Pregnant with no clue!!!

ladylaycee Posts: 114
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Alrighty MyFitnessPal Community, I need help! I've lost a lot of weight, 50 pounds to be exact, but I just recently found out that Im 2 months pregnant! So the whole time Ive been working out and eating 1500 calories and trying to figure out why im so hungry, I was pregnant! Im trying to figure out how i can eat a certain amount of calories without gaining crap loads of pounds...Can someone help?


  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    First off, congrats! While pregnant, you should eat 300 over maintenance-- you need an extra 300 daily to support baby. Follow that and you should be fine! I only gained four pound with my second pregnancy by doing just that.
  • Hi Ladylaycee! If you're only 2 months pregnant it won't hurt you to only eat 1500 calories. When I was pregnant my Dr. told me not to increase my normal amount of calories until my 2nd trimester (3 months). She said to only increase 300-500 calories so if your body is used to 1500 calories a day you would up it to 1800-2000 calories a day instead. Remember to exercise, walking is great when you are pregnant! Also, consult with your Dr. first before taking any advice we give you. Good luck and congratulations!!
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Hey Congrats :) If you stick to your 1500 you should be fine, but you might (if you haven't) want to pick up a prenatal vitamin to help because the baby will take from you what she/he needs. Some of my friends hair and nails went to crap, others got much nicer... you could tell who used vitamins :) Congrats again and good luck :)

    Oh also you can continue working out and doing normal things, if doesn't hurt you it wont hurt the baby. I work with a lady who was running 3 miles 3x a week and playing softball (better than some of the guys lol) at 8 months and had a perfectly healthy, beautiful lil girl.
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    Pregnancy is a well state. As long as you eat a healthy diet, you should be able to stay between 1500 and 1800 calories a day. Exercise is really good for you and your baby. Congratulations!!
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    First of all congrats! Ok, DO NOT BUY INTO THE MYTH YOU ARE EATING FOR TWO!!! You only actually need to eat 300 extra calories a day. And its perfectly fine to continue working out just make sure your obgyn knows what kind of exercising you are doing. If you are already accustomed to working out you will be fine. Just thought I would throw that in there...
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Congratulations! I agree with saychzzz, pregnancy is a well state! You do not need to eat for 2...just add about 300 calories at the start of your 2nd Trimester. Exercise is great and healthy for your baby! Definitely talk to your doctor about your exercise program, and make sure they agree. Again, these are my wishes!
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    just posted this on teh other board, but not sure if you'd see!
    yes, you need 300-500 more calories a day when you're pregnant and breastfeeding... so as your pregnancy progresses, go from 300 extra to 500 and then if your are exclusively breastfeeding, stay on 500 extra until bubs is about 6 months old, then cut back down towards 300 for as long as you're still feeding bubs yourself. You should never eat fewer than 1600-1800 calories a day whilst breastfeeding, or you'll risk affecting your supply.

    Also switch to full-fat versions of food - so as close to nature as possible. It's important that you get those extra fat calories.

    If you have cravings, follow them (in moderation!)... your body is surprisingly clever and will crave what it feels it's lacking. So if you suddenly crave chalk (it's happened!) up your calcium intake. I craved fruit with my first and meat/carbs with my second.

    All in all, follow your body's lead and don't worry too much about the numbers. I know in many countries OBGyns obsess about how much you should put on during pregnancy, but don't worry about it. In the UK, they only weigh you at the start and at 38 weeks so that they know how much anaesthetic to administer in case of emergency!

    Hope this helps!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Congratulations!:flowerforyou: You've had some great advise, so I'll just echo what someone else said, please, please take your prenatal vitamins and up your folic acid intake. They are very very important.
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