What's the best way to reduce chest fat

I just started at a local gym. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can firm up my chest? I'm doing good on my diet (lost 50lbs so far...I just started myfitness.pal so I started my stats with Sept).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



  • Stryke
    do plenty of upper body workouts like chest fly's, bench press (upper and lower) stuff like that
  • jenniferscheller
    jenniferscheller Posts: 48 Member
    military press .
  • alpha2omega
    alpha2omega Posts: 229 Member
    This of course differs for every person but for me I gain fat around my chest and abdomen first so that means I lose it around that area last. I have about another 15 pounds to lose but it happens to be mostly in my upper body. Again this will change with each person so hopefully you gain fat in your chest area last so it will be the first body fat to go. One last thing. You should definitely lift weights for your upper body but that alone will not burn the fat off. Diet and cardio are key to burning off the fat so you can see the muscle you have developed by lifting weights. Best of luck!
  • jameskirkbride
    YOU CAN'T SPOT REMOVE FAT!!! as you lose weight your body will decide where the fat goes from, however toning up with weights won't do any harm. You have to realise though all the bench pressing in the world will not make your chest leaner, soo I would suggest stick with the diet (well done) & increse cardio as this will burn calories, & this next part sounds rediculous, but if you want to get lean it is best to do Legs work outs like squats & deadlifts ... this is because the legs are the biggest muscles in the body & need more calories under stress, so you wall actually burn more calories doing leg work than chest work.

    general rule of thumb, fat will dissapear from the body something like this
    1. Face
    2. Upper arms & Shoulders
    3. legs
    4. Chest
    5. Belly & waist

    Basically, first fat store gained, last to be used by the body.
    checkout www.scoobysworkshop.com he goes into all of this & has some good workout routines
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    makes sense...
  • jameskirkbride
    I should also point out you need to eat less fat as your body will use 'new' fat first, so as a man my body needs 70 - 100 g of fats per day to function, if I eat all this fat in my diet, I will not cut fat,

    if you want to get lean you need to eat high protein food ... I guess this is telling granny how to suck eggs??

    cut your fat intake to 10% of your overall calories consumed and you will notice you start to get lean quicker ... remember 1g of fat is twice as many cals as 1g of protein or carbs
  • Banner1375
    Banner1375 Posts: 25 Member
    This is a lot of good advice. Thanks to all for the input. I spent about 90 minutes at the gym today. Walking 4.mph and weights with some leg exercises. Hopefully I'll have some positive progress to report.