

  • Just a thought....Perhaps you are depriving yourself too much. Maybe you could set aside one meal a week when you allow yourself a (1) small treat of some sort. Perhaps - small portion of Red Mango frozen yougurt with a squirt of chocolate sauce or just some fruit on top. That way you perhaps you wont feel the need to…
  • Have you had your Thyroid checked? I was having exactly that issue - there was NO WAY I should have been gaining weight - I should have been losing - It was my thyroid. My doctor said I could have been eating 800 calroies and working out hours a day and still be gaining weight due to my thryoid. You should have it checked.…
  • I had cucumbers, cherry tomatos and a pickle spear.
  • GOLFING!!!!! or sunning by the pool with my Kindle fire reading a great book - either way :)
  • Eating healthy has become a way of life for me however I live with my husband and son who - on the weekends - insist on eating out and they usually want desert. I am all for splurging for ONE MEAL on the weekend and then not for the entire meal - still eat a healthy meal and then have a dessert OR eat whatever you want for…
  • We have the same thing and our issues are some are vegetarians, some losing weight, some are large and have no intention of EVER losing weight. We now order from a different local restaurant every month - we are each given a menu and price limit. we order ahead and one person is assigned to go pick it up. That way we can…
  • I have the same problem but in reverse. I have been working out and running and my hubs decided he wanted to do it too. I ran my first two miles without him in like 24 minutes then I stop by the house to run with him - 1 mile....in 49 minutes...... I was like - look I will run "WALK" with you but you have to let me do my…
  • You could try eating frozen yogurt instead of ice cream or a skinny cow fudge pop. Make better choices and look at the foods you CAN have versus foods you should not have. That way you feel less deprived. You are still getting a treat just a healthier one.
  • Feel free to send me a friend request!!:happy:
  • Maybe try weighing yourself once a week at the same time every week. Due to many factors - our weight can increase or decrease so weighing everyday doesnt really give you the most accurate results of how you are actually doing. Also, Measure yourself - many times I have seen toning firming and a decrease in inches however…
  • That is so true. I had worked out so much on the elliptical and weight lifting and thought - I can run.... O M G - Totally different. I was sore, I was tired, I got winded. I am keeping with it and it is getting easier - now I dont want to do the elliptical because I dont think I am getting a good work out.
  • I never had any children of my own however my husband has two from a previous marriage. I love them as they were my own. My husbands Ex-wife and I have a very good relationship at the moment but it has not always been so. I speak to her more than my husband does most of the time. DO not get jealous when he has to speak…
  • I am 4'11" - I find it diffcult - when I am eating healthy to even eat 1200 calories per day. I exercise every day except for the past few as I have been sick. The only time I have trouble sticking to 1200 calories is when we eat out or eat processed foods. I havent lost weight yet however it is because of a recently…
  • You can add me if you like!
  • My problem is I have been working out and weight training for months - I have not been sore at all, however I started an 8 week program for beginning runners - I have done the program for 3 days and am now so sore I can hardly stand up and sit down. LOL I thought I would be in really good shape for this but apparently -…
  • I have been dieting for two months now. I have not been weighing everyday because when I first began it was gain one lose one gain 2 lose one. I was becoming frustrated with that. I weighed this morning and found that, after two months of working out, watching carbs, limiting fat and calories, drinking more than my…