Emmidoodah Member


  • Hi ladies! I'm not quite at the running in the morning stage just yet. Gaining weight has made my knees a bit dodgy so I'd like to drop a few pounds and do some yoga to get started. I do work on the third floor so at least I get some exercise in the day. Admittedly I had the perfect opportunity to do some yoga tonight but…
    in hello Comment by Emmidoodah January 2016
  • I just don't like it when people comment about my weight, full stop. If people say , "Goodness you've lost weight!' A little voice in my head adds "...you were such a blimp before." There's just no pleasing me I suppose.
  • Hi, I'm Em and I'm 44. I' m a teacher living in Cardiff with my hubby and grown up daughter.
  • Hey! Stop being so damn hard on yourself! You have done so well and you have achieved so much more than many of us will. I have heard of this weight plateau thing before and it's something that most people go through. How about getting some advice from the staff at the gym? You may have put on a bit of muscle at the gym…
  • It just plain old pees me off that people thing they have the right to comment on my weight or food in any way. I even get quite narky when people say things like "oh you've lost weight you look so much better" , or " We always thought you had such a nice face"... I feel like saying " So you secretly thought I was…
  • I'm going to buy everyone else Easter eggs and I'm going order a lovely par of amber earrings I've had my eye on for ages to reward myself for being good!
  • Congratulations on reaching your goal! I've been trying to get more exercise but this last week has been awful, so I've just been putting on some music and having a good old dance for 10 minutes when I get in from work - always with the curtains closed though, don't want the neighbours thinking I've completely lost the…
  • Am trying to upload pic of Kizzy right now, still getting to grips with how to do stuff on this site! Aha!Success!
  • Had a parents' evening tonight, which went on a bit. Have missed walk and sunshine for today - booooo! Had a good calorie day though so still feeling upbeat. What dog do you have? Mine's a crossbreed of saluki and collie, called Kizzy, and she's adorably bonkers. Just realised I'm doing this a bit wrong. Am I supposed to…
  • There are lots of reasons not to beat yourself up about it: 1. You're human. 2. A dozen other things probably happened to that student before he got to you, and you were unlucky enough to get the fallout. 3. Kids are just plain unpredictable some days and sometimes just giving them a smile at the wrong time can set them…
  • Ha ha Ha! That's hilarious! Teacher outfit eh.....? Now let me think.....My outfit is always black skirt/trousers, because schools are such filthy/dusty places anything paler would be manky by break time; accompanied by tops which show no cleavage or hint of muffin top from aforementioned skirt/trousers and thereby avoid…
  • You're so right. I love hanging on to cozy jumpers (sweaters) and jeans for as long as possible. Mind you last year I discovered the joys of the printed maxi dress, wedges and denim jacket combo and felt quite glam for the first time in years. I really hope they're still in fashion this year. Don't you just hate it when a…
  • Wow! you are super organised! My grocery delivery isn't coming 'til tomorrow so I'll have to wait until then to try and start thinking ahead a bit. Luckily most of the supermarkets here do low cal everything so I was able to swing by on my way to work this morning and pick up calorie counted stuff. So I've had a good day.…
  • Hi! I'm located in Wales but we are all Celts in the places you mentioned. ( Just a point of interest, Google "Celtic toe" you may have it!!!) Your idea for prepping lunches is a good one indeed. Our school canteen is a total disaster area for dieters, mayonnaise seems to be a compulsory ingredient of children's lunches.…
  • Hi, I'm new. Isn't this site great? I'm a secondary school (11 to 18 years) teacher in the UK and since beginning my career 12 years ago ( and giving up smoking 10 years ago) have put on nearly 40 pounds. I love my job but the stress and limited personal time make it hard to concentrate on me, so I really need help to…
  • Hi, I'm new too. Isn't this site great? i have a target loss of 55 pounds and I'd dearly love to achieve a good portion of that before July as I'm off to the South of France for a family holiday. French women are mostly very slim so last time I went I got funny looks off people , which was not nice I can tell you. I live…