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  • Yes I had a similar experience (even now to some degree). I lost to my goal of 180 and then relaxed abit and in a short time gained back to almost 200. I put on the breaks and went back to basics. I'm now at 166 because I don't want to go over my weight. I'm eating more, but still nutritional and continuing to work out. I…
  • I was having a similar experience, and read some advice that has worked for me. I frequently change the speed I am running. For example I may start at 5mph and after a couple of minutes jump up to 7-8. I take it up every couple of minutes to say 10-11 (my personal max). Then I slow it down for a couple of minutes and start…
  • I agree with the other posters that you are not eating enough calories. You might need to "jump start" your metabolism. Eat a little more for a few days, while maintaining your exerscise, then drop it back down to a lower level (maybe more than what your eating now.) Also, change up your routine on your exersice. Make sure…
  • I'm enjoying it. Up to 72 as of 5 minutes ago. However, I'm not for sure how the continuous part works. There is a 60 to 90 second wait in between sets. I usually strech during this time. Today however the 60 seconds seemed to fly by as I was waiting to do my last set. I get it from the market place on my phone. I think…
  • Great Job! Thanks for taking the time to share your story.
  • Welcome. I've found this site very helpful and the message board is great. Everyone is so helpful here. Good luck with the exercise. Don't worry about the other folks at the gym, they are worrying about what you think about them :)
  • Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Thanks for the article, however I'm disappointed to find out I've misunderstood metabolism so badly. I've credited metabolism with my weight loss (65 lb since March 2010/ the last 10 of those since I joined myfitnesspal). As the article points out some of those items are helpful for other reasons, if not for metabolism. I…
  • Thanks for the good input. I do also just drink water, but I do like my Crystal Light with a meal.
  • I'm starting tonight. Thanks for pointing us to this site.
  • Welcome. I started in September and really have come to enjoy this site. There are a lot of helpful resources and people here. Good luck!
  • Well the first thing may seem kind of obvious, but go to bed a little eariler the night before. This seems simple, but it took me awhile to get it. One other little "trick" is I set my phone alarm for 10 min before I need to get up and then set it at the right time. The first bell is a "get ready to get up" alarm. Once you…
  • Well I bought the Brothers All Natural fruit crisps at Cosco today and I love them. They have a great tast and are low in sugar grams. Thanks so much for the info.
  • Wow! I'm really glad I asked. I didn't think I would get so many good answers. I'm going to check all of these out. Thanks.
  • A couple of things that I eat which are high in protein is Kroger Carbmaster yogart. Only 80 cal with 12 grams of protein. Also for breakfast (not a snack but it could be) is Kellogg's - Special K - Protein Plus. Only 100 cal with 10 grams of protein.
  • It may not work, but try coffee (for the caffeine) and crystal light for the taste (they have multiple flavors)
  • I can only tell you what has been working for me. I believe that the one thing that has help me consistanly loss weight and keep it off is working my metabolism. Do a google search on "How to Increase Metabolism".There's a lot of good advise out there. Changing our eatting habits, i.e. the frequecy and amounts. I eat about…
  • I've been in a similar situation. We eat out two or three times on the weekend with friends. Here are a couple of suggestions. If possible know where you are going ahead of time and look up the nutritional menus on the Internet. It's helpful to find low calories items on the Internet menu, before going to the restaurant.…
  • This is a lot of good advice. Thanks to all for the input. I spent about 90 minutes at the gym today. Walking 4.mph and weights with some leg exercises. Hopefully I'll have some positive progress to report.