
Ok, after a disastrous start to my diet following the weight watchers plan, I decided to use this site and my diary and eat the amount of calories recommended on here instead. One thing that confuses me most is the BMR. This site says my BMR is 1775. Lovely! It tells me to eat 1420 calories a problem! However....i just looked around online to get a fuller understanding of what the BMR is and how it's calculated and so far, i've visited 3 sites, and got 3 different calculations. Apparently all using the same method. One says 1821.2, another says 1399....and as already stated, this site says 1775. How exactly do i measure my BMR? And should i eat below this amount to lose weight? If i do 1 hour of exercise a day in the gym, 6 days a week, do i HAVE to increase my daily calories or stick with the 1420 that this site recommends? I think i know now why i stuck to WW diets for so long....they're just so simple to follow! Shame it stopped working for me! :o(
Thanks in advance for any help with this


  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Not sure why they are so different - are you sure you mean BMR and not TDEE.

    if you mean TDEE I can understand why MFP would be lower as it does not include exercise.

    Try this - but put your goal weight as your current weight to know your curent TDEE.
  • GrooveVandal
    GrooveVandal Posts: 25 Member
    Hiya, and thank you for that link. Will have a read in a minute.

    No, it was definitely the BMR, not even sure what the TDEE is? Never heard that one. They all apparently gave the BMR based on if i spend 24 hours in bed. All this stuff really confuses me. :o(
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I get different BMRs all the time. Some include exercise, MFP doesn't. It's really frustrating to have different solutions using the same equation.

    TDEE - total daily energy expenditure, or everything you do in a day (exercise, watching tv, sleeping, etc.).
  • GrooveVandal
    GrooveVandal Posts: 25 Member
    Hi zyxst
    Yes, it really is frustrating. I clicked that earlier link, managed to work it all out and then it started waffling on about other stuff and i completely lost track. That link says why you should NOT eat below your BMR.....but according to my personal recommendations on mfp, it's suggesting i eat around 355 calories less than my BMR.

    I guess what i really need to know is if i stick to the calories that MFP has set me, and then burn some down the it recommended that i make up those calories or should i just leave them burned? Everyone seems to say don't drop below 1200 calories a day so i was hoping to eat the 1420, and burn 220. I dont want my metabolism to stop tho if im not eating enough. Thats where i cant seem to find a clear answer! Argh :o/
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hi zyxst
    Yes, it really is frustrating. I clicked that earlier link, managed to work it all out and then it started waffling on about other stuff and i completely lost track. That link says why you should NOT eat below your BMR.....but according to my personal recommendations on mfp, it's suggesting i eat around 355 calories less than my BMR.

    I guess what i really need to know is if i stick to the calories that MFP has set me, and then burn some down the it recommended that i make up those calories or should i just leave them burned? Everyone seems to say don't drop below 1200 calories a day so i was hoping to eat the 1420, and burn 220. I dont want my metabolism to stop tho if im not eating enough. Thats where i cant seem to find a clear answer! Argh :o/

    Yes - if you are following MFP's calorie goals you should eat them.

    If you are new to this, I suggest reading the stickied threads at the top of this forum (the ones with a stickpin) as they are very informative.
  • GrooveVandal
    GrooveVandal Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you, will give them a good read tomorrow. I'm in dire need of some sleep now. Thanks for your help :o)