Any bikers out there?

GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
I just bought a new bike...I rode it for an hour today and burned almost 600 calories according to my HRM. Wow that really whupped my butt!


  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I just bought a new bike...I rode it for an hour today and burned almost 600 calories according to my HRM. Wow that really whupped my butt!
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I love my bike....right now it is in the barn but I plan on getting it out today or tomorrow and riding (if the weather cooperates). I live out in the country so there are plenty of places to ride. :glasses:
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    I've been biking for about a year and a half and I love it. I want to get clips this summer I just haven't had time to look around for them. Biking is one of my favorite sports, nothing as rewarding as getting to the top of a big hill...... and going down!!:happy:
  • fanta014
    fanta014 Posts: 56
    I can't really call myself a biker but I do ride bike rather often :happy: I cycle everyday to work and back which makes about 13 km per day. Then I usually do 15 km at weekend and some 6 extra km during week when going to exercise at a school near here and back.

    But anyway, cycling is a good way to get from place A to B :smile:
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    I was hoping to become a biker, but it kills my knees, not sure why, don't remember ever having an injury, maybe I have the wrong bike I don't know, I can ride recreational with my kids but thats it, so I'm going to take up jogging instead, so far so good. I would love to run a 5k, someday.
  • ktduitsman
    ktduitsman Posts: 20 Member
    I recently had knee surgery & my dr's and physical therapists told me biking is one of the best exercises to do for your knees. I use to jog a lot & they don't want me doing that for quite some time. So, you should be safe riding your bike! I just went this morning & it was so relaxing!! :happy:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    It was fun....I was zipping past all the cars because traffic was backed up. No, it will NEVER take the place of my car :heart: but it is a fun way to get to the store and back while my "baby" is in the shop!
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    I was hoping to become a biker, but it kills my knees, not sure why, don't remember ever having an injury, maybe I have the wrong bike I don't know, I can ride recreational with my kids but thats it, so I'm going to take up jogging instead, so far so good. I would love to run a 5k, someday.

    go into a bike shop and have them do a bike fit, your seat is probably not high enough.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I love biking, a great way to get fit. I have 2 bikes...a Trek hybrid for light trails and a Cannondale road bike. I'm trying to ride an average of 100 miles per week. Really addicted!
  • blackbeltfairy
    I finally got a bicycle after online shopping for ages. Best purchase EVER!

    I ride my bike to and from work. I ride it to and from the gym. I take it to go get groceries. Not only do I get to be smug about exercising, I'm also reducing my carbon footprint AND saving money!

    Good thing I invested in that comfy gel seat!
  • mfclingan
    mfclingan Posts: 158 Member
    Love love love biking!!! Best investment I ever made!!!! Great exercise, but also a great time to clear my mind of the stresses and every day worries of normal life! So good for the heart, body and soul!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member

    Good thing I invested in that comfy gel seat!

    I think that will be my next the bike but the seat hurts my @ss. :embarassed:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I was hoping to become a biker, but it kills my knees, not sure why, don't remember ever having an injury, maybe I have the wrong bike I don't know, I can ride recreational with my kids but thats it, so I'm going to take up jogging instead, so far so good. I would love to run a 5k, someday.

    go into a bike shop and have them do a bike fit, your seat is probably not high enough.

    Just to add, your seat is properly adjusted when you can remain sitting and your leg almost fully stretches out at the lowest part of the peddling motion (when your foot is farthest away from your body). It may seem a little, well, a LOT high if you're used to having your seat much lower, but you'll quickly appreciate the difference both in power and in how it feels for your body.

    If you can't lift your seat that high you may need a different bike, or a longer seat post (depending on your options, not sure what sort of bike you have).
  • Cerabell18
    Cerabell18 Posts: 124
    You'll get used to the seat after awhile. If you are going to be riding long distances using a saddle with little to no padding is best even though it takes some getting used to. The saddles that have a lot of padding have a tendency to cause irritation, blisters, rashes, etc. if you ride them long distances.

    I started out with a slightly padded saddle and after about 2 months of commuting a few miles and riding 30 - 40 miles on the weekends, I was still complaining about it hurting. My husband (my personal cycling expert) immediately took me to the bike shop and made me get a new saddle with no padding. He had told me to get it when I first got my bike but the padded saddle looked so much more comfortable. It was uncomfortable for the first day or two but I got used to it quickly and haven't considered getting anything else since, nor have I doubted my husband's advice on cycling.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I was hoping to become a biker, but it kills my knees, not sure why, don't remember ever having an injury, maybe I have the wrong bike I don't know, I can ride recreational with my kids but thats it, so I'm going to take up jogging instead, so far so good. I would love to run a 5k, someday.
    I agree with the others who say to check your saddle height. Also, you may be pushing too hard of a gear. You want to spin not mash...shift until you can pedal around 80 rpm easily. If you are pedaling hard and slow you are in too low (hard) of a gear. Cycling is one of the best sports for the knees. I love it!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    With riding back and forth to the store twice, I've ridden 11 miles today!
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member

    Good thing I invested in that comfy gel seat!

    I think that will be my next the bike but the seat hurts my @ss. :embarassed:

    I got what I call my "big butt seat". It is much wider and WAY more comfortable. I got it at Walmart but had a really hard time finding it (there aren't too many bike shops where I live) since some of them don't carry them. I hope to get a better bike someday soon.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I love biking!! I got a road bike last year and LOVE it!! (Giant OCR-2) They are fun and a great way to burn some cals! :bigsmile:
  • blackbeltfairy
    The big butt seat is essential!

    I always used to bruise because of the weight being put on my pelvis (I've got wide hips, so I wasn't on my bum). I'd end up so sore I couldn't ride more than 1 minute at a time. Now that I'm on the bigger seat, my bum is taking the brunt of the pressure and I can ride for hours.

    Best $30 I ever spent at Canadian Tire.

    That plus my sippy backpack make me unstoppable!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    The big butt seat is essential!

    I always used to bruise because of the weight being put on my pelvis (I've got wide hips, so I wasn't on my bum). I'd end up so sore I couldn't ride more than 1 minute at a time. Now that I'm on the bigger seat, my bum is taking the brunt of the pressure and I can ride for hours.

    Best $30 I ever spent at Canadian Tire.

    That plus my sippy backpack make me unstoppable!

    For those who are independently wealthy...
    (warning, artistic butt nudity)

    I LOVE Brooks saddles. Sadly almost every model will put you back at least 100$. When I get my road bike though I'm splurging. They started out making leather saddles for equestrians. Now they use a similar process for bike saddles. Sooooo comfy once you break them in.