CrazyFly7 Member


  • Have a slice of pizza with veggies and have your salad after that. Pizza's not all that awful for you as long as it's in moderation. If you still feel guilty about eating the pizza maybe go for a quick walk around the neighborhood after the meeting to burn some calories.
  • Girl, you're doing great!!!! Keep it up, you are an inspiration! :)
  • What does the warrior dash consist of?
  • Hello everyone! I'm Tara, 29, and I'm from Norwalk! I'm looking for fellow Fairfield Countyians. I'm willing to travel a bit to do some fun boot camp or group exercise deal. I'm not really ready for any sort of running sort of thing seeing how I don't really enjoy running. haha.
    in intros! Comment by CrazyFly7 May 2012
  • You look fantastic!!!! Share your secrets. :) I'm also curious: what body shape are you? I've been trying to figure out my own for ages and I think its similar to yours. Keep up the wonderful work. :)
  • *I have one friend who decided to lock their diary because she said it let's her be more honest about what she is logging,instead of worrying about what people are thinking when they look at your diary you can be completely honest with yourself without the criticism. * Someone posted this, this is exactly the reason why I…
  • I lock my diary because I am the only one who has the power to change my eating habits and lifestyle. Its not that I'm not comfortable with others seeing it, but I am the one who has the ability to change my levels of protein (to eat more), to lower my fat, and etc. I think that its a control/privacy thing for most people.…
  • Items in high in protein can make you extremely gassy. I find that drinking lots of water/eating tons of fiber helps somewhat with this.
  • To the OP: I think that it depends on what you're doing at the gym and what your goals are. The kind of shakes that you might get would depend on this somewhat. For example: Do you need more energy? Do you need carbs? Do you need protein? The questions go on, so really sit down with yourself and figure out what you're…
  • Bump. These responses are very informative. If I have a question I'll definitely ask. Thanks for offering all your support/feedback to everyone!
  • I ran 3 miles straight! I was so proud of myself. The first time I've done this in a LONG time and I did it in 30 minutes! :)
  • Optimum Nutrition! Yum! They have awesome flavors and easy to mix w/ water/milk.
  • I just recently got into protein shakes/powders but I absolutely LOVE Optimum nutrition, they make great stuff and have tons of flavors including fruity ones and your standard choc/vanilla. I have Mango and I love it! :)
  • Good luck to you on your journey. If you need some support/friendship along the way, I'd be happy to provide support/friendship. Feel free to friend request me.
  • Mac & Cheese recipe!!! I'm looking for a great healthy delicious recipe because it is one of my weaknesses!!
  • Time for a new trainer. My trainer is actually the one that told me to get my butt onto this website and to give it a chance (since I had tried it once in the past and gave up) and to stick with it. I'm so glad that he did. So, you should definitely have a trainer who is supportive and knowledgeable. I'm sorry that your…
  • niner: what are some suggestions from you to get more fiber?
  • Me too. haha, that's why I'm asking so many questions about them. Well, I guess they can't hurt anything! What else do you do to get fiber into your diet?
  • Do you feel that you've seen a difference w/ them in your diet to help w/ fiber?
  • I did not know that about the Omega 3's. That is a plus also. I see, so you have them as is w/ oatmeal, cereal, yogurt or a smoothie. I saw a recipe in which you add it into water so I drink it, but I will have to try them dried w/ one of these suggestions. Interesting.
  • I love good beer! However, it doesn't fit into my routine unless I have extra calories or maybe here and there I'll have one/two. At the moment, I'm a big fan of Rogue Dead Guy Ale! However, Delirium Tremens, Three Philosophers, Stella Artois and I'm sure there are others are equally amazing. :)
    in BEER!! Comment by CrazyFly7 April 2012
  • I used to have this problem. Well, more feeling like I was dizzy than vomiting. I recommend eating a banana or having a yogurt about 30 minutes before you work out. This helped me tremendously. The only other thing I can think of is possibly after you work out hardcore, perhaps do a bit of a cool-down/stretch to let your…
  • I take a day or two to rest. But my rest days I'm still pretty active, you know around the house, doing chores, perhaps a light walk, that sort of thing. Your body does need rest to go 100% those 5-6 days. But the other thing is to listen to what your body is telling you, if you find that after 7-8-9-10 days in a row of…
  • I know how you feel. I hit a plateau before I went onto this website and I know that it can be so frustrating/discouraging and you just want to give up. But, I went onto this website received some support, fabulous advice, great tips and got myself excited again. I think that sometimes its the small things, look at your…
  • I'm 29. Will be 30 in September. How is everyone's journey on weight loss going?
  • You look fabulous girl! Keep up the great work. :)
  • Thanks for the tip! I will definitely check out the cooking light website. Awesome. :) Is Mac and Cheese one of your weaknesses too?
  • This website will help you a lot and individuals such as yourself find the support and the "cheerleaders" that they need. I think that everyone struggles with the nutrition and diet piece of it, I find that what helps me is checking out the "reports" that they have on the top it's interesting to check out to see what…
  • I'm in, schedule pending. But it sounds like it could be a fun opportunity! :) What are the details?
  • I feel that happens to all of us at one point or another in our journey. My best suggestion would be to mix up your workouts, so instead of Zumba, perhaps try a cycle class, or a boot camp instead or swim some laps in the pool. At least for me, If I do similar workouts my body gets bored and I don't work as hard. It sounds…