larthur Member


  • Most of the time hives are a way that your body is releasing the toxins. Eating junk foods will only make the proccess worse. I feel awfull for you and understand, to a certain degree. I also have delt with allergies my entire life, and have, on occasion, been covered in hives. There really are few things worse. The last…
  • I think this poor thread... died :sad: I haven't been on the site much, to many things going on. I did finish my second round of P90X last week. I didn't stick with the diet this time and didn't loose any weight. In fact, I would have to say I only maintained what I accomplished from my first round. I'm not discouraged…
  • Starting my second round today!!! Day 1 Round 2
  • LeanLioness' info is correct. And the fact that it's nearly impossible to get away from it is also true. You just have to make as many good choices as possible. I think Special K is a huge step up from a bag of chips.... but I wouldn't touch it :smile: but I don't eat any kind of cereal.
    in Special K Comment by larthur July 2009
  • I finished my first round of p90x last saturday wooohoooo! I have lost 8 pounds and all my clothes are falling off :smile: I can see definition in my arms and abs that i've never had before, it's sooo awesome! I am taking a 2 week recovery, mostly so I can swim, bike and run, I have several tri's this month I am preparing…
  • That is aweosme! And you look beautiful.
  • I've had this for years. I freeze a water bottle and roll it under my foot for 15-20 minutes a day, this works better than anything at relieving the pain. The best advice is to really stretch the calf muscles after your workouts, the lower ones are hard to get at but are the ones that stretch out your arch. You just do a…
  • I am sooooo excited! Last week was a recovery week for me, today started week 9. I feel great, I am starting to see a lot of changes in my muscle tone, stomach is flatter! I love AbRX!! And I lost 3 more pounds whooohooo!
  • I think it depends on why you lost that much. If, for example you quit drinking pop and are flushing your system with plenty of water it would be normal and healthy. If you are starving, then it's probably not a good thing :smile:
  • I did L&B too, it was tuff this morning. I don't know if I am just tired from a crazy week at our house or what. I haven't had time to do much other exercise other than the P90X a few runs here and there. I'm hoping to go lap swimming tomorrow but my brother in law is getting married soooo who knows??? None of my numbers…
  • I know your right. Being in good health really doesn't have much to do with what that stupid scale says :smile: I've run 2 marathons and several half marathons in the last 18 months and now that i'm doing P90X I know i'm in pretty dang good shape inspite of the extra 10-15 pounds that I hate :ohwell: The truth is, when i'm…
  • Eriny.... you totally ROCK!!! aprilvet, thanks for your help and advice. I think I can order greek yogurt through the health food co-op i'm in but we just ordered so it'll be another month, oh well. My concern with adding more peanut butter, or nuts is the fat grams. If I do that I always go over the 20% in fat. I have…
  • Calories Carbs Fat Protein Breakfast Yoplait - Yogurt - Light Thick And Creamy - Key Lime Pie, 1 container 100 20 0 5 remove Eas-Myoplex Lite - Chocolate Chocolate Chip Crisp, 1 bar 190 26 5 15 remove Add Food Remember Meal 290 46 5 20 Lunch Generic - Turkey Burger W/Bun and Organic Cheese, 1 burger 345 27 15 26 remove…
  • Did plyo tonight, love it!!! I'll see if I can't cut n paste my food diary.
  • I'm just curios what you all would have eaten this late at night? I was soo hungry, I had a turkey burger just meat ketchup and the bun and a double scoop EAS protein drink using ice water. I haven't lost much weight on this program, maybe 3 pounds but I think i'm not eating enough. I have a hard time getting 1800 caleries…
  • Ok, I had to wait until my arms were no longer jello...... but I did chest shoulders and triceps all I can say is holy crap! Then Abs, LOVE abs.... after that I ran 4.5 miles. Now it's 9:30 and I haven't had dinner yet, and i'm about 900 calories short hmmmm what to do?? larthur
  • Ok, I should check my spelling before I post stuff LOL, it's spelled MaraNatha. It doesn't sperate.
  • I'll post it in the recipe thread later tonight K
  • I love peanut butter and have tried several different natural brands. My favorite is Maranantha, you'll probably have to get it at a health food store though. It is no stir and only has 4 ingredients, palm oil, peanuts, sea salt and evaporated cane juice. Seriously good stuff!!
  • I couldn't resist..... Jelly is firm Jam is not... sometimes it has chunks of fruit in it sometimes it doesn't. I love HOMEMADE grape jelly and HOMEMADE strawberry or peach jam, I make my own and it's yummy! The best peanut butter ever made is Maranantha Organic Creamy!! to die for!! Then, if you take two slices of my…
  • I did plyo too, it rocks!! I love it, but i'm sure tired tonight.
  • Today was the start of week 5 for me, I thought I was getting tuff, even bragged a little about my push ups. Then I did chests, Shoulders, and Triceps.... it kicked my butt like day one....
  • A lot of running stores will carry them.
    in HRM??? Comment by larthur May 2009
  • I do think the key to a 3 day running week is the cross training. You continue to train your body but with less injuries and you become a more well rounded athlete. Most of the time my running days are also my swimming or weight lifting days, and my yoga day might also be the day I bike or use the elipticle. I love to run…
  • I did 25 miles on my bike, it was fun :)
  • I think my favorite work out in P90X is the Yoga X, i've been doing yoga for years and i've always loved it. This is just a little more challenging then what i've done in the past, which I like. My least favorite is Kenpo X, I just hate it..... so what I want to know is do any of you ever replace certain workouts with…
  • I've been biking for about a year and a half and I love it. I want to get clips this summer I just haven't had time to look around for them. Biking is one of my favorite sports, nothing as rewarding as getting to the top of a big hill...... and going down!!:happy:
  • Just checking, but can you substatute agave for the splenda?
  • i'm glad you posted this, I was wanting to ask a similar question. I'm on the first month of p90x and the diet plan is 50% protein 30% carbs 20% fat. I've had a really hard time keeping my calories up where they are supposed to be without going over in fat grams. I'm usually 300 to 400 calories short every day and out of…
  • I'm starting my first recover week today. I love P90X It's the first home based workout (aside from running) that I think has really helped me or been a good chalenge. My fav is the abs, love it!