Time for us Moms! Group



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi Ladies! I posted last week and it never posted and I was friggin' frustrated! I have been dealing with some emotions with the death of hubby's friend as well as just trying to get some non-computer things done. LOL Shocking, I know! I have been doing some crafts, made a Christmas Advent calendar and have been doing Thanksgiving crafts with the boys. I have missed every single one of you though!

    Kaitlyn - what operating system are you using and what browser? I have a MacBook and was trying to register it using Firefox and I can't! I have to use Safari. I don't think Firefox is supported by the apex website, so try using IE or Safari if you have a Mac like me. I hope you like it! A bit early for Christmas, no?

    I have not been tracking my food like I need to. I have been getting in my water though and trying to make good choices as far as eating goes. Last week we missed most of our workouts and even missed the first 2 of this week. Our bodies needed physical, emotional, and mental rest. I definitely could feel the difference though and am glad to be working out again (and early in the morning to boot!). I will pre-plan my food for tomorrow and get it all situated. No gain in the weight department, but it's time to stop lollygagging and just get back to losing! I don't know why when I start to get close to goal I kind of hit the brakes. I'm not gonna do that this time!

    See you in the morning. I need you ladies and I will be back on here posting. :) Have a great night
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    OK! I am all moved in, unpacked and ready to reconnect :):flowerforyou:

    I have barely been exercising...but also barely sitting while unpacking and chasing my toddler inside, outside, repeat! My youngest is doing his version of crawling and so the house has been crazy!

    I gained a little wieght during this time...but only 2 pounds...hopefully that will come right off in the next couple of days as I regroup and start planning and recording meals. Oh...and exercising again! I did however manage to squeeze in a 5K on the 13th which I was able to run the whole thing in a time of 27:47 (HOORAY)!

    Read back a little ways in the group...hope everyone had a great weekend, and has a great rest of the week!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Been gone a couple of days, big windstorm with gusts up to 80 miles per hour went through, broke lots of BIG trees around here, knocked out power and internet for 48 hours and so forth. I have been really slacking on both the food and the exercise. I have to get back on the band wagon. I am going to do my best to Thanksgiving. That is a week and a short goal for me.

    Happy Friday Everyone!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Okay ladies - I am over the moon excited and just had to share. I weighed in under 200 lbs this morning!! I can't even remember the last time I could say that. I'm going to be smiling like an idiot all day :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Okay ladies - I am over the moon excited and just had to share. I weighed in under 200 lbs this morning!! I can't even remember the last time I could say that. I'm going to be smiling like an idiot all day :bigsmile: :laugh:

    That is so awesome, you deserve to have a HUGE smile plastered on your face all day today! :bigsmile:
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Okay ladies - I am over the moon excited and just had to share. I weighed in under 200 lbs this morning!! I can't even remember the last time I could say that. I'm going to be smiling like an idiot all day :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Great job!! :flowerforyou: Congratulations! Have a great weekend!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    JP - congrats on your time! And getting all moved in. I am sure those 2 lbs will come off soon too.

    Amanda - I think we all have the goal of trying to make it through Thanksgiving! LOL That was some fierce wind!

    Cori - Woohoo!!!!!! You rock it, mama. So proud of you. :)

    Kaitlyn - hoping to hear from you that you got your BB registered.

    I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party last night for the first time and LOL. Chalene kicked my butt! She goes pretty fast and I was not used to the moves at all, so it took a bit of time to get it down. Still doing the Fit Club, but looking at moving it to a different place since the building at church is leaking and it's supposed to be a nasty La Nina winter here.

    Have a great day, ladies! It's Friday. Woohoo! Time to go shopping for my Thanksgiving food. My brothers are driving from AZ and I cannot wait to see them. :)
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Thanks ladies!!

    Amanda - That's some serious wind! We're dealing with the wind here today, bug storm is supposed to be blowing in. I'm nervous for Thanksgiving - I think I'll be satisfied with maintaining. You'll do great!

    JP - Glad to ear you're getting settled. I've always the feeling of a clean start after you move - everything in it's place and a cange in scene to shake things up. Once you get time I'm sure those 2 lbs will fall right off! Awesome work on the 5K!! I've tried a little jogging, my shins are still screaming at me! My hats of to anyone who runs, don't know if I'll ever be there.

    Lisa - Nice to hear of a workout kicking your butt :wink: I had a question on the Beachbody coach thing. When you order products are you automatically assigned a coach? Do you get to pick? I think I'm going to try Power 90 - that'll be my birthday present to myself in January. I should be "overweight" by then and want to step up the strengt training and start toning up some muscles. Thanks in advance for any info!

    We're getting ready for a birthday party we're aving tomorrow for my 2 youngest. Finally starting some Christmas shopping, feels like it's coming to fast. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Thanks ladies!!

    Amanda - That's some serious wind! We're dealing with the wind here today, bug storm is supposed to be blowing in. I'm nervous for Thanksgiving - I think I'll be satisfied with maintaining. You'll do great!

    JP - Glad to ear you're getting settled. I've always the feeling of a clean start after you move - everything in it's place and a cange in scene to shake things up. Once you get time I'm sure those 2 lbs will fall right off! Awesome work on the 5K!! I've tried a little jogging, my shins are still screaming at me! My hats of to anyone who runs, don't know if I'll ever be there.

    Lisa - Nice to hear of a workout kicking your butt :wink: I had a question on the Beachbody coach thing. When you order products are you automatically assigned a coach? Do you get to pick? I think I'm going to try Power 90 - that'll be my birthday present to myself in January. I should be "overweight" by then and want to step up the strengt training and start toning up some muscles. Thanks in advance for any info!

    We're getting ready for a birthday party we're aving tomorrow for my 2 youngest. Finally starting some Christmas shopping, feels like it's coming to fast. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    I have also started Christmas shopping, it seems like the new year will be here before I know it. December 28 is the two year anniversary since I started my MFP and hope to be able to say I have lost 25 pounds in that time. Right now it is not looking so good unless I get my butt in gear!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Cori - it's better if you sign up for a free account on Team Beachbody first under the coach that you want (when you sign up, they will assign you one or you can choose your own). Then, through that you can order. It's just easier that way and you can set up Power 90 as your program and it will autoschedule your workouts for you in the WOWY Supergym to keep you on track (I love that thing!). I think you'll do awesome.

    Amanda - I agree on all counts. The new year is coming way too soon and I also need to get my butt in gear.

    It's Sunday and I need to calculate my calorie burn this week. Unfortunately, I think I am really low again. We have 2 more weekends left to use our passes to Gilroy Gardens and I think we may go this weekend even though there's rain in the forecast. At least I will get some walking in today then. Have a great Sunday ladies. I am looking forward to this week. It'll be a great break for me, no teaching and hubby doesn't have work and it's Thanksgiving! :)
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Late check in for my calories burned last week

    Last Week Weight: 203.2
    Calories to Burn: 4,064
    Actual Burned: 3,215

    Current Weight: 199.6
    Calories to burn: 3,992

    Didn't get much exercise in this weekend. The kids had some birthday parties and then we were cleaning the house for a party here today. When I get started I got a little nuts and ended up gutting, scrubbing, and reorganzing my kitchen, the toy room, and the girls' bedroom.
    I'm on vacation for a week after tomorrow so I'm hoping to get in some good workouts while I have the extra time. The weather is supposed to be cold (high of 20 on Thanksgiving) so I'll be working out indoors though.
  • kmard81
    kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
    Can I join in?

    My name is Kelly and I am other of 2 beautiful children! My daughter, Peyton is 2 and my son Carter is 3. They are 17m apart and were both born via cesaeran....ever since....my body has NOT been the same! I always jokingly say "good thing they are cute!" LOL!

    I did good during my pregnancies not gaining much weight. I gained 23.5 with my son and 22.5 with my daughter. I ate so well I think I actually lost some weight as I was gaining baby! When I first got preg I weighed 209. Ironically, I weighed the same when I started MFP a month a half ago. I am currently at 193.5!

    I am glad to find a place where other mommies can relate!!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    kmard - Absolutely! Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou: I can sympathize on the c-sections, I had 3 in four years, and from the belly button down I'm just a hot mess :laugh: Looks like you're off to a great start - keep up the good work!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Hey ladies - I hope you're all enjoying the holiday weekend! I've been on vacation since Tuesday, and it's been a hectic week. Running errands, cleaning the house, and getting ready for the holidays has kept me hopping. Not much time to get workouts in, but I feel like I'm still doing okay since I've been moving all day.

    Had a great Thanksgiving at my mom's house. I enjoyed all the goodies and didn't log any of it (gasp). It felt great not to worry about what I was eating. I know I was over, but since starting in July it was the first time I was over my calorie goal so I'm A-okay with it, lol. Only downside was TOM decided to show up for the holiday, so between that and the extra salt I'm not used to my weight was up a little this morning. I'm sure when TOM is gone and my schedule isn't so crazy I'll be back on track.

    Today was Christmas tree day. We always cut down a tree the day after Thanksgiving and then get it all up and decorated. Other than lights and the angel on top the kids decorated the whole thing my themselves - all 11 feet of it! Unfortunately it lasted about 10 minutes and the dog tipped it over trying to drink the water out of the tree stand :mad: The kids were great sports and re-decorated the whole thing, I think it was even better the second time, practice makes perfect I guess, lol. Tomorrow it's on to the outside lights - I love Christmas lights! Got some new additions this year and I'm excited to see everything come together.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Can I join in?

    My name is Kelly and I am other of 2 beautiful children! My daughter, Peyton is 2 and my son Carter is 3. They are 17m apart and were both born via cesaeran....ever since....my body has NOT been the same! I always jokingly say "good thing they are cute!" LOL!

    I did good during my pregnancies not gaining much weight. I gained 23.5 with my son and 22.5 with my daughter. I ate so well I think I actually lost some weight as I was gaining baby! When I first got preg I weighed 209. Ironically, I weighed the same when I started MFP a month a half ago. I am currently at 193.5!

    I am glad to find a place where other mommies can relate!!

    HI and welcome! :flowerforyou:

    I haven't been posting on here as much as I should but life is busy. Okay that is a lie:laugh: I am doing really sucky right now with my eating and exercise and so I am ashamed of that. :grumble:
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi Ladies! Why is it so hard to get a bit of time to come in here? Argh. I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving. I am thankful that all of our leftovers are gone! My brothers didn't end up making it, :( so I had a lot of food left.

    Kelly - welcome! I hate C-sections. I am just now getting rid of the pooch from my C-section 9 years ago! I did have a baby 3 years ago too, but I fought long and hard to have him VBAC. LOL

    Cori - sounds like your kids were good sports with the dog tipping over the tree. We don't have ours up yet. I made an advent calendar this year and the first day (tomorrow) is to put some decorations up. We'll probably get the tree up then. Love love love seeing you in the Onederland!

    Hubby and I are going to start a new exercise program the beginning of the year. I love P90X, but we need a break from it for a bit. We have had a hard time working out lately. My back has been hurting and his Achilles is aching. What a lovely pair we are! Anyway, we are talking about ordering Chalean Extreme and doing that one. I am excited! Between Thanksgiving and aching, I gained a couple of pounds. :( Need to get those off though, I am thinking that it is a bit of water weight since Tday was so salty!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    LIsa - that's too bad your brothers didn't make it for Thanksgiving, but at least the leftovers are gone, lol. We went to my mom's, so no leftovers here. I'm sure you guys will rock Chalean Extreme - and a change of pace might be just the trick. Hope your injuries feel better soon.

    Today was my first day back to work after being off for a week. It was tough getting back to the swing of things, I was used to mommy mode, lol. Good news is I work for 3 weeks and then I'm on vacation for another 2 weeks for Christmas. Gotta love paid time off!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Oh Cori, that's a great vacation! I think CE will be great too. I'm substituting a bit of woodworking for some of my workouts. LOL It's a bit of work hammering and drilling and putting things together.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    :chirp: Crickets!

    Challenge check-in, only 19 more days!: I don't know my weight :( Hubby took the scale with him.
    Calories burned: 2718
    Calories needed: 3250

    I'm going to go with the same amount of calories needed to burn this week. Hopefully I'll make it. I hurt my hand building a bookcase last week and rubbed the skin off while manually screwing in my 2" screws. I worked out last night, but I have to focus on cardio instead of weights since I can't really grip onto my weights right now (my wound is on the palm).

    I hope you ladies are doing well.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Last Weeks Weight: 199.6
    Calories to Burn: 3,992
    Actual Calories: 3,541

    Current Week Weight: 193
    Calories to Burn: 3,860

    Didn't hit my goal for last week, but I had a few days of no "official" workouts since I was hanging Christmas lights and cleaning. Must have still burned some though (and gotten rid of the water weight left from Thanksgiving) since I dropped almost 7 lbs.
    I can't believe how close Christmas is! Eek! I still have so much to get for the kids, not to mention ordering family pictures for everyone. Luckily I have a final this week and then school is out of the way for the rest of the year and hopefully I can get caught up.

    Lisa - Ouch! Hand wounds are the worst because it's so hard to keep from using your hand and mkaing it take longer to heal, Hope it heals up quickly for you.
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