Are carbs really that bad?



  • spammarino
    spammarino Posts: 34 Member
    Carbs get a bad rap because they can be bad in excess when they turn into fat storage. Processed carbs can also spike your insulin level causing craving. You seem to be on the right track with the whole grain and your diet in general so I wouldn't worry about it. Its all about moderation and proper ratios with your protein and fat calories.
  • gamerkiwi
    gamerkiwi Posts: 93 Member
    Carby foods are often high calorie and not too filling, and it is easy to go overboard on them. The same goes for fat.

    Just make sure you're not having too many calories.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    No carbs are great. I can eat 350g a day and have no adverse effects. It's all down to your body and how it reacts.
  • cedder1
    cedder1 Posts: 139 Member
    Let me tell you I exercise 5-6 times a week and when I cut carbs in my diet, I had NO energy whatsoever. I could almost fall asleep at work! It's all about choosing the right type of carb. i.e. whole grain bread over a can of soda!!!!!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I used to be a carboholic and maintained a healthy weight. However, I found I was always hungry, or I craved a lot of sweets. I cut the carbs, lost 10 lbs and have less digestive issues (bloat and gas).

    So, I don't think carbs are the devil (or specifically wheat/grain), but I'm glad I cut them out of my diet 90% of the time. I feel a lot better and am leaner and am no longer constantly hungry.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I have the mother of all carb related illnesses : celiac disease. The carbs you eat were killing me and not so slowly. My stored iron levels were so low that I needed blood transfusions. My intestines still aren't healed after nearly two years GF, but things are moving in the right direction.
    Having said that, I am eating a baked sweet potato for dinner so I obviously don't think carbs are bad. I try to avoid added sugar most of the time and of course I avoid gluten which does limit my carb intake somewhat. GF breads mostly have more added sugar than I want to eat and store bought GF desserts are a weight disaster. My daughter likes to bake so she makes lower sugar GF goodies for me which I freeze and eat occasionally. Moderation is the key for me.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I'm around 50% carbs or a litle more most days and I've lost 50 pounds. I eat whole grains and a lot of fruit and vegetables.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Don't understand the demonizing carbs get. Carbs are fuel. I could never train the way I do on a low-carb diet. If I don't get enough carbs I feel like crap.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Carbs are essential
  • jrniven
    jrniven Posts: 74 Member
    I have been eating pretty low carb most of the week. At the end of the week I feel like crap. I do however load up on carbs on saturdays the night before heavy leg sunday. Carbs are fantastic. I am just trying lower carb as a experiment the last few weeks to melt off this last bit of fat. To be perfectly honest I don't really see much difference but I do feel the lack of carbs in the gym.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I read an article recently that suggests that higher grain/carb intake can lead to diseases like Dementia and Alzheimer's.

    I believe that its something that should be had in moderation and it should not be the majority of your diet.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Glad to see my line of thinking RE: carbs is correct. Now that I'm getting closer to maintenance, I'm trying to educate myself as much as possible about Macros. Thanks all for your replies!
  • alexkwhite98
    Well, looking at human biology... Carbs are a very quick source of energy needed for explosive, anaerobic movements performed by skeletal muscles. The brain also uses ~100 g of glucose a day. And if you are active (i.e, sprints/weightlifting or other anaeorbic activities), carbs are vital for recovery, because of the spike in insulin. So, I only stick to carbs in the morning and post workout (except veggies of course, eat those all the time), where your body needs them the most.
  • alexkwhite98
    So, no carbs are not bad, just eat less on the days you're less active.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Only to Taubes and Lustig. Sounds like a decorative bathroom store.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Carbs are good. Nothing wrong with them. I do try to spread mine out evenly over the day.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Carbs are delicious, eat them.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Love my carbs....:drinker:
  • duke0825
    duke0825 Posts: 22 Member
    If any macro should be dominant, it's carbs. If you remotely plan on exercising you need at least 50% of your diet from carbs.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I am an indian and our staple diet has got lot of carbs and its very difficult to cut down on it. I just my best to stick toh whole wheat rotis (flatbreads without oil). Brown rice is not so popular here so I sometimes I try to substitute white rice with cracked wheat. Well.. I do give in at times as I crave for my normal food. I do control portions though and make sure I am eating a lot of veggies with it.