


  • GrooveVandal
    GrooveVandal Posts: 25 Member
    Some great replies there, thanks guys!

    I agree with what someone said in that if you dont eat breakfast, it can lead to making bad choices. Thats kind of how i got here in the first place. I used to eat when i was hungry but i tend to go from 0 to starving just like that! So i ate fast easy food which turned out to be fattening and everything i should avoid. I somehow managed to pack about 3500 calories into two meals a day and some junk snacks.
    Now im trying to do it right so i have fitted breakfast in! I just cant do that eating thing first thing. I can manage within an hour tho so its good to see so many of you say within an hour is fine.

    And no, i didn't see the button that says search, nor did i see the same topic. Apologies for being new here and still trying to find my way round!
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I eat breakfast when I get into work, 2-3 hours after I get up depending on whether I exercise. Can't say that it's caused me any problems :smile:
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    I get up, have a piece of fruit pre gym/run (6am) and some water, post gym protein and porridge (8am) to keep of the hunger.

    i'm at my worst if im let myself get hungry, boom i'm in the biscuit tin!!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I like to relax with a 2 cup mug of hot water first, and right now, a nice navel orange. After reading the paper, I prepare a breakfast of old fashioned rolled oats eaten with 100 g of Greek yogurt. When I don't have an orange, I add 1/2 cup of wild blueberries to the porridge.

    I always used to skip breakfast, but my stomach would be growling at 11 am. Now this breakfast keeps the hungries at bay and I am more able to control what I eat for the rest of the day.

    I vary this twice a week because I go swimming at 7 am. On those days, I'll have the orange, and eat the oatmeal when I get home. That way I don't exercise on a full stomach.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I read somewhere where it said it was vital to eat within the first half an hour of getting up for metabolism reasons...and that goes with drinking two glasses of water to get your organs going..
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member

    I swear this exact topic was posted just yesterday. Has anyone seen that button up the top that says "search"?

    Thanks for posting this. I got flamed the other day for telling someone to skip breakfast and save some calories for nighttime because she was hungry at night.

    For the thousandth time people, meal timing and frequency have nothing to do with fat loss. I have lost about 140 pounds and never ate breakfast consistently. Actually, my biggest meal is usually before bed. Love to go to sleep satisfied.

    Eat when you are hungry as long as you are in your calorie/macro goal for the day. /thread
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm up at 6 and very busy, drop the kids at school and workout, then eventually get to eating breakfast around 8:30 or 9. I do have coffee at 6 though.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I eat breakfast when I get to work, saves me time at home, keeps me from getting up earlier to factor it in. So usually about 2 hours after I get up. That's when I start to feel hungry too. I can't say that skipping breakfast makes me make poor food decisions later in the day, but I have noticed that when I don't eat something healthy (like there for a while I was on a waffle kick) I crave really bad foods all day. They just bombard me horribly. But if I eat something better for me, I might be hungry sooner (for some reason complex carbs which digest slower make me hungry faster than simple carbs) but I don't have crazy cravings all day.
  • marticapitt
    marticapitt Posts: 27 Member
    I have read that you should eat within the first hour and the sooner the better. Mostly because your body has had nothing for 6-12 hours and so it needs fuel. Try having a little something at least until your more awake. I work out first thing because my doctor says I will burn more calories and more efficiently if I work out on an empty stomach - which tosses out the above info lol! But as soon as I shower I eat - usually oatmeal with Torani syrup (brown sugar and cinnamon - 0 calories and oatmeal 150). Days I don't work out it's usually a hard cooked egg (70) and and some low sodium V-8 (25!). Then a snack like berries, natural applesauce or something around 50 cal. about 10am. It works for to experiment to see what works for you.
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member

    I swear this exact topic was posted just yesterday. Has anyone seen that button up the top that says "search"?

    Very interesting article...thanks for sharing :smile:
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    I have read that you should eat within the first hour and the sooner the better. Mostly because your body has had nothing for 6-12 hours and so it needs fuel. Try having a little something at least until your more awake. I work out first thing because my doctor says I will burn more calories and more efficiently if I work out on an empty stomach - which tosses out the above info lol! But as soon as I shower I eat - usually oatmeal with Torani syrup (brown sugar and cinnamon - 0 calories and oatmeal 150). Days I don't work out it's usually a harc cooked egg (70) and and some low sodium V-8 (25!). Then a snack like berries, natural applesauce or something around 50 cal. about 10am. It works for to experiment to see what works for you.

    Most people on this site have more than enough bodyfat on them to sustain an extended fasting time. You do not need to "fuel" your body when you get up.