Time for us Moms! Group



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - I like to bake too, but I like to eat it. LOL Is it gen chem that you are taking? Yea for being out of the stinky classroom.

    Cori - awesome weight loss! I love it. Cornmaze sounds interesting. LOL at the used bike comment from Santa. :)

    I was so sore from Legs and Back yesterday morning and Power 90 last night that hubby (he was sore too) decided to put in Kenpo X. I love Kenpo - it's a great workout and we push each other to the max, but I was looking forward to trying a new Insanity workout. So, crazy me, put in the DVD that we didn't do this morning while the boys were downstairs doing a writing assignment and figured I would just watch it. I ended up doing the entire DVD for 40 minutes. I had to take breaks during it though, it is a bucket of sweat producing DVD. Felt good to do it though. LOL Just couldn't believe that I didn't sit down and watch it like I had planned.

    Weekend - church tomorrow. Maybe swimming in the afternoon so we can watch the Thunderbirds as they are flying over. On Sunday, we start week 2 of our hybrid, so it'll be Chest and Back. I should go to work since it's the month-end billing, but I just bought tickets to the airshow. LOL Gates open at 9 am and the birds start flying at 11:30. Not sure we will go that early. Not sure when I will go into work. :oP I really need to quit my job. It interferes with my family life. There are so many fun things that we like to do on Sundays and I have this cloud of work hanging over me all that day and I feel bad when I don't go in. Sigh....
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    So one of my friends was giving me a bad time about drinking diet soda. I rarely ever drink soda, but when I do, I drink diet. She says the artificial sweeteners embalm your organs. One less step for the mortuary! Have you guys heard anything about that?
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I haven't heard it embalms your organs, but a lot of people think if you're going to have a soda you're better off having the real deal. The artifical sweetners make it pretty bad for, despite the name diet. I was the same way before I gave up soda, it was always diet. The regular soda was just the sweet for me.
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Finally back after a quick 6 day trip back "home" for a funeral. Even with all the stress (not so much my Grandfather's death...but the creepy crazy *kitten* relatives I last saw 12 years ago) I managed not to gain weight. Didn't lose any, but stayed the same. I even managed to go for a run once and a long walk with the double stroller! Boo to airTran who charges $20 for a single piece of checked luggage. Guess it was a test of my stamina and strength as I single-handedly trekked through the airport with 2 kids, 2 pieces of luggage (big enough to be heavy but small enough to be carry-on since I refused to pay $40), and a diaper bag....oh and the infant carseat! Glad to be back home relaxing with my family. <3
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Welcome back JP - sorry to hear about the death of your grandfather (and crazy family stress)

    Here's my challenge check-in for the week:

    Previous Week Weight: 221
    Calories to Burn: 4,420
    Actual Calories Burned: 6,241

    Current Week Weight: 217
    Calories to Burn: 4,340

    Tried a new workout DVD yesterday, Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. Holy cow - I was a huge puddle of sweat by the end, but I managed to stick with the whole 50 minutes. I had to modify a couple of the exercises (not quite up to regular push up and could only get through about half the plank work so I dropped down to my knees). Great workout though. We did the cornmaze yesterday - kids had a good time. We did a hayride out through the fields and we got to pick our own pumpkins. They had all kinds of slides and games set up that the kids loved. The actual cornmaze was the least popular part, lol.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Well... I think I should take a pregnancy test. I haven't had my TOM since my IUD fell out, and I should have gotten it like, last week. I've been beyond tired lately, and my friend has been having pregnancy dreams, which she has when someone close to her is pregs. haha! Oh, it will be my luck, too.

    Calories are going well. Yesterday I took Journey grocery shopping by myself, and she wouldn't sit in the basket but didn't want to walk either. So I was pushing the cart with one hand (loaded to the top with food) and holding her in the other. Took about two hours. My arms are sore today!

    How is everyone's Monday?
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Oh my British...good luck? Not sure which way you're hoping or if either way is fine...but let us know! :heart:
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    So one of my friends was giving me a bad time about drinking diet soda. I rarely ever drink soda, but when I do, I drink diet. She says the artificial sweeteners embalm your organs. One less step for the mortuary! Have you guys heard anything about that?

    I think it's referring to the fact that aspartame in the body turns into formaldehyde (I've been hearing that for years).

    J - nice to have you back. I hate the baggage fees! Did you pay for an extra seat for the infant carseat? Those have always been free to check. I am impressed, you are supermama!

    Cori - you rocked it! Nice weight loss and nice job with the NMTZ

    Previous Week Weight: 159
    Calories to Burn: 3180
    Actual Calories Burned: 2700

    Current Week Weight: 159
    Calories to Burn: 3180

    I didn't lose anything, but I'll take it. Been feeling bloated lately. Bleh....

    Kaitlyn - been there done that, with the kid in the arms pushing the cart. Good workout for sure. Even though it was non-hormonal, it may just be that your body is having a change since it is out. Whatever the outcome, we're here for you!

    Went to the Air Show yesterday and thought about going back to the car to get the sunscreen. I should have.... get the pitchfork because I have a Farmer's tan. Ugh! My arms are burnt and my face looks like a reverse raccoon since my forehead and nose are burnt and I had my glasses on. LOL It was pretty fun. I left with my dessert tag still on my wristband (I bypassed that section) and just got an apple, nasty baby carrots, and a banana for my boys and I to share as snacks. Feeling under the weather tonight, it's a true 180 from last week - windy and overcast all day. The sudden changes always mess with my head and sinuses.

    Missed my work out yesterday with hubby and only did half of my Fit Club workout (no one showed up last night since most of my ladies are out of town) so I went in to work for a few minutes and then came home and crashed. I hate how a sun burn just sucks all the energy out of you. Made up my workout this afternoon and this morning hubby and I did a new One on One DVD. I think those are quickly becoming my favorites. They're quick and a great workout!

    Have a great night, mamas. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Kaitlyn - Better to test and know than stress yourself out wondering. Keep us posted! Grocery shopping with kids can definitely be a workout (mental and physical, lol).

    Lisa - Glad you had a good time at the Air Show - the food is the worst part about events like that. Really no great choices so you just make do. Sorry about your sunburn - I agree a sunburn will totally wipe you out. Hopefully you feel better after a little rest.

    The weather here is just plain crazy. It was in the 90's Saturday and 60's and raining today. I wanted to get a bike ride in but the rain wouldn't let up so I settled for a DVD I had. Hoping to get up early tomorrow and do NMTZ again - I'm still feeling it from the last time, figure I might as well jump back in :laugh:
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Cori - our weather is being crazy too. I felt like I was getting sick last night and had read a friend's post about Apple Cider Vinegar and decided to take some last night. Woke up feeling much better. Did you get your DVD in? I totally agree, even though you are sore, try to do it. It will help the soreness go away. I am feeling so sore from my workout yesterday and I know I will feel today's tomorrow. But, it's a good burn. :D

    Debating whether or not it's a good idea to get my membership renewed to Costco. I haven't shopped there in a couple of years, but I'm not as into my coupon shopping as I was since the boys are home with me all the time. I think I may just go and scope it out and see what they're offering now in terms of food. Do any of you have your membership? Do you think it's worth it? I just hated that I could never get out of there for cheaper than $100 when I had our membership....
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I stopped renewing my membership - I don't think we ever got our money's worth when I had it. I agree, I never got for less than $100 and for a lot of stuff it's cheaper to just buy what I need than get more just because it's there. I used to always but wipes and diapers there, but without kids in diapers it just wasn't worth it.

    I didn't get the video in this morning, woke up with a headache so decided to sleep for an extra 30 minutes. Will be getting it tonight though, I think if I just push through I'll be happy with the results.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    I have a Costco membership, although I don't actually pay the annual fee. My mom pays it for me. I love Costco to buy the big bags of frozen chicken breasts and diapers. We usually spend about $100 as well, but I find if we buy meat in bulk there, it's cheaper than in the grocery store.

    Also... I took a test. It was negative :o) A little part of me is disappointed, but I've always been like that. 99.8% of me is always like, "OH, please no!" but that tiny bit is sad because I love babies so much.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    I went tonight and decided to renew it, but not for the Executive membership, just the regular one. Anyway, I stuck with just what we needed. I didn't buy anything that we didn't, didn't even venture into the middle aisles. Hubby needed protein powder, which was really why I was considering starting again and everything (not including the renewal) came out to $94. Agh. I swear. But, the $100 that I spent should last longer than the $100 that I spend at the supermarket. I figured that if I saved just over $4 a month in stuff that we need that it would be worth it and as I was going down the aisles looking at the foods we eat, I did see the savings. I was pretty proud of myself actually. I think the only processed stuff I bought was string cheese, low carb WW tortillas, WW bread, WW sandwich thins, the protein powder, and organic strawberry jelly. Everything else was nice and fresh. :)

    I hate it though when expenses all come at once! LOL the boys annual gymnastics fees were due today along with the monthly fees, I bought them their birthday present today (a set of kids' golf clubs for each since this is their 3rd year golfing and they asked for them), the whole Costco thing, and then tomorrow I have to pay the dentist when the twins go for their cleaning. Oh well! That's why I drive a 1999 Pathfinder and try to be as frugal as I can be - so we can enjoy our food and our time together. :D

    Kaitlyn - I have that same feeling as well. Glad it's not positive, but then again being a little down that it's not positive.

    Cori - did you push play?

    Good night!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    I got word about the nursing program: I'm alternate number 5. So if 5 people give up their spots, I'll get in. Ugh. I'm so frustrated. Now I get to keep waiting :o)

    I'm really discouraged and feel like eating a bunch of chocolate. I won't, but I feel like it. We are going out to dinner tonight though. There's a fundraiser at Red Robin, so I put those calories in already since I know what I'm going to order. I'll be having a light lunch to make up for it! haha!

    Did you guys see the news? Two high school kids here in town (St George, UT) were struck by lightning yesterday afternoon. They were flown to the burn unit in Las Vegas last night after being stabilized here at Dixie Regional Medical Center. Crazy! It's been crazy stormy the past few days. But really, who stands under a tree in a lightning storm?

    How's everyone else?
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Kaitlyn - I hear ya, I've had a couple of false alarms since my youngest were born and I've felt the same way. I didn't see the news, but that's crazy about the lightning! Sorry you have to keep waiting! Is it common for people to give up their spots? Nice job planning ahead so you're ready for dinner tonight!

    Lisa - I pushed play! Did that on top of my 13 mile bike ride - and I'm walking funny today :laugh: Hurts so good! I hear you on everything hitting at once - always happens to me this time of year. We go from one birthday to the next and then it's Christmas.

    My daughter's birthday is Saturday so we've got her party this weekend and I've got to study for a test on Monday, hopefully we'll get in some fun workout time too. The last 5 days I've been gaining everyday and couldn't figure out what was going on, then TOM strikes! Argh, stupid hormones, lol. I've never been regular, but seems my body is kicking into gear now that I'm dropping weight. Should be a good thing, but now I have to worry about water weight every month :laugh:
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - it's been crazy weather. I heard this morning that there was a tornado in northern AZ that derailed a train. My son looked at me with a bewildered look and said, "You said there aren't tornados in AZ!". I had to reply that this is a very rare event. Hope those kids are ok. Well, at least you know before the 31st where you stand. But I hear you because now it's just limbo. I'll keep praying for you.

    Cori - nice job! I like not having TOM but I was dealing with a bunch of water weight last week as well. I've started taking some apple cider vinegar lately since my sinuses are bothering me with the weather change and one of the side effects has been a decrease in my water weight! I was finally back to where I should be.

    It's a chilly morning this morning. I need to go buy some new pants. All of my jeans and my old tight pants are now diaper pants on me. Good problem to have, but I feel sloppy going out. Yoga this morning - I love yoga. Already to another set of 3 appts for the boys between having the wires taken off their braces and then teeth cleaned and then wires back on. I swear, it never slows down. LOL Have a great day!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I'm just now seeing this group and I would love to join up. I'm Jenn, mom to a 4yr old and 2yr old. I work full time, and go to school full time for my bachelors degree in Marketing. I'm also doing the P90X program and I'm currently on my 2nd week. Can't wait to get to know everyone. :)
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Welcome Jenn! You and Lisa (BOGmama) can compare notes, she's our resident P90Xer :smile: You sound like you're in the same boat as me, I work full time and am working on my BS in Accounting.

    Lisa - I hear ya on the pants, I've gone from having nothing to wear because everything was too tight, to nothing to wear because I just look like a bum :laugh: I'm between sizes though so I'll have to suffer through for a few more lbs. I really want to find a good yoga DVD - the couple I've tried before didn't really catch my interest.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi Jenn! Welcome! You have a full plate for sure. Love Tony. Hubby and I need our fix every day for the most part (sometimes we do Insanity instead for the cardio days, but have also been switching in some One on One DVDs).

    Cori - I ended up putting on my ski pants today to take the boys to the dentist. When I last wore them, they were as loose as I could make them and today I had to make them as tight as they could go. When I have some time (hahaha) I will go to the store and try on some pants. I really need to take back the pants that I bought online, but I'm too cheap to pay shipping back and I haven't had a chance to drive to the nearest store 45 minutes away. This Yoga isn't the nice relaxing type. He moves around and does a nice series of moves (warrior 1, warrior 2, reverse warrior, warrior 3, crescent, chair pose - not in that order), ab work, and then some stretching. I had a prenatal yoga DVD that I used to do when I was pregnant (it was hard for me back then!) and that was the extent of my yoga experience. I've been able to pick it up though because of Mr. Horton. :)

    Well, here's my FB status from tonight: LOL When I took the boys to the dentist today, I was told by two different people that I was a topic of conversation at lunch. And it was fitness related! They were talking about the motivation I have and how they need it (apparently as they were eating chocolate at the time). What a change from just 6 months ago! :)

    I was last in there about 3 or 4 months ago, but the past month my hygienist has been taking her daughter to gymnastics at the same time as the boys' class so I see her, but don't really get to talk with her. It was just funny to hear that - I guess they discuss the upcoming patients for the afternoon and the boys came up. LOL

    Have a good night!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!!!

    Lisa~I saw you talking about the Yoga DVD from the program and I have to say, I just can't get into it. The little bit we do in the Cardio is enough for me. I tried to do the whole 1.5 hrs of it last week and i just got bored. Plus the poses hurt my body, which isn't nice. Isn't yoga supposed to be relaxing a bit and not painful? LOL This is my first time doing the program and I'm loving it so far. Super fun!!

    Cori~ I can't wait to be at a point where clothes are super baggy on me. That will definitely be an achievement! :smile:

    So I got up early this morning to get my workout in because I have school right after work. It was so nice to be able to do a full workout without the kids climbing all over me and trying to play horse when I'm doing my downward dog poses, LOL. Anyway, I like it so much, I might make it a habit. :bigsmile: