GrooveVandal Member


  • London originally but now Essex :smiley:
  • 12lb to go and struggling so anyone feel free to add me also! ;) ;)
  • I'm there for the day on September 1st! Not quite the same thing but as nobody else has replied yet, I thought I would :op
  • Haha i'm another one who is unsure where I live. East Midlands, East Anglia, South East.....i'm in Essex so you decide! :o)
  • Will send you a friend request also. Anyone else feel free to add me :o)
  • I usually plan a day in advance and very rarely change what i've planned. I have enough food in this house to sink the titanic all over again but because my mind is so in the zone for weight loss, it's not causing me a problem. :o)
    in Meals Comment by GrooveVandal May 2012
  • Hiya cuz, glad you decided to join us. You won't need any help from me with all these friend requests (lol) but give me a shout if theres anything you're not sure about. If i can't answer it, then theres a thread here somewhere that can! :o) Love ya xxx
  • Hi Mark and well done for taking the first steps to a healthier you. It won't always be easy but it seems like you have the right frame of mind for it and lots of positivity. If you need any motivation on here, feel free to add me. Im sure plenty of others will tell you that too. :o)
  • I love tattoos on men or women and have a few discreet ones myself. A full sleeve isn't something I would ever do but good on anyone, male or female if they do. I find it quite phwoar on men :o)
  • LOL this post tickled me! After studying my facebook friends list, im one of only 2 overweight friends! Damn, i suddenly prefer this site to facebook too! :o)
  • Some great replies there, thanks guys! I agree with what someone said in that if you dont eat breakfast, it can lead to making bad choices. Thats kind of how i got here in the first place. I used to eat when i was hungry but i tend to go from 0 to starving just like that! So i ate fast easy food which turned out to be…
  • Thank you, will give them a good read tomorrow. I'm in dire need of some sleep now. Thanks for your help :o)
  • Hi zyxst Yes, it really is frustrating. I clicked that earlier link, managed to work it all out and then it started waffling on about other stuff and i completely lost track. That link says why you should NOT eat below your BMR.....but according to my personal recommendations on mfp, it's suggesting i eat around 355…
  • Hiya, and thank you for that link. Will have a read in a minute. No, it was definitely the BMR, not even sure what the TDEE is? Never heard that one. They all apparently gave the BMR based on if i spend 24 hours in bed. All this stuff really confuses me. :o(
  • Ok, i've found that now, thank you and filled in todays food in the diary. I was under my calories, fat, saturated fat, carbs etc but got a -20 on my protein. I have no idea what part protein plays in this so dont know if that's the problem? Most of that overdose came from the chicken! Hmmm
  • It's a bit hard to judge that because you have to count the calories per portion and then the saturated fat. That then tells you how many points you have eaten. Lets take todays food so far, i've consumed 12 glasses of water, 2 weetabix with 200ml skimmed milk, 6 crispbread with turkey ham, cream cheese (extra light) and…
  • Thank you all so much for your replies. I can honestly say that I weigh and calculate every last morsel that goes into my mouth! I'm very regimented with this diet. I eat tons of fresh food like salads, vegetables and some fruit. I love all that food. I also eat a nice amount of chicken and fish. I'm not a great lover of…
  • Well yes, I think the ww plan is successful. I'm meant to eat 26 points per day and always try to eat that many so as not to go into starvation mode! I've used this plan a few times and always had great weight loss without exercising or drinking water. Seems the more i do right, the less successful i am at losing weight.…
  • Thank you I am actually really enjoying the gym. I walk there as well which is a 15 minute uphill walk so im nicely warmed up ready to use the machines. I've been trying to spend at least 15 mins each on at least 3 machines and then some time in the weights section. It wears me out, i sleep well and i ache the following…
  • Hello Gayle, this post could have been written by me! I'm exactly the same. I ended up doing really well and then quit smoking and gained 70lbs. So im now back on track to shift that weight and try to live the rest of my life healthily. Good luck on your journey and i'm here also if you need support. :)