69margaux Member


  • Ok this makes sense. Yes, I would wake up hungry and eat a bowl of cereal! I did not count calories initially, I was eating whatever I wanted. I think I'll stick with that for now and just listen to my body for now! My sister is a body builder and I recall at one time early on she was stuck at a plateau and she went to a…
  • Not at all! It helps the body come back into shape and offers support which we need since the front is weak we over compensate with the back and we are lifting baby all day so that is a lot of work! I have a friend who birthed a week after me and she is a tiny little thing and she even has 3 different types of belly bands…
  • Interesting. I am approaching 2 months post partum. I gained 30 lbs. The initial 17 fell right off but the last 13 is scale is stuck. I had not been counting calories so I started this week so I can get this last bit back off and then some as my goal is to be at least 10 lbs less than pre-pregnancy. Setting goal to loose 1…
  • Greetings, I am 2 months post partum and I use the flexies corset from Macy's for under $30. I went from 40 inch waist to 29 so far. It is comfortable, as far as corsets go, and it is even a tad sexy. I like the support it gives as I had a c-section and I tend to over compensate now and use my back more so my back likes…
  • I'm experiencing similar. I am 26 weeks. I weigh only on Wednesdays. I went up 4.5 lbs today from last Wednesday. I did this previously but then went back down 3 the next and now back up 4. So I think some is water retention and depending on the amount of salt I eat...and like you I haven't cut out all my splurges. While I…
  • I like the idea of using photos to visually remind you of what you are striving for, much like a vision board. Focus on what you wish to experience is my motto!
  • I want to do it but I have put it on my husband's task list for now. I'm too busy nesting. LOL
  • I think you're right, with baby comes new perspective. I'm out Sept 25th thru mid November. Hubby says it is my decision if I want to quit my job! Scary decision. But I also don't know who I can trust to hand off a new born to. I need to start doing research on that and costs so I can make best decision. I think I get 8…
  • Don't focus on what you weigh NOW, give your energy to what you want to weigh. Can you change your screenname?
  • Highly recommend brand SALTER. Top is glass and any bowl you put on it you can zero out the weight and then just toss in what you want to weigh.
  • Hi there. I am a birkram girl and love to do hot yoga but you can do it at home. They have 26 postures and you do each twice. I also love Kate Potter from Namaste TV yoga. Highly recommend.
  • Allow your body to hibernate. It will pass by week 11-12!
  • Name: Margaux Hubby/Partner: Phillip How many kids do you have: This will be our first! Due Date: 30 Sept 2012 Do you know the gender: Not yet Have you picked out the baby's name: have a few selections but waiting to find out gender Where do you live: Dallas, Tx Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Elliptical 30 minutes…
  • of course we gain during the day and loose during the night..this is normal. But so you don't get discouraged or confused, get in the habit of only weighing first thing in the morning..same time and the same scales....
  • It is called a catabolic state--you need more calories. Check it out here: http://www.livestrong.com/article/307299-catabolic-weight-loss/