english muffins or in my oatmeal nearly daily! I try to limit my serving size to ONE tablespoon instead of two, though. *shrugs* It's working for me. But, as we all know, everyone is different. As long as they fit into your calorie allowance for the day and you like them, I'd say PB…
  • Lol...I love the Froot Loops in the first picture. Nice touch. ;) Seriously, though, you look GREAT!! Congratulations!
  • I'm all about the Taco Bell Fresco Menu - relatively low calorie and super tasty. :) (The nutritional info is on the T-Bell website) Not the greatest, obviously, but if I'm on the go and I'm hungry...it definitely works for me. Yum. You could always eat sandwiches without the bun/sauce or cut your portions in half. You…
  • THIS is so sweet and true. If you love someone and they love you, and you guys have a dynamite bond, they'll love your body because it's YOURS and vice versa. I'm not saying it's okay to eat a whole cake everyday, BUT...I think you know what I mean.
  • I'm a [slow-ish] runner! :) It's more of a jog, but I can go for a few miles without stopping....and it's a hell of a lot more than I was doing a year ago. When I started, I couldn't jog 30 seconds. Now, it's over 30 minutes. I get excited just thinking about the improvement! Therefore, I am a runner. Even if I'm the only…
  • Yeah...me either...so I can be completely freaked out by the tension between the survivors and near death encounters with zombies! Sigh...I LOVE IT but it drives me crazy! Haha. So pumped for the next season. I hope they don't kill Glen... :( They probably will. >:(
  • WALKING DEAD!! I love it but it makes me so nervous! Oh... And Craig Ferguson. :D ETA: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Scrubs. <3
  • WTF were they talking about?! YOU LOOK GREAT! No need to cover up. I'm so proud of you for how far you've come and how confident you are. You deserve to wear whatever the hell you want! Congratulations on your amazing progress! 70 pounds...wow!
  • I wear a bandanna Rambo-style when I run. I, too, get quite sweaty...yuck! But bandannas are so cheap - I have a bunch of cute ones I picked up at Walmart. I never get sweat in my eyes or dripping down my face anymore!
  • I use them DAILY! The chipotle tastes great on a breakfast sandwich, they're good on fruit/crackers/vegetables, as a cream cheese substitute, and I use them with my boca burgers! Boca burger + whole grain english muffin + laughing cow light swiss + a little barbecue sauce = my latest favorite. Mmmmm. Aldi also makes their…
  • I wish I had a posse of tall girls to go out dancing with in my higher shoes...alas, all my friends are relatively short. At 5'9, I feel like a giant looking down on everyone when I wear my heels/platform wedges. I own them, but they don't get much use! *sigh* TALL GIRL PROBLEMS, haha.
  • I hadn't heard of SparkPeople until I just saw this post....so I was curious and went and checked it out. So confused! I don't consider myself unintelligent, but wow, there is a lot going on with that site! I don't know what to do with myself! I'll stick with MFP - I love it here. :)
  • Beautiful story, beautiful girl! YOU ROCK!! <3
  • OP - I was going to post this EXACT SAME THING! It tastes so strange! I'll probably throw mine away. I keep thinking that "next time" maybe it won't taste so bad and I keep re-trying it. I can't even get through a teaspoonful. You can't even compare it to peanut butter...it's sort of like a thick, salty, artificial tasting…
  • I cried forever when Dale died. I have NEVER cried over TV/movies before! I felt really lame. *sniff* Poor Dale. I never liked Carl, but I freaking hated him after that. So dumb. I feel sorry for Rick that his entire family lacks brain cells.
  • I've always felt like the "fat friend." My friends get all the attention no matter how well dressed I am or how confident I try to be. It's probably just an insecurity thing. *shrugs*
  • There have been more than a few times when my boyfriend told me something I was wearing was "weird," but then I ended up getting tons of compliments on the outfit from other people. Just sayin'. ;) I think a dress with some cute sandals or flats would be a rocking outfit for a day outside in the sunshine!
  • I would say talk to your doctor. There are so many pills with different combinations and levels of hormones. Many women find that they have to screw around with a few different types to find what works best for them. It can take awhile - but I'd bet there is something that would work better for you. If you're taking the…
  • I think $25 a month is reasonable, but my best advice is DO NOT sign a contract you can't get out of. There are plenty of gyms that have no cancellation fees...try not to get sucked into a membership you can't cancel. I used to have Snap and they let me out, no questions asked. That said, the elliptical and treadmill are…
  • I'm a big fan of Wendy's when I don't have a lot of time. The chili really isn't too terrible (high protein, low fat), and they have baked potatoes as well. I believe the chili has a lot of sodium, though. I want some right now, actually. :/
  • First of all, you are gorgeous! Secondly, AMAZING JOB!! You look great. Very exciting! :)
  • I eat the special K crackers. You get 24 of them per serving. I usually cut the serving in half and have a laughing cow cheese wedge. :) I'm not sure what the carbs are off hand, but I know it ends up being around 100 calories for the snack and it's very tasty. :) Kashi crackers are yummy, as well! I grabbed the box: PER…
    in Crackers Comment by rrrainiii April 2012
  • I always try to weigh myself in as little clothing as possible. I never wear pants...and, yes, sometimes I strip and step on the scale. :D
  • Unsweetened vanilla almond milk...mmmm. :)
  • BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations. :) :)
  • My friend and I were going to keep each other "in check" with food diaries - handwritten in notebooks. I wanted to track more than just calories...I wanted fat, fiber, carbs, protein, etc. I thought to myself, "there must be an app for this." So, I searched and it was the top free app for health/fitness! There is literally…
  • We got a new mattress and my lower back pain became unbearable. I spoke to the pharmacist at work about it, and she suggested a pillow between my legs while I sleep. I noticed an improvement immediately. After a few weeks, the back pain was gone completely and now I don't need the pillow anymore. Good luck to you!