duke0825 Member


  • Calories are the most important
  • Yes don't do it if not for ethical reasons. Please read the vegetarian myth
    in VEGANS!! Comment by duke0825 July 2016
  • I agree it's all about calories with one special concern if you have a healthy metabolism. I've experimented with every type of macro ratio and found no difference. Although I do think the high carb vegan diet messed with my gut about 6 months in.
  • I've heard of Advocare but never really saw the gullibility of it in action until I moved somewhere where people actually buy it. The supplement industry is one thing but how people will pay more money for a product they could get %50 cheaper is beyond me. It's no different than walking in a GNC or Maxx Muscle that will…
  • MTS Whey Cookies and Creme is great and it's more of a chocolate base. Whey HD flavors are great. Milk of course 2% and above in all of these will fill you for a meal replacement.
  • The "healthier" comment is very subjective around here. Problem with fast food is that it's so dense in calories and designed to make you want to eat more. Almost impossible for me to get a burger and not want to get a meal deal with fries and stuff. Know what you want to get before hand and fit it in your macro/calories…
  • Yes on the IIFYM. Having Ribs tonight and still have some fat left on my macros (%25). Although I am 208.
  • 5 layer beef burrito T Bell. Cheap and delicious
  • YES Hocus Pocus. Right up there with homeopathy and dare I say chiropractic
  • Couldn't have said it better.
  • I personally recommend you do a macro breakdown with a little less fat and protein. Something around 60carb 20protein 20fat. Just because you're starting a weight training routine does not mean you need that much protein as others may tell you. I've been training everyday for over 15years with heavy weight and I can tell…
  • makes you feel a little full if anything.
  • If anything when I really track my calories on MFP this is when I eat the most fast food, otherwise I rarely touch the stuff. This is only b/c I can track the macros fairly accurately
  • If any macro should be dominant, it's carbs. If you remotely plan on exercising you need at least 50% of your diet from carbs.
  • You can definitely make the case whole wheat is better than white, but to me the benefits are minuscule.I used to say white bread is the devil too, but now I find Wonder Bread is pure heaven. Make it fit you calories and get your nutrients elsewhere.
  • You've got a rare problem that most would love to have. With only needing to get 1200 calories is it just the protein specially you're having a hard time reaching for macros? If so the obvious answers would be fatty piece meat like a burger. You'll get your protein and fat pretty much covered. Others: 2% greek yogurt/milk,…
  • Any diet telling you to avoid exercise is crazy. High protein diets are great but with reduced calories and carbs, you won't be able to exercise as much. So maybe that's their logic?!
  • Seriously. I was going to say have have some chocolate milk and a salad. Wherever they claim to traveled to get the ingredients for Shakeology, it's still just as processed as a serving of Doritos. I in no way consider it a "meal" as they do.
  • How long have you been training? What are your goals? If you want to simply have a harder body of consisting as MrM27 says of lean body mass, then yes I'd change up the diet and honestly go to a more moderate diet. My simple points would be: Hit the weights at least 3x and do your running 2x...so minimum 5x a week training…
  • No amount of Candy commercials in my lifetime have sold me on eating a candy bar than this thread. The Mars corporation owes you money.
  • Not a big forum guy, but this was very entertaining. Had a stint of veganism, took the T. Colin Campbell course, and slowly noticed my strength in the gym was definitely decreasing over a course of a year.
  • I personally don't treat sugars different from "regular" carbs. I've been factoring them into my total macros and have seen no negative effects. Granted I workout everyday but I usually start my day with a sugary cereal now instead of traditional "clean" food such as oatmeal.