curds Member


  • I'm an expat and the culture here is very different, but when people tell you the same thing over and over again it can really get to you. There's a guy at the gym that gets very excited when I do cardio and tells me to run for weight loss and not weight lift. He'll come stand behind me to watch me run and tell me good…
  • I've had so many good vacations that instead of listing the best one, I will list the one I was most surprised by. I went to Sri Lanka with my partner. We had 0 expectations and booked it on a whim. When I got there I was really surprised by how warm and friendly the people we met were. The food was delicious and breakfast…
  • Hello, I'm a new runner and signed up for my first race. I can't run the distance yet, but if push comes to shove I will just walk it. My goal for the month is to do 50 kms. I'm focused on running at the moment, but as a side note I would also like to get to a 140k steps in one week.
  • Thanks, he's been to multiple doctors and the answer is always to do the same exercises, but in my opinion it's just going to get him as far as he is now. I've been googling hemiplegic (one sided numb/weakness) exercises, but I feel those are too basic for a lack of a better word for him. I'll give the HOVR a miss then. He…
    in Hovr question Comment by curds July 2018
  • LOl feel like I'm quoting everyone my bad, he will love that and yes its his only vice really. So cool seems like everyone is in agreement then.
  • lol Thanks, trust me I know you can't spot reduce lol sigh hardwork and patience I know all about that.
  • Yes, probably should have just used that instead of "skinny fat" but whether my idea of it is right or wrong that's what people in my circle use for a "beer belly" (again should have probably just opted not to use it too late now you can't edit a subject line" which is also why I clarified what I meant by the term "skinny…
  • Hey, I've never heard of advocare is it a program if its a supplement of some kind, I'm pretty sure its not sold where I am.
  • Uhm? okay. Thanks
  • Hey, I suppose anytime the herbalife question comes up it will generate some debate. I can only tell you what works for me and people I know. I have a herbalife distributor as a friend and she has lost and kept off a lot of weight and she has lots of muscle definition thanks to her workouts. I also have a few friends that…
  • Hey, starting weight is 72 kgs
  • Hey Guys and Gals, CW: 72 kgs GW: 60 Kgs Goals: Be consistent with my workouts. Lose some inches off my thighs.
  • We don't have shreddies here so international brands please
  • I didn't mentioned it as I didn't see the relevance the doctors don't know (when do they ever). End result of it however is limited movement in his right leg so basically squats etc are fine, but when he specifically has to stand on his toes to get to the calf muscle he can't. I can't think of anything else the leg can't…
  • Hehehe I kick my boyfriends *kitten* in challenges all the time! He can pretend its cause his letting me all he wants fact remains I won. Mmmh my boyfriend has zero interest in a six pack sigh and I have a bigger tummy than he has (his naturally slim) and I'm convinced I can get a flat slightly defined stomach before he…
  • Doesn't seem to have an international shipping option oh well thanks!
  • AAAH Ashesfromfire, please tell me where ever you bought that swimsuit from ships internationally? Also do they have yellow:tongue:
  • I hope it works, I like vintage swimsuits so one like that, but yellow
  • Thanks Mokoko! It seems I might have been mistaken about the dvd I have its says Bodypump not LMP when I insert it in my pc mmmh oh well. I do have the whole collection of Les mills combat workout, but I don't particularly like it. I looked up LMP and it seemed cool, thanks for all the comments I think I will do the…
  • Thanks guys starting tomorrow with it, I'm excited I like the song choices! I only have the les mills pump main workout DVD though sigh, would anyone recommend the ab workout? I don't generally do ab focused workouts lol (yes, I know I should), so if you would highly recommend me getting a hold of it please let me know.
  • lol me thinkst triplets? Female, 1.63m and 67-68
  • I forgot to say you can add a half a cup of oats (blend it with the lentils). That will change the nutritional value slightly.
    in Lentil burgers Comment by curds May 2013
  • Hey, You might not be able to spot reduce etc etc, but swimming is a really good exercise for it. You not the only one who has it don't worry, but it really is hard to get rid of it even if you lose the weight and lower your BF% the lil fat pocket is stubborn! Swimming, planks (basically working out) and working on your…
  • I got an annoying stretch mark from lifting weight lol, its very close to my bicep so always check to see how prominent it is when I flex, I will say try some bio oil it helps if you remember to put it on daily which I don't creams/lotions/oils I always tend to forget about.
  • Hey, I had a tummy problem (my gosh it feels good to use the word HAD!) and I must say I don't engage my core not really, I incorporate core workouts every once in awhile, but everyone usually says you can't spot reduce and the weight will go where it wants to so didn't really see the point (not until I got rid of the fat…
  • OH wow you kept your butt! You look phenomenal just a quick question if you don't mind me asking what is your hip measurement? We have a similar body type in the sense that my bum is not about to go anyway and doubt I will get really small hips so yes, just curious! Amazing job you rock, I would definitely say you an…
  • I don't have knee/shoulder problems, but my boyfriend has a leg issue and he did it just fine. I didn't complete the program as summer started and I got lazy. I still think its a nice ease into it kind of program. This time around though I know better and switch up my workouts, long programs isnt for me. I'm still…
  • Hey, I use to just skip breakfast because I didn't want to get up earlier :blushing: , you should try weetabix I like it if you not a porridge kinda person that's fine you can just make something the night before to eat. I'm well lol lazy I like my porridge, I have that and a banana and I'm good to go. Not really into oats…
  • I'd second the Seychelles and Mauritius both are stunning and I would add Saipan/Maldives. There are so many gorgeous places in the world you kinda have to be more specific lol to really get a true list of places.
  • came to check out the comments on this post fully expecting a "fight" and look what I found a jewel of a gif!
    in Toning Comment by curds May 2013