Herbalife? Anyone try this to aid weight loss?



  • LauraBalyk
    LauraBalyk Posts: 219 Member
    plain and simple.......

    DONT DO IT!!

    If you want to loose weight and get a healthier lifestyle, don't take the shortcuts, EARN IT. Any weight loss product does not help with your long term goal, you will learn to depend on these processed items to help you with your journey, which is the wrong way to look at it. Also, you will continue with this fad for a while then fall off then gain it all back. I have seen it happen with myself, and with so many others who try to use products to help them. Eat clean and work hard, you can do this !! WITHOUT the shortcuts !!
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    If you have the money, I would suggest Isagenix. Great natural products, organic or better than (they source some ingredients from countries which don't have organic standards but are clearly superior to America in terms of food quality). I quit because of the price, and I wish I had the money to continue using the products. However, I hate people that try to pitch that THIS product will make you lose tons of weight. I lost a lot of weight while using the products, but not BECAUSE of the products... I was in a very severe caloric deficit!!! When you do that, you get quick results and then eventually, they stop. Best advice I can give you is drop cals by 500, do a little more exercise than you currently do, and eat better foods that will keep you energized. Oh, and eat like crap every once in a while... does wonders for the willpower ;) POPTART CREW OUT!!!
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    Absoloutly, one of the BEST! Lost 13kg, cleared up some major bleeding in my stomach, IBS & many more health issues. I highly recommend it, the only company that has pure Cellular Nutrition in its products, therefore it makes them different then others.

    What exactly is Cellular Nutrition? You mean, ****ing vitamins and minerals and fats and protein and carbs?!?!?!?!?! Lots of companies advertise this, you are incredibly ignorant...
  • jar819
    jar819 Posts: 45 Member
    I tried Herbal Life and found it very expensive and not that good. They push all these vitamins..once you eat anything "normal" you can gain weight right back. Use the myfitness pal tracker with its awesome data base of foods and drink and customize your own plan that works for you. If you want to try the shake deal, as others have already suggested you can find many on the shelves of drugstores for lots less money. Been there done that..now I'm trying to be healthy and fit the r:happy: ight way!! Good luck to you!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    How can you judge something without having it tired...by reading a review? Looks like people like you run the World, by making judgments without actually having a go!!

    How can you know that arsenic is poison? Have you tried it?
  • Elyssa_38
    Elyssa_38 Posts: 36 Member
    anything that you commit to will work. the key is to learn to eat healthier and keep the pounds off. many of us need something to get us started. I personally have started using herbalife and this is just twice a day and eat a healthy meal eventually i will get to just one and 2 healthy meals and then finally getting to the 3healthy meals. its all about staying committed to a plan to get healthier. I don't sell it nor am i interested but it works for me as i only do the shake no other pills. i have a tough schedule during the work days so a shake is always something easy.
  • Hi ,

    I tried Herbalife and it just didnt work for me!! The first time I lost about a kilo in a week after that zilch. Yes it is over-priced and not at all satisfying. If I need a dose of protein, I'd rather eat a good fix of Egg whites(4 nos.). It is so much better!! So yeah it is a big no from my side.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Herbalife is a pyramid scheme. Your friends will turn into life sucking zombies try to sell it to you. So be careful.
  • This is interesting.

    I just started a 4 week bootcamp where we exercise and strength train 3 times a week. You get a "free" personal trainer and everything. So I had my free consultation today...we went over my numbers (body fat, visceral fat, lean muscle mass etc).

    Then they talked me into buying the meal replacer + protein supplement. They told me to have a shake 2x a day. But I'm not an avid fan of drinking (shakes, soda, juice, water, alcohol, ANYTHING) I just don't like drinking (the only thing I make myself stand is water and I'm still only getting 4-6 glasses a day). But she convinced me enough to order the duo. I decided that I would use the shake for dinner. The only reason I was interested in buying it was because I'm vegetarian that leans to veganism (I highly prefer not to drink milk, eat eggs or dairy though I do on occasion) and hardly ever make my protein requirement for the day. So I figured that would be free protein gimme points since starting strength training. But now after reading this, I'm skeptical to even try the duo. I almost want to return it.

    As it is, I have trouble meeting my calorie needs everyday because my appetite just hasn't been there lately and at dinner I find myself binge eating because I still have to make that 800 calories so I don't go in starvation mode (considering I work out in the mornings for either an hour cardio or 45 min strength training).

    Plus the duo of herbalife was mad expensive. I paid $90 for both and immediately got home to do research. Turns out I could have gotten it on Amazon for at least 20 bucks cheaper. I appreciate the protein content in it but after reading all of this.. I honestly don't know.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    why not take any other protein shake as a mela replacement, thats not so full of sugar.

    do you even read the labels? id say theres a cause that herbalife isnt promoted in our coutry. nor can it be legally sold at pharmacies (where we get other meal replacement / protein shakes)

    my friend used it. had amazing results, she lost more than 40kg. do i even need to mention that after she stopped drinkin it she got all of the kgs back?
  • Haylie_G
    Haylie_G Posts: 11 Member
    I hate herbalife :( bleh... you're better off becoming a vegan.... plus with the right workout program there's no need to be on a dust/liquid diet.
  • I have seen a lot of my friends start herbalife over the years and they all have dropped their goal weight loss and some. I finally decided to join herbalife, because I get so busy with my everyday work schedule that I skip meals, and then binge eat when I do eat a meal. which has resulted with my up and down weight. Despite by horrible eating schedule I've always ate healthy, I am a vegetarian and in the beginning of changing to that lifestyle I dropped 45lbs and I haven't gained anymore lbs. nor have I lost anymore. I am hoping this will get me back on track and get my metabolism going again. What I struggle with even with fitness is staying motivated. Of course when I was younger I was extremely active in sports and fitness. I just want to live a healthier lifestyle obesity and diabetes runs in my family I refuse to be another one added to that list. Any suggestions you avid herbalifer's have to stay motivated.
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    I used to sell it and I quit because I felt like I could not promote something that I felt didn't work. On the other hand I have tried body by vi and that does work and I currently drink it everyday and enjoy it too.
  • I have a friend who swears by herbalife, sells it and has been using it for well over a year. He doesnt' seem to have lost any weight in my opinion. I lost a lot of weight by eating healthy and exercising.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    herbalife has been around since i was a kid (i'm 42 now) and no one i know who's ever used it has succeeded in both losing AND keeping off weight.

    surprise surprise you gain the weight back because you stop using it and start eating normally.

    just avoid the quick weight loss schemes and use that time to learn better eating habits. if you do something that you cant stick with for the rest of your life then you'll more than likely end up gaining the weight back
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Hi did herbalife last year for about 5 months I just did the shakes, I wanted a meal replacement not just a protein shake which is what there is, but I had to add a bunch of stuff to them, it took so much time to make them! I just fell off from them! I recently discovered Advocare which is pretty much like Herbalife I THINK, but their shakes are a meal replacement and all i do is add water and they are so YUMMY! And feel me up! I was so impressed by Adbocare! they also have a energy drink called SPARK that I cant live without! So If your willing to spend the money I would say go with Advocare! I am NOT a consultant for them either, I just in love with their products!

    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    I am an Advocare Distributor. And freaking love Spark. I'm currently doing the 24 Day Challenge because I wanted some structure to create healthier habits. Also, my dad sells Herbalife. I drink their shakes for breakfast because for me, they're free, he just gives me a canister. Can't beat free.

    My take on the whole "fad" diet, Advocare, Herbalife, etc., is that as long as you are aware that you have to make serious diet changes and you just use it to help you, not as a way of life, then who cares? Go for it. For me, Advocare's 24 Day Challenge is going to provide the foundation that I myself need to continue eating correctly after the 24 days. It takes about that long to break a habit. It's a mental game. I need the structure to help get my mind in the right place to continue eating healthy because, dang it, fried food just tastes so good. At almost 10 days in, I'm seeing a huge change in my willpower to just say no to that delicious chocolate bar taunting me in the kitchen at work.
  • Gosh I was starving on this diet, and I had to stop it Herbalife is not for everybody. Soo Im not gone hate :D
  • why not take any other protein shake as a mela replacement, thats not so full of sugar.

    do you even read the labels? id say theres a cause that herbalife isnt promoted in our coutry. nor can it be legally sold at pharmacies (where we get other meal replacement / protein shakes)

    my friend used it. had amazing results, she lost more than 40kg. do i even need to mention that after she stopped drinkin it she got all of the kgs back?

    You can't buy it legally at pharmacies, because that's not how Herbalife works :huh: So that your nearest pharmacy doesn't sell Herbalife isn't because the product is horrible.

    Also logical that your friend gained all the kgs back, if she immediately went back to her old eating behaviour.
  • I've never sold Herbalife but there is a shake store close to my work and I have had shakes for quick breakfasts in the past. They are, as a rule, delicious and filling enough to last until lunch. As far as weight loss, I don't know, as I didn't use them for that. Ensure was suggested in an earlier post as a "healthier replacement" but Ensure is also not geared for weight loss. "Diet" shakes that are meant for weight loss tend to be bland and flavorless, but I've found a trick. I buy sugar-free pudding and will put about a tablespoon in the blender with a diet shake/smoothie. It adds a bit of richness and flavor for only 1 or 2 calories. Not too bad if shakes are your weight-loss thing.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    why not take any other protein shake as a mela replacement, thats not so full of sugar.

    do you even read the labels? id say theres a cause that herbalife isnt promoted in our coutry. nor can it be legally sold at pharmacies (where we get other meal replacement / protein shakes)

    my friend used it. had amazing results, she lost more than 40kg. do i even need to mention that after she stopped drinkin it she got all of the kgs back?

    You can't buy it legally at pharmacies, because that's not how Herbalife works :huh: So that your nearest pharmacy doesn't sell Herbalife isn't because the product is horrible.

    Also logical that your friend gained all the kgs back, if she immediately went back to her old eating behaviour.

    and i am asking again, did you even read the label?

    if that sounds healthy to you, then go on.

    no way id ever want to put so much sugar in my body THROUGH A DRINK-.... i much rather have a decent nutella cake.
  • love herbalife! i started in august 2012. i have lost 68 pounds & have maintained that. - i just recently started mild workouts! your right, it isn't for everyone BUT don't hate on a product because it didn't work for you!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I tried it before I realised that what I needed to change was me and not just cut down on calories for a while :-). I lost a bit of weight and then put it all back on with interest. I use protein shakes now but not in the same way ...as suppliants or to get good stuff inside me when I cant get it another way.
  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
    Several ladies have joined my slimming world group after having lost a ton of weight with herbalife. Every single one of them has regained at least a stone in the four weeks after stopping that diet. I would be very wary if I were you x

    Incidentally, I lost 5.5lb this week just eating really healthily, drinking lots of water, and walking lots. It was a whole lot more fun than drinking shakes :)

    You had a net deficit of 2750 calories a day? So even if you didn't eat anything for a week, you'd still have to walk around 5 hours a day to lose 5.5 pounds. Props.
  • I had to join just to comment my experience with Herbalife. Sigh, ha... So a couple of my friends started it and were getting amazing weight loss results, and so my best friend and i decided this may be the diet for us! Now, in the back of my mind I had a small inclination that this was, of course, a fad diet that only messes with water weight and wouldn't actually work. Anyway, we went to this place called nutrition 101; one of the girls from my old high school works there. A little back ground to that... I had heard from another friend that this girl was a product pusher and worked there in a system where references brought you more money and what not. Not too sure on all the details with that, but they are a pyramid scheme company for sure. They could care less about their clients or that people really want to lose weight, and I got this feeling more after I had first contacted this girl and she was so slow to ever get back to me. So, after hearing that my friends were doing this diet, and this girl not ever getting back to me, I just went down to the place itself. Lol, my friend and I sat there for 2 hours waiting for someone to get around to actually letting us purchase this ****, while at the same time serving us shakes and aloe mixes. They kept going on about how that girl ( from my old high school) was our " coach " and that we had to wait for her to come in. Mind you, we were doing this diet out of convienience. So this wasn't a good start. Finally, some lady ( presumably the head honcho in this operation ) came and let us buy the **** from her... She kept going on and on about how she would put this other girls name down even though she wasn't here ( like we cared ). I ended up buying everything, pills, shake mix, protein powder, and aloe mix. 200 bucks.
    Starting the diet was alright for about a week. I felt skinnier and was all excited and blah blah blah. Then came the headaches and stomachaches. I would drink that disgusting shake and feel naseous.. I would constantly get headaches and I was just in a *****y mood all the time. This is when I started supplementing oatmeal or eggs for the morning shake. That made me feel a lot better, but then I still had to endure the lunch time shake. It became more hassle then just packaging a healthy lunch. I stopped using it,
    The consistency reminded me of drool. Yes, drool. I couldn't make it through a shake without gagging. The only thing I liked from Herbalife was the aloe mix.
    Oh forgot to mention that tea.. I purchased some of it as well. Anyway, they gave us this tea at nutrition 101... Maybe an hour or two after we left we started getting shaky and weird. We literally felt like we were high. I don't know what the f*** in that tea did that... But it wasn't just me. And after reading about some of the ingredients on the back I was a little concerned.
    Oh yeah, one last thing that made me chuckle. The girl, after about two months of not hearing from us, messaged me on Facebook! Not my friend, just me about both of us. She asked what happened to us and wanted us to come in for measurements and refills since it was a " new year " ( yeah a month ago ha ). So, what I received from this was that this chick is a major product pusher... And not a very organized one considering she could have kept up on it and possibly talked me back into it somehow. Don't use this product. It's a farce. Do the ever so cliche healthy eating and working out, it does work. When you think about it, you're not really as busy as you think you are.. There's always time.
    ( sorry for the vast amount of grammatical errors, this was a quick write for me, thank you for taking the time to read this! ).
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member

    I suppose anytime the herbalife question comes up it will generate some debate. I can only tell you what works for me and people I know.

    I have a herbalife distributor as a friend and she has lost and kept off a lot of weight and she has lots of muscle definition thanks to her workouts. I also have a few friends that fall off the bandwagon regularly, herbalife isn't a miracle product it will only do so much.

    Personally I like herbalife because I dislike cooking immensely and I don't have any of the American shakes available to me. Herbalife is also cheaper than the other shakes (my friend doesn't charge me the retail price). I use it to start my health kick and then gradually move off it to healthy solid meals (I'm a pescatarian so I eat pretty healthy when I'm not snacking on junk food), so yes, I lose weight and keep it off when I'm on herbalife the only time I put weight back on was recently when I moved countries and just ate so many stuff I was deprived of (of course unhealthy yummy goodness) in my previous country, so yes using herbalife as a kickstart program till I have cemented my eating and working routines (since I'm moving again in a few months I need to go hard).

    So just to sum it up yes you will gain the weight back if you don't educate yourself on why you were over weight to start with and what foods are good for you etc, herbalife is a tool use it as such one of many and by no means perfect so if it doesn't achieve for you what you want move on from it.

    ps: I never felt hungry, tired etc on herbalife, but then again I also didn't have oodles of energy (like my distributor friend) so yes that's my two cents.
  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    I use Herbalife, and when I really stick to it, I find that it works, but I don't have time to make fun or tasty shakes twice a day, so I tend to get bored with it. Though the shakes are pretty filling.

    Careful with the tea. There's a TON of caffiene in it which posed two problems for me: 1. I couldn't drink it after 2pm or I wouldn't sleep at night, 2. caffiene is a diuretic - make sure that after you drink the tea you've got 20 minuets of free time. My body got used to that part though.
  • In regards to this... let me start by saying everyone has there own opinion so I am not bashing anyone.. I do Herbalife and I love it.. Yes it is correct you will gain all the weight back if yous top doing the shakes.. However that is Only if you don't change your eating habits and exercise while on Herbalife.. You can't expect it to be a miracle shake you have to put in effort as well.. I'm not saying that everyone will have the same results.. I for one though have more energy and sleep much better and just feel all around much better when I am on Herbalife.. I would recommend it to anyone. It can also depend on the nutrition club you go to... I say try it but to each his own
  • Mztae78
    Mztae78 Posts: 25 Member
    I feel that if you have been on lifestyle change and know that diet and exercise is going to be the main key to weight loss then whatever tools you use to get to your goals is fine. Do what works for YOU and don't go by other peoples advice. Go by trial and error if its works fine if it doesn't move on no biggie. I personally have been on my journey for two years I have 45 more pounds to go and I am going to try different ways to get to my goals regardless who likes it or not.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Is this like the whey protein jugs you can buy at Walmart? I am sooo new to this!

    You would probably do better with a protein shake mix, I get the Body Fortress one from Walmart and it is good. I add fresh fruit and ice cubes to it and it's tasty and filling. You could also use milk or yogurt, etc.

    I have used Herbalife in the past and it's no different than the cheaper ones at Walmart, Costco, etc.

    What I have noticed with some (can't recall if Herbalife is the same) but they are higher in carbs than protein, and protein fills you up - so get a protein powder, not a meal replacement powder. Fill it up with healthy stuff and off you go.

    ETA; I only use these for breakfast in a pinch. I do feel you can't use this as your lasting weight loss plan as you need to change your lifestyle to include healthy eating and exercise. You will get there with or without a 'boost' I did, so if I can do it, so can you. I have lost over 125lbs total.
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