

  • Sounds great! Definitely check out the website (if you want)...I really like the "personalized training plan." We can do this!
  • I completely agree! Maybe go play touch football out in the yard with the boys after the game...or suggest that everyone go for a family walk together. Either way enjoy yourself!
  • Laurie - Day 4 completed Tara- Day 3 completed Leslie - Day 4 completed Jennifer - Day 5 completed Great job Leslie! I don't know why but I always want to lay down and take a nap after doing this workout...LOL! Great weekend so far!
  • Get a short DVD (30 Day shred, Jillian Michaels is my favorite). I have 2 kids...a 9.5 month old and a 2 year old. My 2 year old likes to do it with me sometimes, and sometimes he just is only 25 minutes. MY 9.5 month old likes to stand at he coffee table while banging it and watch. If he doesn't want to do it…
  • Laurie - Day 4 completed Tara- Day 3 completed Leslie - Day 3 completed Jennifer - Day 4 completed
  • Laurie - Day 2 completed Tara- Day 2 completed Leslie - Day 1 completed Jennifer - Day 3 completed
  • For me it is the section with the side lunges and the arm raises up to your eyes. The lunge part is fine but I guess lugging the 2 boys around everyday doesn't ever work those arm muscles!
  • Welcome :) You will do it if you REALLY want to :) Make friends and check in regularly. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • This is the first time I did a workout video where my 2 year old really got into it and was doing it with was hysterical! He was mad that I would I wouln't share my weights with him...but got over it quickly and picked up 2 blocks to funny, I had a hard time doing the jumping jacks because I was laughing…
  • Ok, so I should have read the whole first post carefully...duh :) Laurie - Day 1 completed Tara- Day 1 completed Leslie - Day 1 completed Jennifer - Day 1 completed
  • I am a big fan of heat and massage of newly sore muscles. If you have a heating pad, try that for 10 minutes, then massage your thighs. I have a hard time stretching my thighs, but the one they do at the end of the level 1 works ok for me. I also am a big fan of taking Aleve when I have muscle helps ease the pain…
  • Day 1 Compete. I only wish I burned more calories :ohwell:
  • I'm in :) I will do it later today when the kids are napping!
  • Go :) Bring your own lysol/clorox cleaning wipes and truly disinfect anything you touch...that way you won't pick anything additional up...a long fast walk on the treadmill can do a world of good (for body and soul)! Or bubdle up if it is cold where you live and get some fresh air during a walk! Enjoy it!
  • I agree! At a whole 5'0" tall and 112 pounds (still with a mommy pouch), I am so glad my husband likes the new thinner, toned me...I started at 132 before we got married! (Even if it means my bra size is 34AA). Good thing he is a leg man!
  • Great job!! :flowerforyou: Congratulations! Have a great weekend!
  • OK! I am all moved in, unpacked and ready to reconnect :) :flowerforyou: I have barely been exercising...but also barely sitting while unpacking and chasing my toddler inside, outside, repeat! My youngest is doing his version of crawling and so the house has been crazy! I gained a little wieght during this time...but only…
  • Finally all moved in, unpacked and can get back to my "normal life." I ran my first 5K on November 13th in a time of 27:47...and this time I actually ran the whole way...FIRST time ever (and I actually ran X-C in high school). I was so happy, my mom was even down to watch the kids and cheer me on! Glad to see everyone is…
  • Overnight Oats! Wow...that actually sounds really good! I will have to try that! Thanks :)
  • If I have to leave early....I pack a piece of fruit (easy to eat in the car), and a Special K Protien Bar. I always have a spare (or 2) protein bars and a mini bottle of water now that it is cooled off in the never know how your morning will turn out!
  • I've been "lost" for a couple of days...but back on track tomorrow. I did lose a couple of pounds....wonder if stress increases metabolism? Feel like crawling under a rock and staying there until December 10...but I will "stop being such a sissy...and put my big girl pants on!" Came close to the calorie burn this…
  • You know...the crazy thing is, he's still here...he leaves on Tuesday...I am just already worked up over it!
  • ljc--That is a weird injury...keep us posted! Yesterday I had a great running day! I took the boys with me (double jogger) and ran/walked my 3.1 miles in 33:15...I couldn't believe it. I actually went back home, and double checked the route on gmap pedometer! Still got delighted! Hope everyone had a great week…
  • Totally agree! My mantra is underneath my ticker :laugh:
  • Awesome job! That was me yesterday...forgot to pack lunch for myself and my 2 year old as we were out and I bought one meal and shared it with him (the 2 cheeseburger meal in the medium size), not even bad on calories!
  • Hey Ferdie :) How tall are you? I feel your pain trying to find clothes that fit. I am almost a size 2 right 5'0"...I don't want to shop in the kids department (I don't care for the clothes)...but I may have really. I agree that the weight thing is confusing! Overall feeling really stressed about my…
  • Great job! "Put on your big girl panties and just do it" is my motto!
  • I would love to join this group! I have 9 pounds to go for my end goal weight of 105lbs. I am 5'0" and currently 114lbs 1st 5K since college is November 14th...working really hard to get there!
  • Congratulations! I agree with saychzzz, pregnancy is a well state! You do not need to eat for 2...just add about 300 calories at the start of your 2nd Trimester. Exercise is great and healthy for your baby! Definitely talk to your doctor about your exercise program, and make sure they agree. Again, these are my…